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Half Love

Half Love

Autor: Ja La Joute

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Half Love PDF Free Download


James Brown a Soldier love a beautiful lady who was living at the same apartment to his... Days past and were together as a couple. But as he was deployed to another place she left him with a scar in his heart deeper than every scar ever...
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Chapter 1

Walking down the road I saw this beautiful lady. On her right is a little girl. This lady was so beautiful that her beauty made me feel that even the sun was shining brighter ever than before. I can even hear that the chirping sounds of the birds made a beautiful Melody. She was coming to my direction. I stood still for a minute lost in my thoughts. I,then turn back and ran towards the corner of the road then hide myself there. I was so nervous that every part of my body begin to shake,i was actually trembling and i was afraid that she will hear the sound of my heart beat.I rushed home forgetting my purpose of going outside.

I was eager to know more about her but hasitate to meet her so,i rang my neighbour enquiring about the beautiful lady that i met.He told me that the lady had moved in to my neighborhood next to my apartment. On hearing all the good and surprising news makes me nervous and excited as well. Was it because I fall for her with just a few seconds gaze at her beauty?!!!

I then decided to rest for a bit of time so I approach towards my apartment. As i lay on my bed,closed my eyes and see the images of that lady in my mind I heard the door bells ring.I had no idea who could it be at this time.To my surprise, I saw this same lady that i dreamt of standing outside my door.I was excited and nervous as well.I opened the door and i was out of words.Then she says, "Hi, I'm Alice,i just moved in nextdoor and i hope you could help me out with some introduction about the neighborhood".

I replied with a smile; "I'm James Brown and wellcome to the neighborhood,i hope you enjoy your new home" then reached for her hand and gives a shake. For a second I was in awe not knowing what to do. Then i continued,"I'd be glad to help you out with anything,just don't hesitate to ask me".

I invited her in and we had a bit of conversation about her old place and why she moved out and almost everything about herself.

Days passed, chatting every night either at her place or mine and sometimes she would invite me for dinner.It became a daily life routine for us. We'd share many things together and talk about our likes and dislikes, habits and hobbies. As for me,my feelings for her grow stronger everyday but then i have no guts to tell her how much i liked her and breake our friendship. Actually I fall for her the very first time I saw her but i was afraid that she would not accept my proposal.So i tried hard to hide my feelings and better keep our friendship.

I have to go on my job with a friend for a few months.I wasn't excited at all,no i was rather unwilling to go.I could not imagine to stay away from her just for a day but for a month would break my heart.

The day for me to leave is only a week ahead. My heart become heavier day by day. I thought to myself that I should bring out my feelings towards her before it's too late. Else i will lost her in my absence.jost my imagination of losing her and being happy with someone can fill my eyes with tears.So i decided to tell her how i really feel no matter what she thinks.

One day I asked her out at a Café nearby

Damn Fine Coffee

to tell her that i was leaving for a business trip and also of course the most important thing,my feelings. I,then pour out my heavy heart telling her how I feel and how much i was into her..

"Alice I don't know what you will be thinking of me but i had to tell u this.I was actually trying to tell u for a very long time but i guess im not confident enough to tell u.But now i have to cause im leaving next week and i could not think of u being with someone else.From the very first moment i saw u i was stuck with u,i liked everything about you and i dreamt of u every night.U may not be feeling the same but i want you to think about it just once" ."I won't bother you again if you want me to" I added. She was surprised and i could see happiness in her eyes and she was out of words.

Then she smiles and say,"i was wondering how long will u make me wait to hear this, yes,i also felt the same and i really like you too"...On hearing her,i thought i was the happiest man on Earth .We spend the very first night of our relationship with so much joy and happiness.i cherished every moment we spent together.I feel like everything was beautiful when i fell in love.But the fact that I was given a mission of an uncertain dates gets me upset coz i really want to spend all of my time next to her... We'd make our promises to be loyal till we meet again.

In the early month of December,the day for me to leave approaches.As I was getting ready to leave with all my bagpack,my door bell rang. I opened the door, behind the door was Alice on her red wrap dress and a red hat. She was so beautiful that I feel relaxant to leave her.She smiled beautifully but her eyes were filled with tears. I Knew she is here to see me off and she misses me too.It was hard for us both but i can't just cancel my trip.I tried to stay strong and comfort her. We took a cab to the station where my friends were waiting. Every second was precious for us because we'd be miles apart soon enough.At the station while my comrades were loading my bags,we use that precious and last moment to say our goodbyes. Seeing her sobbing on my chest and telling me how much she misses me was one hard thing even for a man like me.i wishes i could froze time at that moment. I was speechless,all i could do is hug her tight and stare deep into her eyes.

Then the train starts to move and we have to let go..we kissed our goodbyes promising that we will meet again.As the train move on,inch by inch we go apart...i couldn't move away as long as i can see her then she's gone.i wandered how i was going to spend my days without her smile,her scent and her company..i missed our memories and all the things we've done together.

When we reached our destination,we booked our hotels and have some fun.i knew that my friends are trying to make me happy to lessen my pain.From this time i bagan to know the true meaning of friendship.

The next day,i wrote a letter to Alice to tell her how i was doing and of course to let her know my address.Time goes on and i received letters from her everyday.. It goes on for like three weeks and so. Then I did not received any letter from her, I was dead worried about her.I was like a dead man,i had no interest in my work,she was in my mind day and night. It was really hard not hearing from her this suddenly. And i was afraid if something bad had happen to her.

My deployment lasted only for 6 months since we won the fight, but unfortunately I was severely injured and my best friend passed away. It was really hard for me to loose my friend and none to stay by my side. On the other side, i miss my Alice and I'm so eager to meet her.After weeks of lying in the hospital bed, I felt better so I ask to be discharge. After lots of asking and begging the doctor relactuantly discharged me. I was so happy going home to see my beloved Alice. Thinking that she would be so happy to see me I went straight to her appartment hoping to see her, to my surprise, an old lady answered the door.She told me that Alice had move out a month before. And unfortunately she have no details of Alice's whereabouts.I was feeling low and all my eagerness and excitement to come home were in vain. I was struck by the heart and lost with hope. I feel like my life is ruined and all that i have worked for have no meaning.

I had no idea where she could be. I walked down the streets thinking of our memories.Then i finally got to the 'Damn Fine Coffee' ,this cafe is where we started so i got myself in...Every corner of the Cafe remains the same,i sat on the same table but Alice was missing. There was no fun at all and my life was empty .As I sat down for like an hour and drink my coffee I heard a familiar voice on my back.I was so certain that it was her voice i turned back slowly and saw Alice whom I've been looking for. I was just so happy to see her again but that last only a second. She was with another man an she was laughing merrily. I Can't believe what I saw but it was real. I approach their table slowly, still couldn't believe my eyes . I called her name then she looked up with confusion and disbelief in her eyes.When she quickly look away i ask her with a strong voice who this other guy is. She stood up and told me "He is my man and I love him, He do love me too.unlike you,he doesn't leave me and is always there for me. I'm sorry we're done"

I was very shock and hurt with so much anger at that moment . Flipping the table then pull him up in his coat collar, I punch him vigorously. Knowing he won't't stand a chance against me he did nothing back... I was just so angry that my anger blind me. As she stop me I forced her out of the cafe, i asked her for an explanation an how she could just move on.I just cant believe what is happening. As I insisted her on giving me a reason she replied; "We meet while you were deployed. He is the only person that comfort me when I was down and with me when am feeling lonely. I now love him and cannot leave him. Please forget me and move on and don't forgive me."

I couldn't believe my ears but i have to accept it was real. I leave that scene never to see her again. I was in pain thinking about the memories and promises we made.She promised me that she's gonna be loyal but her love lasted only for like a month.I regret trusting her love was real.Along the lonely road i thought of all the happy moments and times we've spent together.I felt like my life has no more purpose,i couldn't eat and didn't dare to go out.My neighbor would come to come to comfort me and he said; "James Brown I am so sorry you have to go through this. I was once in your situation and i know how it feels... So please do not give up but move on and i hope that you will meet someone better who will love you truly in the future. And one thing you should remember about her is all she give is only HALF LOVE."