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Lucifer Wears Leather

Lucifer Wears Leather

Autor: Trickology



Lucifer Wears Leather PDF Free Download


"I don't need you to light up my world. Just sit with me in the dark." Zayn Santiago is the monster in all of your nightmares. Known for his murderous devil side, nobody dares to test him. But the wheel spins and his eyes land on a certain green- eyed girl. Will she see past his dangerous life? Can she deal with his ruthlessness? Or will she end up leaving in the end...?
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Chapter 1


  I gazed out the window of my History class, bored to death. This teacher is THE oldest woman I have ever seen.

  She spoke slower than that sloth from Zootopia. I rolled my eyes just thinking about it.

  I was about to actually pay attention to what she was saying when something caught my eye.

  Or more specifically, someone.

  Zayn Santiago. Macklin High's Bad Boy. He had messy jet black hair, captivating silver eyes, a 6'5 figure and a smile to die for.

  Literally. He has never smiled before.

  All he does is stare at you coldly.

  Tattoos ran from his fingers to his neck.

  He's mysterious. Has no friends, speaks to no one and no one knows anything personal about him either.

  He always comes to school late and has bruises on his face most of the time.

  Some say it's because he's being beaten for killing his own father.

  I watched as he parked his bike and got off, running a hand through his messy locks and leaning against his motorbike.

  He pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, closing his eyes as he took a drag.

  When he let it out his shoulders slumped.

  It calms him, I guess.

  I've always wanted to talk to him. My best friend always says not to because, and I quote,

  'He looks like the type of guy to take you to his house and eat you. Starting with your toes.'

  I know, I was confused too.

  I didn't realize that I was staring at him all this time,

  Until he turned around.

  His mesmerizing eyes made me freeze.

  Sunlight reflected in them and they glowed, intriguing me.

  We stared at each other for what felt like hours until he broke it by walking toward the doors.

  I sighed. I drowned away in my thoughts as I stared blankly at the teacher.

  Just when I thought that awkward moment was over, the door slammed open and behold,

  Zayn Santiago everyone.

  "You're late, Mr. Santiago." The teacher, Mrs. Flores, said.

  Zayn rolled his eyes in returned.

  "No shit, Sherlock." He replied, scanning the classroom until his eyes landed on me.

  "Santiago! Detention!" Mrs. Flores yelled, handing him a slip.

  Zayn just walked away, his eyes still on me as he made his way to the only available seat,

  Behind me.

  I was shitting bricks as all of the things I heard about him came to mind.

  Ignoring him, I tried to focus on what the teacher was saying.

  Five minutes later, I felt him playing with a strand of my hair,

  Twirling it around his finger.

  I'm never washing my hair again!, my mind screamed.

  I laughed inwardly at myself, realizing just how stupid I was.

  I guess now is my chance to make conversation.

  Okay Blair, breathe in, and out. In and out. Out and out. Out and out.

  I can't do this! What if-

  My thoughts were interrupted by a paper ball landing on my desk.

  I looked behind me and Zayn was staring at me.

  I picked up the paper ball and opened it, seeing nothing on it.

  I turned back around and looked at him weirdly.

  He rolled his eyes and did a flipping motion with his book.

  My mouth made an 'o' shape when I realized what he meant.

  I mentally face palmed as I turned back around and flipped the paper.

  Eye-raped me enough? - Zayn

  I looked up with my mouth hanging open. I turned around to find him smirking slightly at me.

  His handwriting was especially neat. I was honestly shocked, comparing his to my own.

  I did not! -Blair

  That's a lie, I totally was. I mean, how could you not?

  After hearing about all of the things he's done, you'd try to stay as far away from him as possible.

  Sure you didn't. - Zayn

  I rolled my eyes and crumpled the paper up.

  I continued to pay attention to the teacher while he sat silently.

  I didn't even want to turn around, knowing that I'd look like a weirdo.

  When the bell rang, I was the first one out of the class.

  I walked quickly down the hall to my locker, which just so happens to be next to his.

  I pulled out my books as quickly as I could and stuffed them into my locker.

  I was about to make a run for it when,

  "Hey." I heard a familiar deep voice from behind me.

  I turned around and jumped on my best friend, Dale.

  Dale wasn't your typical Jock. His personality was rare.

  He had striking blue eyes, ginger hair, perfect teeth and an amazing body.

  He was a year older than me, making him 18. This was his last year and he chose to spend it by partying every weekend.

  We both lived together. Something we both could never get enough of.

  He caught me and spun me around, earning weird looks from people walking past us.

  "Daleeeeee!" I screamed.

  "Blairrrrrr!" He yelled back, laughing.

  He put me down but kept his hands on my waist.

  The weird thing about me and Dale is that we act like a couple eventhough we don't see eachother that way.

  And because he's gay. I didn't even have a chance.

  "How's my Babygirl?" He asked in a baby voice, pinching my cheeks.

  "Uncomfortable." I mumbled with a smile, swatting his hands away "You?".

  "Happy as fuck! I have a date tonight! These single hands are ready for action!" He said. Or screamed.

  Everyone turned around to look at us. Some threw disgusted faces at us and Dale gave them the finger.

  "Really? That's awesome, D." I said, hugging him tightly.

  "You need a man, Baby" He said, giving me a distasteful look.

  "What was that? You need to go to class? Oh yeah, I'll see you later then. Bye!" I said, already walking away.

  I heard his deep chuckle from behind me as I walked away.

  "See you at lunch, Idiot!" He shouted, making us both laugh.

  The other classes flew by rather quickly and soon enough, it was lunch.

  When the bell rang I was the first one out of the classroom and I skipped happily to my locker.

  I opened it and placed my bag in and when I closed it, Dale leaned against the locker next to mine.

  "I can't join you for lunch today, Babes." He said with a frown.

  As disappointing as that is to hear,

  I smiled at him, hoping to release any guilt he felt.

  "It's okay, D. I'll see you later?" I asked hopefully.

  He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead, then smiled brightly.

  "You got it, dude." He said, squeezing me one last time before he walked away.