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He Could See Through You

He Could See Through You

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Realistic Urban

He Could See Through You PDF Free Download


After Lin Qingxuan obtained the ancient inheritance and awakened his Divine Eyes, he had an incredible ability. He was no longer an ordinary doctor. He also had a lot of troubles, because yesterday the ice dean asked him to meet in the woods and discuss some shameful things. But today he had already made an appointment with hot and spicy teacher, a pure campus belle, a high-level policewoman, a proud big star... to learn posture together.
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Chapter 1

  Recently, Lin Qingxuan found something strange.

  His eyes could penetrate the exterior of the object and see the essence of it clearly.

  For example, now.

  The beautiful woman standing in front of him was Changjiang from Jin Hai Hospital. She had a tall figure of 1.75 meters. Her facial features were exquisite and her black hair was like a waterfall. Her curves were graceful, and there was an air of coldness and nobility in them. It seemed that she refused people for thousands of miles, but it did not prevent her from becoming the goddess in the eyes of the male beasts of Jin Hai Hospital.

  But in Lin Qingxuan's eyes, the goddess's clothes completely disappeared.

  In other words, Lin Qingxuan's eyes penetrated Jiang Yanran's outer coat, and he could clearly see her white jade-like skin and 36D hollow cover.

  "Wait, the Ice Goddess Jiang Yanran is wearing such a hot shield."

  Lin Qingxuan raised his eyebrows, but at the same time, he felt a sharp pain in his eyes, and then he couldn't see clearly.

  This strange ability could only last for three seconds and must be taken a rest.

  Jiang Yanran seemed to notice Lin Qingxuan's gaze and felt that she was being watched. She knocked on the table and said in a cold voice, "Lin Qingxuan, are your medical report ready?"

  "Yes, I'm ready." Lin Qing Xuan suddenly woke up. He rubbed his eyes and found that everything around him had returned to normal.

  He was sitting in the conference room, and there were more than a dozen doctors around him. Everyone had already submitted medical reports.

  Lin Qing was just an intern. Although he quickly handed the medical report to Jiang Yanran, it inevitably gave people a bad impression.

  "Did you write your medical report on your own?" Jiang Yanran glanced at it and put down Lin Qingxuan's report.

  "Yes, I came out after staying up late yesterday." Lin Qingxuan said confidently. He was an aristocratic family of traditional Chinese medicine, so it was easy for him to get a small medical report.

  "Why, are you the same as Dr. Liu's report?" Jiang Yanran's face turned cold and shouted, "Be honest with me. Did you copy Dr. Liu's?"

  "How could it be possible? I wrote this report myself. After staying in the office for a whole night, many nurses on duty saw it."

  Lin Qingxuan shouted out his grievances and glanced at Liu Jiangwei at the same time.

  Liu Jiangwei and Lin Qingxuan were in the same department. He had just arrived at Jin Hai Hospital only a few months ago, and he had already become a full member. It was said that he entered the hospital by relying on his connections.

  "Director Jiang, don't blame him. I wrote the report yesterday and threw it into the drawer. Maybe it was blown out by the wind." Liu Jiangwei sneered with a hint of blame.

  "Impossible. Your drawer is locked every time. How could it be blown out?"

  Lin Qingxuan suddenly remembered that after he finished writing after staying up late yesterday, he slept on the table for a while. When he woke up, he found that there were traces of someone moving the report he wrote.

  Now, like him, Liu Jiangwei's medical report was clearly copied by him.

  "Stop arguing. I've seen both of your medical reports. The contents of the report are very comprehensive and even very unique. It's a bit like it was written by an experienced doctor."

  Speaking of this, Jiang Yanran glanced at Lin Qingxuan. "I think an intern can't write such a medical report!"

  "Dean Jiang, this is really what I wrote. I dare to swear." Lin Qingxuan was extremely wronged. He had spent a lot of effort in this report, but now he was being accused of plagiarizing.

  The medical reports of the two of them were placed on the conference table. A few doctors who were close to each other took a look at them and couldn't help but feel very strange.

  "There are a lot of views on this report, and it seems to be at the top of the list. I guess it was made by a famous doctor."

  "That's right, especially this kind of thinking, it must not be ordinary. It's really not like what an intern can write."

  "If you want to copy it, then copy it. Doctor Liu is a brilliant student who has reached the sea. It's not surprising that he can write such a report."

  These words were like a bolt of lightning hitting Lin Qingxuan, making his eyes dizzy, and no one believed that it was him who wrote it.

  "Lin Qingxuan, from today on, you will be a security guard at the door. If you don't reflect on it, you are not allowed to treat anyone!" Jiang Yanran pointed at the door and said mercilessly.

  Lin Qingxuan clenched his fists. He really wanted to curse Liu Jiangwei for being despicable, but he had no evidence now. If he offended Jiang Yanran, he would be taken advantage of by someone with ulterior motives. At that time, he would not even have an internship chance.

  Lin Qingxuan held back his anger and said with difficulty, "Okay, I'll go now."

  "Hehe, how could such a person stay here? If it were me, I would have been out of the gate of the Jin Hai Hospital!" Liu Jiangwei said with a sinister smile.

  The other doctors couldn't help but sneer, "Is this person stupid?"

  "Yeah, look at him, he looks like a dog."


  Lin Qingxuan didn't know how he walked out of the meeting room. Those discussions made him extremely angry.

  Why did others think that he could not write such an excellent medical report?

  Was it just because he was an intern?

  However, Lin Qingxuan had no background. If he lost his internship opportunity, he would not only have no food, but also because of this matter, it would be hard to find a job in the future. Life was not easy. Sometimes, it was not that he had no backbone, but he was forced to do nothing.

  Fortunately, Lin Qingxuan remembered his grandfather's words and suddenly felt relieved.

  After returning to the dormitory and taking a comfortable bath, Lin Qingxuan took out a thick ancient book.

  There was a line of words written by a grandfather: "A doctor should have a broad mind, embrace the world, and cure the world!"

  Lin Qingxuan had been learning medical skills from his grandfather since he was a child. Later, because he went to school in a different place, he handed over this family's ancient book to him.

  When he opened the ancient book, it was all ancient, at least hundreds of years of history. However, the strange thing was that the handwriting on it was still very clear.

  The things on it were very mysterious. Lin Qingxuan hadn't finished reading the first page yet. Although he didn't understand a lot of things, he read them for hundreds of times and understood a lot of things from them.

  When they arrived at the quiet pavilion, Lin Qingxuan read it carefully under the light.

  After a while, a pretty girl appeared in front of Lin Qingxuan. She looked up and found that she was his girlfriend, Li Wangyun.

  "Wanyun, why do you have time to come here?" Lin Qingxuan was full of joy and wanted to hug her.

  However, Li Wanyun took a step back with a look of disgust on her face. Lin Qingxuan's expression was stiff, and he found that there was a golden bracelet in her hand.

  "This gold bracelet was given to me by Master Zhou." Li Wanyun raised her hand, and the golden bracelet was extremely shiny.

  Lin Qingxuan only felt exceptionally dazzling. "Wanyun, don't you hate Master Zhou very much?"

  "I used to live in the countryside with you, but I have never seen the world. Now that I have grown up, I know the value of some things. Do you know how much this bracelet is worth? It's possible that you can't earn it in your lifetime!"

  "Wanyun, what do you mean? I can try my best to buy these things." Lin Qingxuan clenched his teeth.

  "Don't talk nonsense! It doesn't matter if you want money or money. No matter how hard you work, you are just a doctor. You can never understand the life of a rich man."

  His cold voice made Lin Qingxuan feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

  "Wanyun, give me a chance. I will prove myself," Lin Qingxuan almost shouted.

  "Prove it? Haha, prove that you are a security guard in the hospital? Don't you understand what I mean?" A sneer appeared on Li Wanyun's face and she said, "Let's break up! Lin Qingxuan, it's impossible for us to do that."

  "That's it. Childe Zhou is waiting for me outside. Goodbye, no, we don't need to see each other again." After that, Li Wanyun turned around and walked to the gate. She got on a red Ferrari sports car.

  There was a young man sitting on the sports car. He seemed to be a little impatient. "Wanyun, why did it take so long? A bastard who doesn't even know his parents. What's there to say?"

  "Mr. Zhou, let's go. I deleted all his contact information. You can rest assured. What future can a bastard have?"

  Lin Qingxuan was stunned as if he had been struck by lightning. He watched his girlfriend acting coquettishly in the man's arms, and then snuggled up and drove away. His brain was buzzing and there was nothing in it.

  His home was in the countryside and had been mercilessly abandoned by his parents since he was a child. He didn't even know their names.

  Fortunately, his grandfather raised him up, but he was getting older. He worked and went to school at the same time. The money he occasionally saved could be sent back to his grandfather for pocket money.

  Li Wanyun was at the age of the village chief with him. They were childhood sweethearts, so naturally, they would not hide it from each other. But they didn't expect that when they came to the Jin Hai Province, everything had changed. Even these things had become the reasons for the other party to break up.

  "Why, why on earth is this?" Lin Qingxuan screamed angrily to the sky and punched down hard.

  His fist was right at the corner of the ancient book.

  As soon as his skin was cut open, red blood flowed out of his fist and slowly flowed onto the ancient book. Then something strange happened.

  The ancient book seemed to suddenly wake up and began to breathe. It absorbed Lin Qingxuan's blood on its own and continued to flow.

  Lin Qingxuan was shocked. In a trance, he felt that this ancient book was going to drain all his blood.

  However, the weakness of the blood loss gradually blurred his consciousness. Lin Qingxuan opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound. He just watched the ancient book sucking blood and became redder and redder.

  In the end, his vision went black and he passed out directly.

  In a trance, there was a faint voice in his mind, "The blood of the Lin Family, the impartation of the spirit, the appearance of the divine pupil, and the support of the world!"