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A Matter Of Wife And Debt

A Matter Of Wife And Debt

Autor: DeraChi18

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Daniella Garcia is a 21 year old simple, kind-hearted soul young farmer living with her pauper of a father. Her once happy life starts to crumble when her father's debtor starts to threaten them and she had no choice than to seek help which led her into an unexpected marriage in exchange to pay off her father's debt.
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Chapter 1

Daniella's Pov

The hot sun seems to be piercing into my skin like needles, it could have been doing the same to my head and face if I hadn't cover it with my sun hat. I've been in the plantation since morning, seeding for the season that seems to be fast approaching because of the harsh sun.

"Jeez! This summer season is a hot one, I wonder when we'd enter winter…my skin can't bear the harshness of this summer any longer." Helena said with a pout which made me chuckle on her cuteness.

Helena Soler is my childhood best friend, we do a lot of things together mostly sharing our happy and sad lives together. Just like me, she's from a pauper family. We work for people's planation in exchange for money, that's how we do to earn a living in this simple lives of ours.

"C'mon princess, it's little already so let's round up quickly so our skin won't get tanned!" I half yelled to her because she's across the fields.

"You know, I wish a prince charming can come and sweep me off my pauper's life." She said dreamily, leaning to her rake stick.

"It's sweet to day-dream, but don't get drown in it." I said with a chuckle.

"You know you are a dream killer!" She yelled with a fake frown, making me chuckle.

This friend of mine can be so sweet with her curly blond hair, I admire her blond hair a lot but God decided to give me black hair instead.


After we were done seeding the plantation, Helena had to go to the market to help her mother in selling tomatoes, leaving me to walk home alone. I swear I'll make her pay for making me walk all alone under this cruel sun.

On reaching the house, I pulled my boots and gloves, then my hat before making my way into the house. I stood stunned at what's in front of me, everything seems to be turned upside down. We don't have much property though, but that's the little we can provide.

But why is our little property scattered like some wild animal invaded the place?!

My eyes suddenly caught hold of my father on the floor, groaning in pains. I immediately went to him, I managed to raise him up to his feet and placed him on a wooden seat of ours. His forehead seems to be bleeding, panicked I went to our old kitchen cabinet and brought out a first aid kit.

I went back to him, opened the kit and brought out a dressing solution and started wiping the blood. After I was done, I applied some ointment and then bandaged it. He seems to be gasping in pain, I went to the kitchen and came out with a glass of water which he gulped down.

"What happened father?! Who did this to you and our home?!" I asked, curious to know what really happened here.

"Car… Carlos…his men. They came for their money." He said, groaning in pain.

Carlos is a loan shark who had lent my father money to save my sick mother six months ago. Unfortunately she couldn't make it. Now these dangerous people are on our neck for their money, what are we supposed to do about it?


"What?!" Helena half yelled after I had told about the incident that happened at my house today.

"What are you going to do now?" Helena asked as we strolled.

To be honest, I've been pondering real hard on what to do about this loan. Dad said they would come back by next week to collect their money or his death, him dying would mean me dying as well. He's the only family I've got!

"I don't know Helena. Right now we have no money in the house, not to talk more of paying a debt." I blurted out the way am feeling right now.

"You don't have any blood relatives that could help?"

"I wish." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

I do have blood relatives, but they are all high and they look down on my father because he isn't of their status. I could remember the last time my father had called them up for some help for my mother's treatment, they just insulted him and sent him away.

"I do know of someone who might be of help but it's a long shot." Helena said, making me come to a halt and stare at her like I don't recall her.

"Are you being serious right now Helena?" I furrowed my brows, "I just told you that we owe a loan shark a dangerous one at that. Now you want me to borrow from another to pay another?!"

"Calm down Dani, this one isn't like the others. He's different, he gives loans in exchange of something equivalent to the loan he gives you, my father once went to him for some loan and in replace my father gave him a piece of land equivalent to the money he took from him. I'm telling you, this one is very pure and not dangerous." Helena said.

"I don't know…I don't want to add to the problems we already have at hand." I pouted, sadly.

I really want to get my father out of this mess, but I really do not want to add to his troubles by having another loan shark on our necks.

"Trust me Dani, this one won't cause you much." Helena said, giving me a sweet convincing smile.

"I guess there's no harm in trying." I said with a shrug.

If there's a means to save us from this, I'll take chances.

"Where does he stay?" I asked.

"He stay few towns away from here, he is well known over there for his wealth. He is a billionaire as I have heard, and very handsome too." Helena said with a grin, I rolled my eyes.

"Could you ever be serious for once in your life?" I said, before I started walking.

I had her running up to me after she had recovered from her dream world, she can be annoying at times.


Coming down from the truck, I thanked the driver who accepted to drive me for free which I am really grateful for. Standing in the middle of the street with unfamiliar people and cars going back and forth, I brought out the piece of paper Helena's father had given me, it's the direction to the place of the man who could probably be of help.

I really don't know if going to this man would help but am ready to give a try, for my father's life. Walking through the estate, I wasn't really sure of the address. Which turn should I take? I need to ask someone.

"This place is sure bigger than my Province,"I cursed under my breath.

Glancing around, I spotted some woman arranging her fruits in a counter for sale, I think she'd be of help with this direction.

I walked up to her, trying to study her body language if she's someone polite enough to approach, she appears to be so.

"Excuse me, ma'am." I called which caught her attention.

"What do you care to buy? I have fresh oranges, mango, banana and…"

"Sorry ma'am, but am not here to buy these. Am new here but I'm looking for a very popular someone that lives here, please could you help me with it's direction?" I asked, showing her my piece of paper.

She eyed me for a moment before collecting the paper from me, she gazed at it for a while before handing it back to me.

"Walk down the street, you will see a large white house with a house plate by the wall, boldly written 'The Ruiz Residence'. That's the place you are looking for." She explained.

"Thank you so much ma'am." I greeted with smile which she replied with an annoying wave of her hand.

I think she's upset that I didn't buy anything from her, I wish I could though but I thank her for helping me. Making my way to the direction she pointed at, I soon came across a kind of house that matched her description. But my goodness! she didn't tell me that the house is such a massive one, our province don't even have houses like this there.

Helena is right, he is truely a billionaire.

Bracing myself, I gave a hard knock on the gate to enable the gate keeper to hear. After a moment of my knock the gate opened and a man which I assume should be the gate-keeper, according to his uniform came out.

"Good day Miss, how can I be of help to you?" He asked, eyeing me from head to toe.

"Good day sir, please I am looking for the owner of this house." I said.

"Do you have any appointments with him?"

"No, but it's really urgent…a matter of life and death if you can put it that way." I said, hoping he'd believe me.

After a moment of eyeing me, he went in without saying a word. Does he want me to wait or go away?! I made to knock again when the gate went open again but I didn't see the gate keeper, just the opened gate like it's some sort of an invitation. If it is, I gladly accepted it by walking in. I saw the gate keeper standing by the gate, after closing the gate he pointed to the entrance of the house for me to head there.

Giving him my best appreciating smile, I made my way to the building which seems very far from the gate. Glancing at the surroundings, it's so beautiful with flowers and a very beautiful well sculptured fountain in the middle of the compound.

This place is very pretty!

On reaching the entrance, I am met by a man dressed in a well fitted, black tuxedo. He stood by the entrance with his hands behind him, he wasn't smiling but rather had this scary frown on his face. He could be a bodyguard. He opened the door and gestured for me to go in, I made my way in with a small smile. I swear my jaw dropped when I got in, it's seems like I just entered a whole new world.

The interiors are mind blowing! The furnitures are freaking made out of gold! What the hell!

"This way, Miss." The man in suit said, gesturing towards the stairs.

I nodded and made my way towards the stairs, but I couldn't help my eyes from wandering round this heavenly house. This owner is very rich, properly more than a billionaire. We walked the hallway which has beautiful arts hung on the walls, making it more pretty.

Finally we came to a stop in front of a door. The man in tuxedo knocked lightly on the door before opening the door and gesturing for me to walk in. Bracing myself I walk in and the door closed shut behind me which kind of startled me, gazing round my surroundings it looks like I'm in some office with book shelves filled with books.

The office looks cool and all matured with the interiors. Gazing at the desk I got startled when I noticed the man by the window, his back facing me and smoke coming out from his face. He's smoking, seeing the thick brown cigar in-between his fingers behind him.

I don't know if he's aware of my presence or not.

"I hear you want to see me?" His voice came, startling me.

His rich, deep voice filled the room. I felt my knees wobble a little.

"Yes…Yes sir." I said, trying not to sound tensed.

"What for?" He asked, taking the cigar to his front and suddenly some heavy smoke came out of his face.

Jeez! He's such a heavy smoker, I thought.

"I…I want a loan." I said, still trying not to sound tensed. "No, I need a loan, Mr. Ruiz"

For a moment he didn't say anything, he slowly turned and I was able to see his face.

Helena was right, he sure is a handsome fellow to behold. He seems to be in his 30s, and his perfect black hair suited him well. He walked elegantly towards a couch and sat on it, he gestures toward an empty couch facing him for me to seat on.

A/N:: What do you think of this first chapter?