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Her Addictive Taste

Her Addictive Taste

Autor: Zarin28

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Her Addictive Taste PDF Free Download


Bestfreind shouldn't kiss each other and want you more than anything in this world and shouldn't know the way you taste and carve more from you and your bestfreind shouldn't eat you out in schools bathroom and become obsessed with you We'll that's not the case in bestfreind Zara and Aiden
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Chapter 1

"Zara povv"

"Tell me are you going to talk to any boy's again if you did I am going to fuck you senseless kitten" He said while fucking me very hard I feel like I am about to burst I am in heaven the pleasure is to much to bear for me and his dick filling me completely with every thrust he is making me shake I scream his name but that just makes him angry and he fucked me more hard and roughly

"Who I am" He asked still thrusting me very hard

"" I was Unable to get that words out of my mouth

"Oh really" He asked angrily

He again thrust into me very hard his dick pounding me like a beast who gots his prey

"Da..... d.... dy" I scream out

"That's my girl" he said smirking but there is a possessiveness in his tone

"Daddy" I cried out because I am reaching my orgasm he moaned still pounding me like a beast like his life depends on fucking me after few minutes he also reach his climex and fill my pussy with his seeds

What feels like hour's are actually minutes and I really need to go to the bathroom

So I try to get up from the bed and take the to risk go to bathroom but as I tried I failed miserably I turned my head and glared at Aiden who just chuckled at me

"That's what's you got for making me jealous" He said smirking

My alarm rings and I rub my eyes slowly trying to get up finally I opened my eyes completely and the first thing I noticed is I was just dreaming I blushed hard thinking about my dream about Aiden fucking me senseless but it feels so true like it really happens in real life I think I am thinking to much oh my god I am losing my mind

Aiden my best friend from childhood till today now I am seventeen years old and studying in the same high school as Aiden and he is one years older as same age as Xavier our another bestfreind we three are the popular kid in the school because of our parents my dad is one of the richest businessman in America and my dad and Aiden dad are childhood

bestfreind just like us and my mom and Aiden mom are school bestfreind actually my mom and aunt Lisa are bestfreind from 5th grade when my Mom transfer in Lissy

Aidens Mom

school for the first time she is little shy and reserved and on the other way  Lissy is bold and sassy one she got along with my mom very well like they are long long sister but they are completely the opposite of each other  my Mom and lissy

Lisa because she doesn't like to call Aunt Lisa because she thinks it makes her old

My dad and Liam

Aiden dad

  transfer from another school to their school because my dad got transfer here and they don't want to loose each other because they are like brothers to each other so they transfer both in the same high school

my dad got a crush on my moom on the first sight just like love at first sight and Liam and Lissy started dating each other after six months and Mom and dad also started seeing each other and one day someone suddenly proposed Mom and Dad was first to drag Mom out of school because of his jealousy and kissed her and they tell each other their feelings and they also started dating and after graduation dad started working on my grandpa company and he proposed Mom because they are deeply in love with each other and they married after five months after Lissy and Liam's weeding and they have me and my sister Mia who is two years younger then me and Aiden have a little brother who is same age as Mia

Alex is Aiden little brother but Mia and Alex never get together always calling each other names and fighting constantly

I came back to reality after my phone beeps mean someone message me I checked it was Aiden he is coming to pick me up for school  I blushed more hard thinking that dream and that I love him but I am scared of rejection what if I lose my bestfreind I get up to take a bath and get ready to get out from all this depressing thoughts I took a good half hour shower and get ready wearing a skirt that rich my mid thigh and a black crop top because its very sunny today I did my netrual makeup mascara lip gloss and little bit blush I don't like to much of makeup like a cakey face I go towards our kitchen and found my mom and dad talking with each other and Mom baking some pancakes I said Good morning to them and started eating breakfast because I will get late for my school I was done with my breakfast and I get a message that Aiden is here with that I started my day