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Lost And Found By Her Alpha

Lost And Found By Her Alpha

Autor: 4u2nv

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Lost And Found By Her Alpha PDF Free Download


Somewhere over the rainbow, a lost girl on a journey of discovery. Finding out she is a werewolf at the age of sixteen and getting kicked out of her foster home in the same 24 hours set her on a path that not even her own imagination could develop. Travelling from town to town, she discovers that she's not only a wolf but also a witch, and her father is some badass Alpha Wolf. After coming across a woman in the wood giving birth to a blooding and twin sister who is now under her protection and care, the boom God as other plans. The day Nina, a 12-year-old runaway, walked into her place of work, they have been inseparable, and now she has another mouth to feed on a budget. Then there's the pack of wolves who wants one of her pups. Life isn't supposed to be this exciting. Can she overcome her own insecurities and take on the world of wolves and three children and a mate? 5 years ago, Xander found a pool of blood and a makeshift grave, and he was certain that his mate had died, so for the past 5 years, he has been in mourning until her scent slams into him as she drove away in a pick-up truck with children. How is that possible. Something about his mate was different, and he couldn't put his paw on it. Good thing she is going in the same direction as he was. First, she was dead, and now she not, and it looks like he's going to have to go to war if he wants to keep her close to him. Can he learn to love the children of his mate?
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Chapter 1

Star. POV

 My name is Star. That's it, just Star, no last name, no parents either, I'm a Jane Doe, so to speak,  and boy do I have a wild tale for you.  So first, some background. My mother was half-witch, half Wolf, let's call her what she was, Amazeballs, and beautiful because I look like her from the one photo I have of her and, I am drop-dead gorgeous, and if you don’t think so, you can suck on a baboon's ass. 

Yeah, amazing, right. Who would've thought witches and werewolves were real? I mean, come on, you can’t make this stuff up.  Anyway, apparently on one of my mother's many rebellious phases, she met a  man, and they had a wild ride for a while. Unfortunately, this man was promised to another, go figure. He wasn’t supposed to fall in love with anyone either, but he did. Something about a soul mate, I circle back around to that in a moment. They met by chance, and apparently, they meant for each other, some magical destiny crap I don’t know. I wasn’t really paying that much attention when the guy was telling me. What can I say? I have a short attention span so sue me. They fell for each other hard, and in the one night of passion, BOOM goes the dynamite.  They met in a local pub one night and Bob's your uncle. I think that's when I must have been conceived; I don't know. I'm still fuzzy on some of the details. Unfortunately for me, she died during childbirth, so I never got to know her or him. Like I said, one-night stand, what can you do. I was put into the system, and Badda bing badda bomb. You can guess how that turned out. Growing up, I had no idea about my heritage so imagine my surprise when I walked into an old Inn Pub looking for a job, and the owner showed me a picture of my mother with my father. How did I know this because I look exactly like her, we could be twin, other than my two different colour eyes which I got from my father? Also, the bar owner told me the story of how I came to be. Also, I was in a shifter bar, and I'm just that lucky, I guess.  My dad is this big-league Alpha wolf shifter from up north, and here I am down south. 

Foster care wasn’t a picnic, let me tell you, but I made it work. I also knew something different about myself but never knew exactly what, not like I ever grew up with my kind. I was always a good swimmer; I wasn't just good; I was Olympic good; I was GRRREAT, and none could freestyle dive like me. I wonder if I'm part mermaid because they exist too. Imagine my surprise. I swear sometimes I could feel the earth talk to me. Sigh.  But the day I turned sixteen and a strange voice turned up in my head, I thought I was going insane. That Freaked me the fuck out on another level.  Then the night of the first full moon after my sixteenth Bam, I wolfed out. Holy freaking shitballs. I freaked the heck out of not only myself but the foster family I was living with, who thought I snuck out the house leaving the door open letting a wolf in the house. So they kicked me out. The fact that we lived in the city didn’t cross their minds. I loved going down to the beach and swimming far beyond the point, and now I'm known by all coast guards, fun times. So to sum it up, I'm a part werewolf and part witch. What the ever-loving goldfish. This can't be real. I can’t be some freaky hybrid wolf witch combo, dangit. I can’t catch a break. First, I'm an orphan, and then I start hearing voices, then I get turned into a wolf. Now I'm a witch. What kind of sick game are these gods playing at. Oh, and because I have no pact. I'm a rogue, and I have a bunch of witches trying to stake their claim on my powers, but I'll get to that. I’m trying to find out more about my parents and hopefully a father who may or may not know of my existence. With so many questions my I feel like I should be locked up somewhere, you know, nice bright white wall, fully padded and curled up in a corner because this is fucking insane. The pressure. Sigh!

So here I am. Trekking through these woods is no picnic. 

“You're telling me”, That's Serenity, my wolf she's a little bitchy”

 Now and then, I have to stop in the nearest town to find a diner or a bar job to make some food. I am not much for hunting. My wolf, on the other hand, loves it. It always turns my stomach when I let her out, and I wake up covered in guts and blood, just thinking of it makes me want to upchuck. I know what you're thinking, why don’t just drive, well first I don’t know how to and before you ask about buses and planes, ever since my sixteenth birthday I loved living in the wild, living off the land and taking a shower in nature is the best feeling ever. So I travel by two foot and by night, my wolf takes me the rest of the way. I may have gotten off track a few times on my journey.  

Yes. Bathing time.  Taking off my dirty clothes, reminding myself that I need to stop at the next town and find a laundrette. I place them on top of my bag pack, lower myself down into the water, and sing to myself. I cleaned myself and then relaxed on a large rock boulder-like I'm a river mermaid, ‘I wonder if those are really like how werewolves are real. Abruptly I sat straight up, keeping my breath as still as possible. Sometimes my mind likes to run wild, but I could swear I heard a noise. Scanning my surroundings to see what's out there, I've already had several run-ins with a so-called wolf and their dick-swinging. I'm a man. Get off my land crap, grrrr. Apparently, being a witch made my scent neutral because they all ask the same question like I'm supposed to know. “What pact are you from? Who's your Alpha?  Blah blah!” The noise again sounded like a twig breaking. I jumped up and got my clothes on quick ready to climb a tree to avoid any confrontation. I really can’t deal with that kind of drama. I want to shift and go for my run and rest. There it is again. I heard it, a howl in the distance. It sounds like it is in pain. Maybe someone in trouble got caught up in a trap. Jumping down from my hiding spot, I darted through the trees, moving through the woods faster than a normal wolf should. I heard another sound that scared me out of my body when I realized it was just an owl that was whooting, so I kept going. Freaking feathered bitch. Moving quickly, trying to keep my scent downwind, I heard something dash through the bushes. The strong smell of iron floated on the wind, dammit, blood. Finally, I come across what disturbs my evening—a she-wolf laying on the earth giving... birth. Oh my god, she’s giving birth. I run over to try and help, but she growls at me. I’m here to help. Just lay back; I grab a rock and hand it to her. 

“Squeeze this when the pain starts.  Slowly I approach. I’m Star, you can trust me, and I’m here to help, OK.  She nodded her head and let out a guttural growl. Yeah, that looks painful. She was beautiful, minus all the sweat and tears. Her honey-coloured skin tone looked like the sun-kissed her skin leaving her cocoa butter scent pronounced. Ok, I’m going to take a look. As I lifted her dress, she screamed, and I saw the baby. Out it came, all bloody and gross. I nearly threw up, scratch that I threw up in my mouth. Taking my hoody off and wrapping the baby up as it cries as it takes its first breath. What happened next? Let's say a heart attack at that moment would have been appropriate. It was like a scene from the movie Aliens but a vag. Just the memory makes me shudder. There is a claw coming out of her whoa.  She screamed so loud it rattled the earth beneath us. A tiny wolf emerged, shocked and daze are some of the words, to sum up how I was feeling. I couldn’t move, her breathing became shallow, and I could tell that was it for her. I brought the baby over to hold as weak as she was; she begged me to care for her pups. Tears fell freely.  I picked up the pup, who was taking clips of air into its lungs. Bringing the young pup to her, she looked at him and called him Asher, then she closed her eyes and never opened them again. She bleed out, right there on the ground, soaking the earth turning it crimson. I was shocked beyond emotion and lost for all words. The baby cried out, and I picked both up, rocking the best way I could. How am I supposed to care for them when I can barely take care of myself? I’m a selfish brat at the best of times. 

‘It's ok. It's going to be ok, little one. I got you”. Serenity was awestruck, and she did something I wasn’t sure what she did. It was weird; I can’t even describe it. But she marked them as hers. She is freaky weird sometimes.

I wasn’t sure about the protocol of what to do with a dead wolf. I didn’t want to leave her out here in the open for anything or anyone to find, so I buried her by the river that I took a bath beside and covered her with rocks. One day I would tell her pups about her. And bring them back to the area to visit. I wish I had somewhere I could visit my mom, now that I know her name. Star Jenkins. The thought of my mother made me realise that I need to be what she would have been to me if she made it. I can be that. I will be what they need. Yes, my very own little family. I promise I will be the very best mom you guys know. I will never let anyone hurt you, I promise. Serenity growled her approval. ‘Their, Mines, Ours.’ she growled.