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Steamy Stories



One night was all it took for her life to change, from a person to a prisoner, from a woman to a slave, her freedom was auctioned and sold, to a man, whose desires were that of a beast. He wanted control and she couldn't deny it. He was toxic, but she couldn't resist. She was falling into the abyss unable to escape. Mia, a normal accountant girl’s life turns havoc over a night, kidnapped and sold on the auction house to a bidder who quoted 100billion. Her will to resist was seized that night. Considering herself Sold. Mia resorted to accepting her fate by signing a contract with her Master, in return for her friend's debt. After flying down to her Master's mansion, she realizes the man who bought her is none other than Alster Wine, a famous businessman known throughout the country. As she battles to remain sane and level-headed during her red room sessions, she knows better than what her heart craves. Her feelings turn havoc as she gets entangled in Wine's family feud, misunderstandings, unreciprocated feelings, her last straw breaks when she sees Wine kissing another girl. She thinks breaking up and moving on would reset her life, but when the devil comes knocking on the door, her heart takes the lead. Compromising and understanding each other even as she learns about Wine's family truth and past, his stepbrother trying to kill her gives a whole new perspective to Wine and Mia welcoming their future with determination and love. Filled with a lot of rollercoasters of emotions, they both try to understand each other.
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Chapter 1

I hated days like today, attending lavish parties, pleasing clients who would not think twice before backstabbing, and the nagging of countless aristocrats who will push their daughters, aunts, cousins, even wives into my bed, if given a chance.

I have been drugged innumerable times while attending these functions and those families who have sinned have never lived to tell the tale to anyone. There have been times when I had to kill the women myself because not all of them aim for sex, some of them are hired assassins. Human green never ceases to amaze me.

Over the years I have come to detest these gatherings. I usually ask Chris to take my place, but he seemed to be held back with an important job. More like a mission, to bring down the slave trade that has been happening for generations.

I am not even flaunting when I vocalize, it was my family who started such a dirty business. They were just worthless scumbags who were never fazed at the sight of blood or money.

POWER was what they craved. A place where people succumbed to POWER was what they wanted to create and they achieved it by hook or by crook. It still exists to this day, REDBERRY GIRLS alias known as THE RED MARKET, making dealings far worst than what I have seen back in the day.

It is ruthless to anyone who dares to oppose its legitimacy in today’s context. As the men say, women crave to be satisfied, and it is their rightful duty to do so, may it be legal or illegal.

“A society the weak could only dream and a place where the rich could only flaunt.” That was the tagline used by that man, my father, to appease the higher society into committing atrocious acts. Inhuman deeds were kept hidden in the dark as they camouflaged it by their limelight.

“Sir, we have arrived,” my chauffeur William spoke. The last surviving man to have lived after I brought down the Chrysanthemum family. A name of my past no one speaks about. A disguised name for the cruel acts they partake in.

“come back here in 2 hours” I nodded. “Have a great day Sir” William gave a brief smile before his stoic expression took over. He was a man with few words, and I liked it that way.

“The folds under your skin has increased William, it is not good to work when your health is on the line” I furrow my eyebrows letting him know the seriousness at hand. He had served me for over 20 years, and it was time he lived in peace, away from the Mafia.

“Then you should know, Sir Wine, I am stubborn as a mule,” he remarked with humor. I knew retirement was a topic he always walks away from.

“fine” I smile. “I will be out in around 2 hours”

A bodyguard held out the door as I stepped into the limelight. “This way sir” they guided me through the reporters who never seemed to stop asking questions.

‘SIR WINE IS IT TRUE THAT YOU ARE GOING TO MARRY THE Carsla Industries daughter?’ A reporter screamed, trying to gain my attention while pointing her mike at me.

‘SIR WINE, ARE YOU STILL CONTINUING THE AFFAIR WITH MARRIS LOE, THE HEROINE OF THE HIT MOVIE BLACK KNIGHT?’ another reporter followed her tactics. I could see them hiding their filthy smirks behind their professional persona. All they wanted was to create a headline and increase their TRP ratings, it didn't matter if the source was accurate or not, it dint matter if it ruined other’s reputations. 

They kept attacking me with questions until I was cornered. REPORTERS. I hate them more than my worst enemy. They are useful and useless at the same time. They never ask about the global situations or the upcoming product release, always interested in my private life like a group of leeches, whom I can never get rid of.

It was time to shut them up. Cameras kept flashing my way, all of them eagerly pausing their questions to hear my response.

“I dint know News Channel were into gossips. You people would make better storytellers than the kids in kindergarten.” I straightened my tie. My composed manner was more than enough to have their lips stitched.

“Get your facts straight, before questioning anyone and for all those who have asked ridiculous questions about my affairs, I will sue all of you for defamation and spreading false rumors. Your news channel CEO will meet with my lawyers before this party gets over. And I won’t be backing down this time.” I ran my fingers through my hair, pushing it to the back of my head.

“NOW, think twice before you spew fairy tales,” I smirked and went inside as their screams increased. I have wanted to do this for a long time. I had gone too easy on them. Let their CEOs come groveling under my feet and probably I might pardon them. 

“Sir Wine, please come inside” the party’s host Mr. Shocklem Garnard, a greedy old man, invited me in. He had worn the famous tailored tuxedo rumored to cost billions adorned with diamond jewelry. A party to show off his wealth. Even though he had lost his teeth to my punch, he never learned a lesson. He is a simp to money, power, and Women.

I could smell his noteworthy achievements from his surroundings. Tonight, was the talk of the town. From A-list celebrities to sports stars, investors, all were invited under a single roof.

“Cheers Mr. Wine” he opened a bottle of champagne, pouring me a glass. Alongside him were his wingmen, who only flattered him with praises. A banquet where everyone hid their true colors.

“Congratulations on your new product launch in your pharmaceutical company” Granard clinked his glass to mine. I so wished I could disappear. “enjoy around, Mr.Wine and we have women too if you know what I mean,” he winked.

The utter disgust I felt at that moment was unexplainable. I knew this banquet was like any other party the rich people held, to sleep and have fun regardless of age and gender. Many are just happy landing in bed even if it's a 60-year-old man. Morals are nothing but tissue papers used in toilets.

I talked with a few of the men I knew, those who were decent enough to hold a conversation and leave the party before midnight awakenings.

‘MRRR….wwwwinnnnnneeee’ I heard a squeaky voice from the back of my head. I already knew the owner of the voice. “fuck” I cursed at this doomed night. Why the hell was she here? Didn't Chris inform me she was still shooting her scenes in England? That traitor I will see to that he learns a lesson. I rubbed my temple in distress.