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It's My Life, Right?

It's My Life, Right?

Autor: Rulyd

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It's My Life, Right? PDF Free Download


After she quit school at 18, she has always been working small jobs to support her single mother in raising her 2 little brothers. Always telling herself she would return to school and study one day. Before she knows it's been 5 years and she still hasn't done anything to live her life. Her social life, her love life and even her alone time are always being put second to her family. Sometimes she feels like a puppet craving to be free... ---------‐-----‐-------------------------------------------------- "Damn it!" I hiss when I bump my head into something hard. When I look up I see a guy frowning down at me. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I said quickly putting my phone away. "Yeah, I noticed." He said and this time it was my turn to frown. "Again, I'm sorry. Won't happen again." I said quickly and got out of his way. Just when I wanted to put my headphones on he tapped me on the shoulder. "I already apologized. What do you want more?" I said annoyed. "Your number and to know where I could get cigarettes." He flashed me a smile that made me freeze and while I was trying to process what he said, he let out a chuckle. "You don't need to take it so serious. If you could just show me the way." "Oh yeah sorry I was just trying to think of somewhere but if you want you can follow me. I'm going to get some groceries anyway. You can get some there." I said and he smiled. "Thanks." If I only knew about the problems that would follow me after meeting this man.
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Chapter 1

  Before we get lost in my story, let me update you quick about me. I'm a 23 year old that still lives with my mom, granddad and younger brothers. I have almost no contact with my dad and older brother. And I work 6 days a week in a small family restaurant close to the city center. With almost no time for myself there is even less for friends, but my best friend Leya thank God understands.

  Hope it's enough to keep track of where we're going...


  "If you need anything else just text me!" I yelled before I shut the door behind me. She probably didn't even hear me because of the discussion with my younger brother.

  I sighed and put my headphones on.

  Today I finally had some free time after working for 6 days straight. I really love my job at the family restaurant but the 10 hour shifts did require me resting on my day off. Sadly, my family isn't really into quiet days.

  With my usual Playlist on I shut the world out and decided to walk instead of taking the bus. Enjoying my time away.

  After a 20 minute walk the mall started to come into view. Living just outside the city had it perks. The mall was small and only had stores focused on necessities. So only old people and moms would see me in my lazy state.

  After crossing the road I quickly check if my mom asked for anything else.

  ' Damn it! ' I curse at myself when I bump my head into something hard.

  When I look up I see a guy frowning down at me.

  ' I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention. ' I said quickly putting my phone away.

  ' Yeah, I noticed.' He answered and this time it was my turn to frown.

  ' Again, I'm sorry. Won't happen again. 'I said quickly and got out of his way.

  Just when I wanted to put my headphones back on he tapped me on the shoulder.

  ' I already apologized. What do you want more? ' I said annoyed.

  ' Your number would be nice and to know where I could get cigarettes.' He flashed me a smile that made me freeze and while I was trying to process what he said, he let out a chuckle.

  ' You don't need to take it so serious. If you could just show me the way.' He said awkwardly while rubbing his neck.

  ' Oh yeah sorry I was just trying to think of somewhere but if you want you can follow me. I'm going to get some groceries anyway. You can get some there.' I said and he was surprised for a moment.

  'Thanks.' He said showing me his cute smile again.

  ' No problem. It would be weird to tell you the way and then follow you like a stalker anyway.' I mumbled starting to feel really conscious of myself.

  This gained another smile from him.

  ' I wouldn't mind having such a pretty stalker like you anyway. ' He winked at me and this made me smile.

  ' No matter how pretty I think a stalker is creepy you know. '

  ' Maybe you're right. I never had one so I don't know.'

  ' I'm always right don't worry.' I responded with a grin before walking into the supermarket.

  ' You can get your cigarettes behind the cashiers.' I pointed while grabbing myself a shopping cart.

  ' Thanks. You need to buy a lot?' He asked.

  'Yeah some things for home. I have a list.' I said and made a gesture of to my bags.

  'I see then, got a second?' He said and walked off.

  I didn't really get it but when he turned around to look he smiled again and I waved before going inside.

  I don't know why but I felt nervous and started to get everything as fast as I could. " He was really cute " I thought to myself and a smile formed on my face.

  I shook my head at myself. There is no way he would like me looking like this I tried to remind myself.

  After getting most things all that was left was cat food.

  While grabbing a few different kinds I almost jumped when someone stood next to me.

  ' Hey, sorry didn't mean to scare you.' And there he was again.

  ' It's okay just didn't expect you here. What's wrong? Forgot to buy something?' I asked putting the cans in my hands away.

  ' No, just that I didn't get your name. I hope I'm not bothering you.' He said.

  His nervous smile made me giggle.

  ' Nice to meet you, I'm Myra.' I put out my hand.

  ' Nice to meet you too, my name is Grey.' He said taking my hand for a firm but soft shake.

  ' So you're buying food for a whole month or you have a lot of cats.' He said looking at my cart.

  ' Yeah I have 2 kittens and my mom has one older cat. So for 2 weeks.' I nodded.

  ' I see, anything else you need to get? I could help if I'm not bothering you.' And there was his nervous smile again. Who would believe a guy looking as good as him could be so shy.

  'No, this was the last thing on my list.' I responded and he made a disappointed oh face.

  'But you're not bothering, I still need to pay and pack it all.' I added. And with that he smiled and took the cart to the cashier.

  'So you still live with your parents.' Grey said while we were putting it all on the band.

  'My mom, 2 younger brothers and granddad. What about you?' I said taking out my card.

  'I started living on my own shortly after I turned 18. Almost 10 years now. I only moved to this neighborhood 2 months ago though.' He said while I finished paying.

  'That's why I never saw you around.' I joked.

  'Maybe, you know a lot of people from around here?' He said taking the cart to the side.

  'No, it was a joke. It's been 16 years since we moved here but I only know a few of my friends. Before that I was on the other end of the city.' I answered while putting the groceries in the bags.

  ' So how old are you?' He peeked at me and I smiled.

  'I turned 23 last year. You're 28?'

  He nodded 'Yeah I turned 29 a few months ago. Starting to get old, don't you think.'

  'You're only 5 years older. I'm turning 24 in a few months. So not that old. Maybe.' I grinned and he gave me gentle push.

  'Thanks a lot. So how are you getting 3 heavy bags home?'

  ' With my hands and feet?' I said taking 2 of them.

  ' If I carry 2 of them, would you let me walk you home? Or partly if you feel that's saver.'

  ' Are you sure? It's heavy and cold outside.'

  'So you're telling me it's fine for a lady to carry them in this weather but not for a man?' He said taking a bag from me.

  I giggled ' I'm just not used to being treated like one.'

  'Then you've met the wrong men but that's fine. I can show you how it should be done.' He showed me a cheeky grin that made me blush.

  The whole way back we tried to know each other as much as possible. When we got close to my house I stopped at a busstop.

  ' Till here is fine. It's only a minute away. Where is your house anyway. I hope I didn't make you take a detour.' I said putting the bags down.

  'No actually its quite close. Only a few minutes.' He said pointing at an apartmentcomplex.

  'I see. Thanks again for helping. It was a fun talk.'

  ' The pleasure is mine. I actually hope to talk more if you want that too?' And I nodded in response.

  'Great! Then if you could put in your phone number.' He said passing me his phone.

  After taking his phone back he gave me a handshake and a kiss on the cheek.

  'Really happy to meet you. I'll text you later!' He said and I watched him walk off.

  The last minute walking home wasn't enough to cool down. So before going in the first thing I did was text my Leya.