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Entangled With The Ruthless Billionaire

Entangled With The Ruthless Billionaire

Autor: Ninmo

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Entangled With The Ruthless Billionaire PDF Free Download


Irene Tanner was forcefully married by a ruthless billionaire, Leonardo Clinton only because his bride didn't show up on their wedding day. Instead of Leo accepting his fate, he forcefully picks a wife from the audience. He felt resentment towards Irene. He later spends the night with a mysterious woman he does his best to find her little did he know that the lady was Irene Tanner.
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Chapter 1

"Hey, you.. you are coming with me". Leonardo said as he pointed at a young lady holding on

to her slippers to her chest.

"Me?". She said surprisingly as her eyes wildly opened.

"Yes you, get over here now". He uttered those words with authority but everyone could notice the intoxication in his voice.

"Oh son, what are you doing?" Madam Roseline asked as she stared, perplexed.

"Ain't I talking to a human ?" He yelled.

Everyone indeed felt pity for him, yes, but what was he doing they all thought within themselves. The young lady took a step back and tried to run.

"Get her !" Leo shouted and two of his bodyguards ran to catch her. They soon catch her and push her to the floor, Leo walks over to her and grabs her firmly.

"Ouch, you are hurting me". She said with a tender voice trying to release his grip but he was just too strong.

"Here she is''. He pushes her to the altar and they both face the priest.

"What?". She said in shock, still trying to digest what was happening around her.

"Son, you can't just choose a random bride". Said, Madam Roseline.

"And who said I can't?" He asked and nobody dared to answer.

He looked at Irene who was standing beside him.

Without hesitation the priest asks "Do you.." he says looking at the young lady who is still holding onto her slippers firmly to her chest, waiting for her to say her name but she's quiet and trembling in fear as she stands at the altar.

"Drop your slippers". Leonardo says in a cold voice as he looks at her with wide eyes and faces the priest

"Hmmm". She responded and dropped the slippers.

"Do you..?" The priest repeats.

"Irene Tanner". She says immediately like she just remembered her name after trying to think for hours.

"Do you Irene Tanner take Mr. Leonardo Clinton to be your lawfully wedded husband in rich and poor, in sickness and in health, till death?".

"Yes, I do ". She answers with a trembling voice.

"Did you Master Leonardo Clinton take Irene Tanner to be your lawfully wedded wife …?"

"Yes, I do". Leonardo responded.

The whole church went silent.

"He can't be serious".Helen says, still trying to bring out more words from her mouth. Everyone knew what was happening but couldn't object to it. Irene looks around and realizes everyone is looking at her, Irene bends, carries her slippers, and runs out of the church at great speed.

"Catch her". One of Leo's bodyguards says loudly they were about to go for her when Leo signals them to stop and they obey immediately.

Leo leaves the altar and walks off to the side where his mother was standing, carries a glass of wine from the table, and takes a sip from it.

There was about a minute of solid confusion in the church. Leo had invited a lot of influential people from all over the country.

A wedding was meant to be held but there wasn't a bride in sight.

Leo's lover broke his heart and ran away, every member of Clinton's family knew that Leo couldn't treat or maintain a woman, he would always talk rashly to them and give them no respect, and he sees them all as sluts.

But Luciana had tried putting up with his attitude for three years and later got tired of him because she never loved him when she also found out that she couldn't have assess to any of Leo's properties, not even a pinch of it she decided to elope with his nephew Marcus, Marcus was younger and also rich so she decided to take her chances with him.

Leonardo couldn't afford to shame himself on his wedding day even though Luciana refused to show up after dropping a letter outside the door of his mansion stating that she had eloped with his nephew and can't be with him, it happened four hours before the wedding, instead of Leo calling it off and accepting defeat he refuses to, and picks a bride in the church.

Leo pours another wine into his glass and Madam Roseline collects it from him.

"Wedding is over". Leonardo said loudly, as he walked out of the church and zoomed off in a black Mercedes Benz.

Leonardo had been drinking after he received the heartbroken letter and is now driving himself, Madam Roseline couldn't help but worry since she couldn't stop her son from doing what he wanted.

Maybe things wouldn't have turned out like this, she thought.

If she hadn't abandoned her son for years and come back after he had grown up if she hadn't left him with his grandfather who was never nice to him. She travelled abroad because she couldn't bear the shame of giving birth at an early age,

She thought she would find a man that would love her and give her attention.

Society mostly ridicules and maltreats single mothers so she travelled abroad two years after giving birth to Leonardo, she followed a lot of men and did a lot of things she wasn't proud of and her son found out That's the reason for his coldness towards women so she wouldn't blame him but blame herself instead.


Almost everyone had videos of the event that took place last night and posted it, it became the topic of discussion in Aryedalle the next morning, it was posted with hashtags like Leonardo Clinton marries a nobody, a marriage went wrong, and with comments like he looks drunk to me, noo not my Leonardo.., he just can't marry anybody….

Leonardo is a well-known businessman in the whole of Britain, he has some outstanding features, he's good-looking and also in his early thirties, he's so influential and respected by all, Leo is a strict and disciplined man with the gaze of death, his gaze alone could send his enemies to the grave.

Grandpa never went easy on him even for a day he trained Leo to be like him and not forgive betrayals and Luciana had just marked herself as one.


In the car phone rings, Leo picked and a voice came through

"Sir we already checked and found out that Miss Luciana had been meeting up with your nephew in secret sir, in hotels, restaurants, and other places sir, it looks like they are lovers and have had it going on for more than eight years now, we got to find out from one of her friends the girl said Lucy and your nephew had planned on killing you and taking your property sir and she has proved.

One of her call conversations with Lucy was recorded and Lucy was stating her ambitions to her friend. "

"Send the recording to me now". Leo ordered.

"Yes sir, what should I do with her friend ?".

"You can either have her or kill her". Leo said in a cold voice through the phone and hung up.

He never thought a day like this would ever come, him being shamed in public. Leo couldn't help but think out loud. " If they have been dating for eight years it only means that she had no feelings for me but why did she flee?".