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Slave To The CEO

Slave To The CEO

Autor: eyitayoolusayo

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"I do not need a lover, what I want is a slave, I will be yours and you will be mine, but our relationship will be on a whole different level and not like the usual kind you see; there'll be rules for you to abide to, the main of which you are not permitted to touch me without my consent, neither are you permitted to sleep on my bed. You will live with me as my slave, my prisoner, I will have your body to do as I wish with it and I will be your master, nothing more. Do you agree to these terms Miss Samantha Wallace?" She took a deep breath, her eyes scanning through every word written on the NDA, these were not terms she would like at all, these were degradative conditions that would most likely get her hurt but the only thing that mattered to her at this moment was that she would be with him, even if it were in the manner she might not like. "Is this the only way I can have you?" She asked "Yes, Miss Wallace, I'm afraid you can't have me any other way apart from this." Not giving it a second thought, she pinned down her signature, sealing her fate and then gave him her answer, "I accept to be your slave."
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Chapter 1