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The Stripper's Insemination

The Stripper's Insemination

Autor: Maria Naa



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Lucas is a multi billionaire and arrogant, his friend Dante is a lab technique in a big hospital. Dante one day convince Lucas to donate his sperm for an experiments in his lab. Lucas agreed to give Dante his sperm but on one condition, that his sperm is not to be sold out. Dante promise him, he is not going to sell it. But a bigger mistake happen were Lucas sperm was mistakenly sold out to a club stripper called Elle. Did Elle used the sperm or not. Find out when you read The Stripper's Insemination.
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Chapter 1

This story is not edited yet. Sorry for any spelling mistakes and Grammar mistakes.

          Luca's P.O.V

What do you need my sperm for Dante?

Man you already know, i need it for an experiment in my lab.

But why my sperm? Can't you used yours.

Have use mine already that's why I'm asking for yours.

"Okay i will think about it", but right now let us enjoy ourselves. We are at the club enjoying ourselves with some of our friends. "Dante check out that lady on the dance floor", i said.

"Wow! she look hot he said".

I think i got my catch for the tonight, i stood up and walked over to her. "Hi! i said.


"You are a good dancer".

"Thanks handsome".

Do you mine if i join you.

"I don't mine handsome".

"I joined her on the dance floor, then she started dancing swaying her hips in front of me. I slowly whisper to her ears, "can we take it somewhere nice".

She nod her head yes, i signal Dante I'm going home.

I woke up the follow morning having headache, God i had so much drink yesterday. Then i heard a knock on the door, i turned right but were is the lady i brought home yesterday.

I heard the knock again, " Yes come in".

Sorry Lucas but it already 10:30am and you are still in bed, i was wondering if everything is alright.

Eva is my nanny since birth, she is also my second mother. She is the chef in cooking my food, and she takes care of everything in my home.

People thought she is my maid, but to me she is my mother. "Oh Eva you worry too much i stood up from my bed. Having only my boxers on, she quickly cover her face.

" God! Lucas! put on something descent she said".

I laugh at her behavior and walk towards her pulling her hands off her face. Why are you covering your face Eva, you have see me since i was a baby.

You have grown up now she said. Your breakfast is cold now let me go and heat it up for you okay.

Wait Eva, were is the lady i brought home yesterday.

"Oh that, she left this morning.

"What!! but i did not pay her.

She took some money from me Eva said.

Thanks Eva, I kiss her two cheeks.

But son when are you going to settled down and have children, i want to see your children before i die huh.

I promise your mother i will convince you to get married before her next visit she said.

You worry too much Eva.

But son i want to see my grandchildren, I'm not getting younger anymore.

She then hold my face in her hand.

Son you are 24 years old now, you are no more a kid. You have your own company at this young age, you also have lots of hotels and casino's all over the world.

I mean you are one of the billionaire in this world, so what do you want again my dear. All you need is a strong woman who will help you built your future even more than what you have now.

Lucas, bringing ladies here every night will not better your life, a word to a wise is enough son, she kiss my two cheeks smiling.

Thanks very much Eva, i will think about it.

You welcome son, she said and left my room.

I'm a billionaire, i have everything at my disposer. I have a lot to spend till my next next generation to come, i know i need to settle down. But all the ladies want my money only.

I know a times I'm rude and arrogant, but i need to enjoy life before i settled down. I was about to take my shower, when Dante text me it reads "Man have you consider my proposal" i text him back "come to the office this afternoon. I rushed to the bathroom.


                     ELLE  P.O.V

" Elle! Yes, what is the matter Jessica.

I need your help.

On what Jess.

I need you to take my placed tonight.

For what, if i may asked.

I had a call that my Mom is not feeling well.

"Oh I'm sorry, ok you don't worry, go fast i told her.

Elle you are a life saver she said.

It okay Jessica what are friends for she said bye and left, you maybe wondering what kind of work we are talking about. I'm Elle Dickson, 22 years old. It all started when my parents die in a car accident.

And left me a huge sum of money and some property they owned in Spain. They die 2 years ago and leave me in the care of my uncle, one night when his wife was not in the house.

He came to my room and force me to hard sex with me, i told his wife the following day when she came back from work.  But she did not believed me and she beat the hell out of me saying I'm trying to accuse his husband for false a ligation.

So when my uncle came back, she told him everything. She and my uncle came to my room when i was sleeping, it was late in the night. "What did you tell your aunt huh? That i forced myself on you, is that how you are paying me back.

For all that i did for you, you are ungrateful girl he dragged me out of the house. It is were you belong Elle.

"No! uncle this house belongs to me, you can't throw me out.

Then watched me he said.

He push me down to the street with my old belongings leaving my expensive ones.

Sorry to tell you dear, all your property is now in my name.

"What!! you can't do that uncle, tears were following from my eyes. How can he do this to me.

Get out from here Elle, i don't want to see you again.

I will go uncle, but please is late right now let me spend the night here, then tomorrow morning i will move all my things.

What things Elle?

I mean my belonging uncle.

You own nothing here, Bella and Janet are now the owners.

So they sold my property and gave it to their daughters. Out before i beat you up, i left the house only in my PJ .

I walked across the street, i was the only one walking on the street.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes