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Jana-  A Prince's Tale

Jana- A Prince's Tale

Autor: Sorce

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Jana- A Prince's Tale PDF Free Download


Book 3 : Werewolf Series - Sequel to Iker's Man and Loving Ethan Jana De Russe Alwar was the most powerful Alpha Warrior in Manovar. The current King also listened to his older brother in all matters. His ruthlessness outweighs that if his parents' when it comes to enemies. A reckless personal life had ended up making him a single father and the tragedy that resulted in it left him a different person than the carefree warrior he was. Jana meant power and fear to the foes. Magnus Mantini is the deadliest man alive on earth. Wherever he went, destruction followed. Alpha of the Northern lands, the land got a new life when Magnus took over. The oldest of four brothers, Magnus was known for being cold blooded man that he was. He is also known for giving asylum to Rogues. This made the King twitch and once the Northern pack's hunter's crossed the royal territory , King saw it fit to imprison them and take them to Manovar. Will Manovar survive the Alpha's arrival?
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Chapter 1

Jana woke up when he felt panic strike him. He opened his eyes and looked around and saw the cot. It had his two and half-year-old in it. Jana smiled as he lifted his son up who started whining. 

"Le go," he mumbled unintelligibly and squirmed his way down and toddled to the door. He then proceeded to the room next and Jana groaned. There was no getting him back now.

Kanwar opened his door and saw his nephew and lifted him up.

"Is your dad being mean again?" asked Kanwar.

"Kanwar, What are you teaching him?" asked Jana swatting his brother's head and getting little Arth from him. All his brothers spoiled him rotten.

Kanwar looked at Jana.

"There is a meeting with the 16 clans today. I just got a request," said Kanwar giving the letter to Jana who took it and sighed seeing Jeev take Arth in his arms. Jeev was more responsible.

"I will feed him. You see what it is," said Jeev, having noticed the document in Jana's hand.

Once they left, Jana looked at Kanwar and touched his cheek. There were black marks forming there.

"Is it your wolf?" asked Jana.

Kanwar nodded.

"Maybe you should talk to Eka," said Jana.

"Well, it was him who banished me from Myrkovir taking my right away to even visit my uncles and little cousin. Not the other way around. And it's not me who has refused to see my face in the past fifteen years," said Kanwar, his voice going harsh as he said it and then he stormed off.

Jana, having been a very reckless youth himself could see why Eka distanced himself from Kanwar. But Kanwar was not going to believe it unless he hears the reasons from Eka himself which seems unlikely as he never even steps out of Myrkovir now. Eka and Kanwar never saw each other after they turned 17. To be honest no one knew if they were even mates. But the breaking of the friendship cost them both a lot.


Jana sighed as he went down. He saw Jeev feeding Arth as Carles encouraged him. Carles was very laid back. And most of the days, when he did not need to attend to his hunter duties, he can be seen cuddling with Arth.

He saw Ivory and Aren trying to tie Keira and Ava's hair and groaned. Jwala was glaring at the girls.

"When were you going to tell me about this guy you are dating Ava?" asked Jwala.

"Leave it alone. We will deal with it later," said Ivory, his voice firm as he looked at Jwala glaring at her to back down.

She just groaned and went and sat near Ira who patted on her back.

Vir came running in.

"Brother, there is an attack in the northern frontiers. There are rogues as well as members of the northern packs," said Vir. He was as good a hunter like his dad and Kanwar hated not having him around. It was like his right hand was missing when it happened.

"Ask them to get them locked with silver and bring them in," said Kanwar.

"Pran is there," said Vir.

Anger rushed through both Jana and Kanwar when that sentence was uttered.

"What the fuck is he doing at the edge of the forest. Ask him to get back home immediately. I am going to put a leash on all of you," said Jana glaring at Ishq, France and Jeet. Jeet was only 13 years old and Avadh and Iker had him much late in life.

He scrambled to Carles' side who shaded all three from Jana's wrath.


Jana looked at the total chaos in the hall. They were a big family. Anthony was away in Ilse. If he and his family were also here the numbers would have been much bigger. He has heard stories that their family had as many as 200 people before they were killed when his dad was young.

All the parents were away on a 90-day trip which all the kids' had planned for them to the last detail. They wanted their parents to have some time to themselves.

Jana turned. Kanwar was standing by the side.

"I will have to punish all the trespassers or all this will set a prerogative for other packs. Do you know what that means?" asked Kanwar.

"War with the Mantini's," said Jana.

"Alpha Magnus Mantini is going to come with a blazing sword," said Kanwar.

"We are ready. We have to upkeep the law. They were seen with rogues and their statements seem fishy. This is no ordinary pack territory. This is where the royal palace is. This is where the King is. No one, not even the northern pack should be able to trespass without severe consequences," said Jana firmly. Kanwar nodded.

Anthony came up the stairs.

"Brother," both hugged him.

"You both behave like I was missing for a month. I was only gone for a week," said Anthony and sat down.

"So, we are going to war?" asked Anthony.

Jeev looked at him.

"You know the rule," said Jeev.

"Yes, and I agree with you," said Anthony and got up.


"What happened?" asked Jana without turning when he felt a comparatively small figure leaning against his shoulder. He was washing up in the kitchen and He knew who it was. 

Jeet was a baby to all of them. Though he was their brother all the older ones saw him more like a son. 

"Is everything going to be okay?" asked Jeet.

"Yes, We are going to be fine. Don't you know that you have the King and the most powerful warriors under your roof," asked Jana placing his arm around Jeet who scowled?

"But he is Alpha Magnus Mantini. Even our pack wolves are scared of him," said Jeet.

"We are not the pack wolves, are we?" asked Jana.

Jeet was biting on his lip still worried.

"Tell you what, you get to tell the whole story to dad's when they get back," said Jana.

Jeet smiled.

"I miss them," said Jeet.

"I miss them too. They will be back soon," said Jana.

"I know. Shit, I behave like a baby," scowled Jeet.

"That is because you are a baby," teased Kanwar who walked in.

"I am not. Arth is baby," said  Jeet stomping his foot and throwing beans at Kanwar.

"Not helping your case and do you know what is the punishment for attacking the King?" asked Carles, making the last question serious making Jeet scowl.

"What? Are you going to throw me to the wolves in the woods? Oh, wait a second we are the wolves," sassed Jeet.

"I punish him to be tickled till he squeals like a baby," said Kanwar.

Ivory took to the task as all the others cheered on.

"Bullies," scowled Jeet.

"Aw no, it is just that you are the youngest of us," said Anthony lifting up Jeet.

"Brother, put me down now," squeaked Jeet and finally Anthony put him down.

"You are all mean," he scowled and took Arth and marched off.

The Alwar De Russe elders knew a war was coming. Sleep was slow to grace them that night.
