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Whispers Of Charisma-Married To A Star

Whispers Of Charisma-Married To A Star

Autor: vina writes

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Whispers Of Charisma-Married To A Star PDF Free Download


Isreal Styles the most celebrated pop star and Anthonio Moreno the alluring model were my favorite celebrities residing in Seattle. The night I eagerly anticipated meeting Anthonio for the first time took a dark turn when, after getting pretty drunk at his club party in New York, I found myself assaulted by my celebrity crush.This traumatic incident fueled my hatred towards celebrities and men. Unfortunately, I couldn't share my ordeal without evidence, especially considering I was just the unwanted daughter of a New York oil baron while Anthonio ruled the roost in Seattle with his captivating allure.Fate intervened when my father decided to relocate us to Seattle, seeing this as an opportunity to unveil Anthonio's secrets, in Seattle I was confronted with a life-altering new reality – a planned marriage with the son of Mr. Montgon. My father arranged this marriage to solidify ties in the oil business, Feeling as if life had taken an unexpected turn against me, I accompanied my diehard childhood friends to Isreal Styles' concert.Despite my hatred for celebrities and men, I had no option but to go with my friends. After the concert, I met the most popular person in Seattle face-to-face for the first time, Isreal Styles, We met in a pretty unusual place – the restroom obviously making out with some stripers Feeling disgusted, I didn't hold back, throwing some not-so-nice words at him. He warned me never to let him set his eyes on me again with a cold glare.But my father, indifferent like a masked stranger, dropped the bombshell – Isreal Styles is my soon-to-be husband-One frosty evening, I got a call from Anthonio Moreno. It was strange, surprising that he requested to meet, I was determined to uncover Anthonio's true identity and get my justice, so I accepted his invitation.Upon arrival, . My heart raced as he attempted to remove the mask. My whole life crumbled when he unveiled his face, revealing a face that made me wish he never did.
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Chapter 1

Enveloped in the clutches of heartache, an unwelcome companion lingered at the edges of my thoughts, shattering the echoes of a once-promising romance into countless fragments. The remnants cast a somber hue over what was once a vibrant canvas of life.

Amidst the throes of heartbreak, a result of Jason's betrayal with Maria, a flicker of hope urged me to consider forgiveness and the possibility of mending our fractured love.

However, that glimmer twisted into painful reality when Jason, indifferent like a masked stranger, casually announced the inevitable end of our relationship.

His haunting words echoed incessantly in my mind, intensifying the tears that marked the unraveling of our connection.

Jason's decision to part ways stemmed from my unwavering commitment to preserving innocence and refraining from intimacy before marriage.

With the weight of my emotions hanging heavy, I sought solace in the ordinary task of setting the dinner table. Carrying a tray mouthwatering Lox and Bagels, I arranged the food with the Lox and Bagels telling a story of comfort and familiarity. The aroma provided a fragrant escape from the emotional burden that lingered.

Taking a moment of reflection while settling into a chair, I invited a brief pause amidst the culinary preparations. To my surprise, the maids and chefs watched my every move with curious eyes, intrigued by my unexpected hands-on approach to setting the dinner table.

As I prepared to sit down, a burst of laughter abruptly disrupted my movements. The opening door revealed unexpected guests – my eccentric friends, Michelle and Hailey, entering with their characteristic flair, accompanied by the unmistakable sound of their laughter.

"Hey Alison, where are you?" I heard michelle called out

"Why the early visit?" I muttered, frowning at my friends' sudden intrusion. Their unexpected appearance sparked my curiosity, and I couldn't help but wonder what exciting twist they were about to introduce to my day.

"Alison! Ali! Baby..." came the joyful voices, breaking through the silence with a contagious laughter that filled the air.

However, Michelle, ever the dramatic friend, entered with flair, twisting her hand dramatically in the air as if in a theatrical catwalk. I shook my head at the eccentric display, my frown deepening.

I couldn't contain my surprise as Michelle eagerly exclaimed,

"Alison, Anthonio and Isreal are in New York Can you believe that?" Michelle's enthusiasm for Anthonio and Isreal was palpable, but i, merely rolled my eyes even though I was a fan of the crazy masked celebrity and Pop star

Excitement continued to fill the air as Hailey, catching her breath, added,

"And tomorrow is Israel Styles' concert. He's coming to New York for a performance." Hailey's words flowed with breathless anticipation.

The mere idea of Anthonio hosting a Gala and Israel performing in New York sent waves of joy cascading through the entire city. The anticipation was palpable, filling the air with an infectious excitement that seemed to touch every corner of New York.

The prospect of these two influential figures converging for such grand events created an electric buzz, promising a cultural spectacle that would be etched into the memories of everyone lucky enough to witness it..

“The mere idea of Anthonio and Israel gracing New York with their presence is beyond imagination—I just can't contain my excitement!...The anticipation of seeing them is making me incredibly happy. Their combined star power is something I never thought I'd witness in New York…”

Hailey couldn't contain her excitement and gushed, dramatically fanning herself with her hand

"I just can't wait to see them... I'm so happy," exclaimed Michelle expressing the collective excitement building up

Meanwhile, I observed the animated exchange with a quiet demeanor, choosing to watch rather than actively participate in the jubilant discussion.

Although I'm a big fan of Anthonio, my recent breakup with Jason loomed large in my thoughts, overshadowing the excitement of my favorite celebrities being in New York. I would have jumped hearing my favorite celebritries are in New York

A wave of anticipation has swept across New York, with everyone abuzz about Anthonio's gala and Israel's upcoming concert. The internet and radios are alive with chatter, resonating with the exciting news of the arrival of these two stars, both hailing from the renowned Seattle.

Anthonio and Isreal made me love Seattle Washington and Miami as they are both from Seattle and Isreal lives in Miami Florida most times

The atmosphere is electric as the entire city eagerly anticipates the gala tonight and Israel's concert tomorrow.

Noticing my melancholy, Michelle and Hailey approached me, conspiring to pull me from the clutches of sorrow and lead me into a world of distraction and merriment.

"Alison, you can't let one man define your happiness," Michelle insisted, her earnest gaze reflecting genuine concern. Hailey chimed in with a persuasive smile,

"Michelle's right. We need to get you out of this rut. Anthonio Moretti is hosting a gala at the Savieen club tonight, and tomorrow is Israel Styles' concert here in New York. He's coming to New York tomorrow for his concert – the perfect opportunity for a fresh start!" Hailey gestured emphatically, clasping her hand in the air.

While I continue playing with the food instead of eating them

Anthonio Moreno, a rumored Seattle resident, stands out as a celebrity in the city's gossip circles. He consistently graces the headlines of blogs, magazines, and newspapers, capturing the public's fascination. His elusive charm adds to the intrigue, as nobody has managed to unveil his true appearance.

Always adorned with a mask when in public, the reasons behind this choice remain a well-guarded secret.

Despite his fame and wealth, the mystery surrounding Anthonio's face persists, shrouded in enigma. The elusive allure of his hidden identity continues to fuel speculation and curiosity, creating an aura of mystique around the rumored citizen of Seattle.

Yet, despite his remarkable success, Tony's personal life remains a well-guarded secret. The everyday mask conceals details, with limited information revealing him as a Seattle citizen, a business magnate, and a possessor of immense wealth.

The intrigue surrounding his family and real face fuels the daily question on everyone's lips: "WHO IS ANTHONIO MORENO?”

I'm just not into it," I sighed, the weight of my emotions easing in the comforting presence of my friends. If it weren't for Jason, I would have gladly joined in the excitement about Anthonio.

"Come on, Ali, don't let Jason ruin everything. He cheated on you with Maria; he's not worth your tears," Michelle offered words of comfort, her concern evident as tears streamed down my cheeks at the mere thought of Jason. Memories of our once wonderful moments flooded my mind.

"That's what frustrates me, all because of a guy... a cheater," I gazed at my friends with teary eyes, grappling with the betrayal of Jason.

The pain of Jason's actions overshadowed any joy I could find in the present moment.

Ali, remember Hailey and I are leaving New York after Holiday. We'll miss you when we go to Seattle, so let's make our last moments memorable," Michelle earnestly expressed, trying to convince me with the looming departure as a persuasive point.

Hailey and Michelle, originally from New York, earned admission to their dream celebrity university, SYLES UNIVERSITY in Seattle, after high school. The school is owned by Isreal Styles.

Everyone aspires to attend the school owned by the celebrity, although Isreal Styles himself attended SWU during his university days.

Despite having a university with a million students, my father, in his typical fashion, dictated my educational path, insisting I study at NYU. It's frustrating how he disregards my opinion, making decisions on my behalf.

"Alison… please”

As the impending farewell loomed, Hailey added an emotional touch, expressing her sentiment with a pout and a puppy-eyed gaze. "I'm really going to miss you two," I sighed, my gaze fixed on my food as I contemplated the void their absence would bring.

The thought of living in New York alone without my eccentric friends felt like a daunting prospect. Making friends has always been a challenge for me, and the genesis of my friendship with Hailey and Michelle remains a bit hazy.

They are more than just friends; they're like family, the ones who truly understand me. The idea of parting ways with them infused a tinge of sadness into our impending separation.

Taking a deep breath, I conceded that my friends were right; Jason wasn't worth my tears. With newfound resolve, I decided to cherish the remaining time with Hailey and Michelle, intending to create enduring memories before their departure. A final hurrah, perhaps, to make our last moments truly unforgettable.

Reluctantly, I agreed to join Michelle and Hailey at Anthonio's Gala, hoping that the dazzling lights and pulsating music would serve as a temporary antidote for my wounded soul, providing a brief escape from the lingering heartache.

Amidst the preparations for the gala, I found myself yearning for it to be a transformative experience—a chance to shake off the emotional funk that Jason had left me in.

The prospect of an evening filled with laughter, music, and vibrant energy offered a glimmer of hope to break free from the shadows of heartbreak.


With a mix of hesitation and excitement, I treated myself to a lavish bath before slipping into a stunning navy-blue evening gown.

The dress gracefully flowed to the floor, adorned with intricate lace details that added a touch of elegance. Its off-the-shoulder design struck a perfect balance between modesty and allure, featuring a sweetheart neckline and a flowing silhouette that exuded grace.

As I adorned myself with accessories, silver chandelier earrings swayed delicately, catching the light with every movement. A metallic-hued clutch completed the ensemble, subtly shimmering to enhance the overall look. A light touch of makeup highlighted my features, emphasizing almond-shaped hazel eyes and the natural curve of my lips.

Stepping into strappy silver heels, a mix of anticipation and nerves washed over me. The gala held the promise of new connections and opportunities, yet an air of uncertainty added an extra layer of excitement.

A light spritz of my favorite floral perfume, and I was prepared to face the evening. In a final mirror check, I adjusted a loose strand of hair, allowing soft curls to frame my face.

Exiting the mansion with Michelle and Hailey, the air was filled with laughter and the gentle hum of conversation. Taking a deep breath, I readied myself to immerse in the charm and elegance of the gala.

To add a dash of intrigue to the night, I persuaded Aleric my personal driver to drive us to the gala, despite his reservations about facing my father's disapproval. After deploying my persuasive puppy face and voice, he reluctantly agreed.

As Michelle and Hailey settled into the backseat, and Aleric and I took our places up front, a slight chill seemed to fill the atmosphere.

"Seatbelt..." Aleric's stern voice cut through the air, a reminder to fasten our seatbelts. His tone carried a hint of unease, possibly fueled by the uncertainty of the night ahead and the looming question of my father's potential return.

Clicking our seatbelts into place, Aleric ignited the engine, and we glided out of the mansion's grand entrance. In that moment, the weight of Jason's memory were temporarily pushed aside overshadowed by the excitement building within me as the prospect of meeting Anthonio my favorite celebrity for the first time

the mysterious figure I had only watch on TVs and social media, took center stage.

As the engine hummed to life, the car became a capsule of anticipation, each one of us carrying a different expectation for the evening.

The night held the promise of glamour, surprises, and the allure of the unknown.