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Handling Surprises

Handling Surprises

Autor: Latasha Thomas

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Mika and Andrew have been together for as long as they could remember. They did everything together and never kept nothing from each other, or so Mika thought. As she finds at the truth about Andrew’s past, it's a surprise that has to be handled, question is, for how long?
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Chapter 1

  “So what are you gonna do about it?”

“What do you mean?” I ask once we get to our lockers.

“You, sleeping with the hottest guy ever. He treats you like a queen.”

“Well, that’s because he’s my king,” I say as we walk outside.

“Yeah. In bed.”

“What’s it like though? Is he big or huge? Long or short? Rough or soft?”

“Huge, long, and always rough. That’s why I come over sometimes.” I say seeing his car pull up.

He’s black billion dollars B.M.W pulls up in front of us, and of course, everyone has to look. It’s a new car because when he comes out, the doors come out like wings. What a show-off.

“Hey, cutie. Ladies,” he said, taking his sunglasses off.

“Hey Andrew.” both girls said.

“Show off,” I say.

“Can’t help it. Just got a new car and of course, it’s yours,” he said.

“No way. Stop doing that.”

“So you don’t want it?”

“Of course I want it. Give me the keys.”

“Kiss me first,” he said and always did.

I bring his face to my level and I kiss him. Our tongues dance like fire and are just fighting. Every time this happens, it’s a game. A game I can’t win.

A moan leaves my lips and I can tell that he loves it, because he pulls me closer to him. Knowing what’s next, I stop it before it even starts.

“Can we take the girls home?”

“Anything for you,” he said as Jimena and Leah climbed into the car.

“So, who am I taking home first?”

“Me. I have to babysit.” Jimena said.

“Okay,” he said and we’re off.

Andrew and I have been together for four years. I don’t know if he went to school or what, but I don’t care. He’s 28 while I’m 24. I’m a college student who has a boyfriend that every girl has their eyes on, but he only has eyes for me. So I don’t have to worry.

We pull up to Jimena’s house and her mom waves. Now we’re on our way to Leah’s house.

“I want to talk to you about something,” Andrew said, holding my hand.

“Okay. What’s up?” I ask.

“I’m going on an important trip. It will only be for a day. So, when I’m gone, I don’t want you going to school or anywhere.

Anything that you need will be brought to you. I don’t want anyone to try to harm you like last time.” he said, kissing my fingers.

How Andrew and I meant was kind of weird. My father was a bad person, but the police never got him even if they knew it was him. One day, he was on the phone, holding a gun to my and my mother’s head. He was about to kill us, but out of nowhere, someone shot and killed him, making him shoot my mother in the arm. Guy’s came in, taking us somewhere that we didn’t know. Long story short, my mother died and I fell in love with Andrew. I trust him because we never kept anything from each other. He always tells me everything and that’s what I love about him.

We dropped Leah home and now we’re home. Andrew carries me upstairs, lays me down, and kisses me. He stops, looks deep into my eyes, and we’re about to make love, when someone knocks.

“Andrew the door,” I say.

“Who the hell is it?” he asked into my neck.

“It’s Dan, sir. We have information that you need to see.”

“Well, come in and tell me.”

“But sir. It’s about Mika.”

“Come in and tell me. If it’s about her, she has the right to know.” he said.

“It’s about Matthew.”

Whoever Matthew is, it got Andrew’s attention. He got up and changed.

“I have to see what he wants. I’ll tell you about it later.” Andrew said, kissing my forehead.

“Okay. Come back to me.” I say as he walks to the door.

“You know that I always will.”


After telling her that I will always come back, I see what Dan wants. Mattew is her father. I thought they killed him already. He got shot in the head. How can he still be alive? My men and I walk into the warehouse and in front of me, I see him all chained up.

“Hello, Matthew. How’s the afterlife?”

“It’s really good. You should try it sometime.”

“I should, right? But I can’t. Because I can’t hurt Mika. I love her and she loves me. We tell each other everything.”

“Does she know what you are? Or are you afraid of what will happen when you tell her? She will leave you. Hate you-”

“Shut up,” I say. “How can you be alive anyway?”

“That, I have no idea.”

“What do you want?”

“What I want is for my daughter to hate you,” he said.

“She will never hate me. She will always love me because I love her. Now, I have nothing for you. Kill him. Chop him up into pieces- You know what? Take him into my favorite room. Put him under the shark tank.” I say walking out.

After everything that he said, there’s one thing that he said was right. I’m afraid of what Mika would think if I told her. I hate it at this point that he’s right about something.

“I have a question for you,” Mika said once I walked back into the room.

“And what’s that?”

“What do you do? You have so much money. You have to be doing something to get all that money.”

“Since I have my father’s will, all of this came from it, but I do own a few companies,”


Right now, I’m stressed. I can’t decide if I want to tell her or not. If I tell her, she might leave, but if I don’t she’ll find out herself and I’ll lose her. She knows that there’s something wrong because she starts rubbing my shoulders.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing. Just thinking. Are you going to school tomorrow?”

“I have to. I have two tests,”

“Okay. Well, let’s lay down. I have a meeting,” I say, laying her down. “Goodnight.”
