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More Than a Fake Date

More Than a Fake Date

Autor: marythefourth



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He started to walk towards me, to every step he takes forward I took a step backward until I found myself at the edge of the bed. Then everything happened so fast, all I know now is that I am now laying on the bed, him on top of me with his arms caging my neck as he continues to stare at my eyes and then down to my lips. “Stop looking at me like that.” I said, blushing. “Like what?” He pretended as if he doesn’t know what I’m talking about. I hesitated to answer his question, but then he was the one to answer it on his own. “Like I want to kiss you?” “Y-yeah.” I said. A few seconds of silence clouded us again. “Well then can I? Kiss you?” I nodded, and with that he didn't waste any more time as he crashed his lips into mine. ***************************************************************************************** Everything was fine not until Madeleine, a woman who is already content with her life as a single person was invited to all of her best friends’ weddings that threatened her peaceful life, which pushed her to make a rash decision——to drag a complete stranger to be her fake date to fool her friends. But what if the stranger turned out to be a billionaire and has already fallen in love with her at the first sight?
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Chapter 1

AS SOON AS THE WIDE church doors flung wide open, the pianist started playing a lovely mellow sound that echoes throughout the cathedral. I then took the heaviest breath I could muster and crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping that I could survive this day.

I then took a few steps while glancing from my side-to-side, admiring the well-decorated aisle with such beautiful flowers I picked and incandescent lights. Just wow!

Oh, and don't get me started with the altar, absolutely magnificent.

My eyes wandered from the decor and then landed soon after they landed on him. The most charming man I have ever seen, wearing that well-tailored tuxedo, all crisped and... oh no, no, no!

His bow tie is crooked!

I started shaking my head, "Code red, we got a code red! A groomsmen's bow tie is crooked!" I whispered in a dismayed tone to my lapel microphone.

The groomsman looked my way and gave me a flirty smile. On the other hand, I'm giving him a signal to fix his bowtie. He then gave me a confused look, and I started mouthing bowtie repeatedly, and he still didn't get it!

"Okay, that's enough, Maddy." I rolled my eyes in a frustrated manner then Yves started to pull me straight back to the line. "Why don't you take a break in being the wedding planner and just be the groom's big sister? You're up next!" She said, knocking some sense out of me.

I handed the microphone wrapped around my head to her, and she gave me the bouquet.

The photographer took a picture of me before I continued walking down the aisle as fast as possible to avoid the people's looks beside me.

Once I reached the platform and into my place, the music that the pianist was playing changed into the Bridal Chorus, which signals everyone to rise from their seats and gaze upon the woman in white... my brother's bride.

She walks solemnly with a bouquet in one hand, and the other is hooked around her dad's arm.

My parents are also filled with joy. Even my mother is now welling up with happy tears with the thought that her precious son is now all grown up and is about to marry the love of his life.

I rolled my eyes again. I've heard that speech ever since they got engaged.

When they reached the altar, her dad gave her a peck in the cheek as he gave her away to my brother. At the same time, mom shifted her eyes towards me, giving me that look again.

For the past months of my life, all that I ever heard come out of her mouth were the words: "Why are you not married yet?" And it irritates me even more now.

I do not even know what the fuss about marriage is all about.

Some people say that it is one of the most important day in a human's life, and I totally agree. Just thinking about the things that I can plan, weddings are the top-paying occasion for an events planner like me.

But other than that, being tied to a man for the rest of your life is not something I am interested in. I value my freedom too much to give it up for something like this.

"May we have the rings?" I snapped back to reality when I realized that everyone was now looking at me. I quickly pulled the ring out of my pocket and gave it to Gianna.

She gave me a look with her eyes formed in slits before she took the ring aggressively from my hand; I just gave her a sheepish smile.

"Matthew, with this ring, I give myself to you, body and soul. Be it as a reminder of my undying love and faithfulness to you. I vow to always be by your side, through thick and thin, and I can't wait to be your wife and you, my husband."

I cringed at how cheesy that sounds.

"Do you, Matthew, take Gianna to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked.

"I do." He said with beaming eyes.

I wanted to move from where I was standing because of how uncomfortable I am right now. Compose yourself, Madeleine! Don't you dare shrug, of gag, or just don't move at all!

"Do you, Gianna, take Matthew to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He then turned to the bride.

"I do." She said while taking his hand.

Pulling my skirt up, I prepared myself as the priest said the final words. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may seal it with a kiss."

I ran out of the platform while the crowd started to clap and gather when the couple shared a kiss.

Gosh, I wanted to gag so badly. Don't get the wrong idea, I love my brother, it's just that I really find weddings a total boresome. Often times when I'm the wedding planner, I usually stand a few meters away from the altar, and I am busy making sure that the reception is in perfect shape. That is why I am off to head there now and make sure it is in good condition.

I DID MY BEST TO hid from my family once the program ended. I am a hundred percent sure they'll bombard me with questions about my love life.

And I do not want that to happen.

"Why are you alone sitting there, dear? Don't you have someone to dance with?" Seems like my mom found me.

I stood up from my seat and faced her, "No one, ma, besides, I'm taking off." I said before she could even start her whole litany about my relationship status of being single.

"So early? The party has just started." She protested, making me halt in my place because I did not want her to think I was rude to her for just walking away mid-conversation.

Also, how can she forget that I hate to party?

"I still have reports to file." I reasoned out, which was entirely true.

She drank the remaining contents of her champagne before looking back at me. "Mel, you've been working tirelessly to plan the perfect wedding for your brother. Why don't you loosen up a bit?"

I smiled at the compliment she just gave me.

"This is why you don't have a husband already," Oh goodness, here we go again. "You didn't even have a boyfriend to bring as a date. You're all work, work, work. You're not putting yourself out there."

I tried my best not to hear what she was saying, but I've already memorized this spiel of her, so my memory's playing it out for me.

"Well, goodbye then, ma." I took a quick peck at her cheek and rushed off.

I do not want to hear the rest; she'll just blabber about the fact that my little brother, who is four years younger than me, had already tied the knot.

AFTER I SAID MY GOODBYES to the couple, I went straight to my office, still in my dress and heels, lifting a heavy box filled with folders.

"I shouldn't be even surprised you're here." I heard a voice, and I looked up to see who it was.

It was Nicolai.

Few moments of silence clouded us before he broke it, "Oh, before I go back to the reception, there are wedding invitations addressed to you in your drawer. I placed them there when they arrived this morning." He said, and I gave him a confused look.

"I know you already told me to decline every wedding invitation addressed to you, but I made an exception because they're from your best friends." He answered my question before it was even asked.

Did I hear that right? He said best friends, emphasis on the s, as in plural form? Two of them are tying the knot already?!

"I'll leave you to it." Nico said, and then he took off.

Rummaging from a drawer to another drawer, I started panicking. 'It's in your drawer,' he says, yet I have a gazillion of drawers!

Aha! Here they are.

I ran my fingers on the envelope as I read the address where they were from, confirming that it was indeed from my friends. Upon shuffling them, I noticed that I was holding not two but three envelopes.

This means that I'm the only bachelorette left in our group!

I slammed my back against my chair when that realization hit me. What did I expect? That if I'm not going to get married, my friends won't too?

My mom is right. I am really caught up with my work to notice that I'm already in my thirties, and so are they.

I have now lost my focus on the reports and files I am working on, so I finally decided to stop. My head is still being clouded by those wedding invitations and the realization that if I really don't step up my game, I'm going to die alone.

That quotation "no man is an island" is playing on repeat inside my head.

SINCE I DECIDED TO STOP what I was doing in the office, I have decided to go back to the reception. Since it was owned by the company I'm working in, it's just beside the building where my office is, that is why I'll just need to walk to get back there.

And I am hoping that there will be something here that can distract me from drowning in my thoughts.

Most of the guests were already gone, and I bet the couple already went on their honeymoon. It's just my parents, some other relatives of mine and Gia's.

I did not want to face my mother again, so I went upstairs to the rooftop, where I spotted an open bar is happening tonight.

Once I entered the room, there were only a few people scattered around the dance floor. Most people are drinking in their own seats, and some are watching sports on the television.

"One dirty martini, please," I said to the bartender as I seated near the bar. "And also, no bartender mojo where you have me spill all my secrets." She chuckled in response to my request and went on to make my drink.

I do not know how many glasses of alcohol I have consumed now. However, so far, I can still see the view from up here clearly, and I can still walk straight since I managed to go from the bar near here beside the banisters.

"Mel, hey, I thought you're at the office?" Nico greeted me with a drink in his hand.

I giggled. "Hey, Nicooooo!" I said hazily.

"Are you drunk?" He then asked.

"Nooooo!" I screamed as loudly as I could since he could not hear me due to the loud chatters of men shouting at the TV.

"Yes, you are! Come, I'll take you home." He tried to pick me up, but I stopped him, "Wait, wait, I need to go to the restroom first."

"Can you walk? Let me help you reach the restrooms." He concerningly offered, still holding my arms to balance me off.

"I do not need any man's help! I can perfectly manage all by myself." I groaned.

He protested a little bit, but I managed to convince him to let me go so that he could get into the car park and get his vehicle, which would save us some time.

I walked away from him, then outside the rooftop. I did reach the restrooms, but unfortunately, that was the last thing I can still remember.

Guess I was that drunk after all.

"WAH! I FEEL GOOD!" I woke up with James Brown breaking my eardrums and causing me to fall off my bed, landing with my face on the ground.

When I stood up, I saw Nico sitting in one of my bedroom couches, giving me an angry look.

"I am not in the mood to be scolded at right now." I said as I put my palm in my throbbing and heavy head.

'Gosh, why did I drink so much last night?' I angrily whispered to myself as I started to regret the decisions that caused me to get this wasted.

"Good morning to you too, miss I-need-to-go-to-the-rest-room-and-never-came-back." He said in an irritant tone.

I paid no attention to him as I saw a pill and a glass of water on my bedside table and took it, "I don't even remember what happened after that." I answered the hidden question from his mocking statement.

"J-just don't scare me like that! Okay?" He walked near me as he said that and reached for my hand.

I only nodded in reply.

"Good, now I need to go home. I will still be going to check on you later. And as for your messy state," Nico paused as he looked at me from head to toe.

"Go, take a bath. You reek in alcohol!" He said, fanning over his nose because of the smell.

When I got inside the bathroom and took off my dress that I have been wearing for 12 hours now, a paper suddenly fell on the ground, so I picked it up and saw that there was something written in there and read it.

"Thank you for spending the night with me, luv. If you ever need someone to bring a date to your friends' weddings, don't be shy to ring me up, here's my number: +44 21 2345 6789."

The moment I read the name of the person who had signed and gave me this piece of paper. The memories that I forgot due to the hangover suddenly flashed right in front of my eyes.

Oh, my goodness! I remember everything now!