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The Cutie Waitress

The Cutie Waitress

Autor: Authroess Cy

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The Cutie Waitress Walking begrudgingly out of the company she felt like a jinx. It's the 4th company she tried and all of them rejected her. Marsha felt a tear drop about to escape her lids when she wiped it off . Staring at the fast-food restaurant she decided to give it a try. After all it's better than being jobless Taking one last breath she pushed the door open with high hopes of being employed as a waitress ******** "How can you do this to me Blake!?...I thought I was enough for you!?... but instead you cheated on me with another girl!?!?" Lilith yelled trying so hard not to break down again Blake face was blank and he kept staring at her "I don't even understand why you're angry. I told you before I don't do love"he said plainly "B...but...." "C'mon darling... don't do this to yourself okay?. Kindly leave my office " "Blake!!" "Bye ...." he drawled pressing a button on his desk. Before long some securities came and dragged her out. He sighed tiredly slumping on the chair. "This bîtches still don't understand,I make money not love" That's the lifestyle of Blake Carlos. The demi god CEO of Carlos Empire He's hot,cute , arrogant and absolutely a playboy He's daily motto*Make Money , Not Love* What happens when he accidently gets drunk and have a sèxual Intercourse with Marsha Crystal??? Will they work it through?? Will he accept her when she gets pregnant for him?? And why do they don't believe in love??
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Chapter 1

"May I take your order please?" Marsha gave the male customer a heart warming smile. She held a pen and a little note book to take down his order

Giving her a naughty smile Wayne rested his hands on the table

"I'll take you to go.."he replied in a whisper

She glared at him for a while with disgust but faked a smile

"That's nice sir... but am not on the menu" she retored trying really hard to make her voice sounds polite

"Is that so_"

"Look sir..will you tell me what you want and stop wasting my time ?"she snapped lightly tho in order not to let her boss Mrs Clara know

That lady is so inconsiderate and full of her self

Not to talk of her bad temper... Marsha doesn't want anything that'll make her fire her...this is the only job she could secure

With a smile still on his lips he ran his fingers through his hair gazing at Marsha

What a beauty??... but she's a spicy one too ...maybe I'll have her another day he smacked his lips lûstfully

"Just get me a chicken salad darling". Marsha nodded gently leaving for the kitchen

"One chicken salad Emery "she told the cook through the little window passing her the note

Since it's time for her break , Marsha un did the knot of her arpon before leaving the restaurant

She walked for some distance and later sat down at the edge of the not so tall cliff

Marsha Crystal she's 23 years old and still can't secure a job. She's a graduate from economic but still can't get a good job. Her dad died after she graduated while her mum left her dad when she was just 3 years of age

She fixed her gaze on the lake watching some ducks swim

"If I had an opportunity I'll kick those perverted men in they're balls "she muttered to herself angrily

Dusting her behind she walked begrudgingly back to the restaurant

Thank goodness she met only few customers

Walking back into the kitchen she wore her arpon properly and grabbed her note book

"Good afternoon sir...what would like to eat?" she gave out a sweet smile

"I'll take anything as far as you're on the menu "the male customer stood up leaning closer to her


"C'mon sugar...why don't we have a one night stand?" he stood an inch away from her grabbing hold of her arm

"Si..."she felt his arm on her àss..

That does it !....she yanked her arm away giving him a hot slap on his cheeks

Not yet satisfied she gave him another one

"Oh my goodness !!"Mrs Clara rushed out of her office

"Marsha what the hell!?! so sorry sir!!... please forgive her !"she pleaded to the man who kept fuming In anger

"How dare she!?... laying her dirty hands on me!!" he barked

"Sir... please forgive her.. please... Marsha go wait In my office now!!" she Marsha a scornful look before she ran into the office

Biting her nails in anxiety and worry Marsha waited patiently for Mrs Clara to come

Nothing she'll say or do will make that greedy bîtch listen to her

For fûck sake!! wasn't her fault...that bàstard tried to assault her

Minutes later Mrs Clara walked into the office and sat on her seat staring keenly at Marsha who kept her head bowed

"Ma'am am sorry but he tried to _"

"I don't wanna hear another word lady...even if he raped you... you're not supposed to lay your hands on him!!"

"But ma'am_"

"Don't talk while I talk!" she barked . Marsha kept her head bowed wishing so much to punch this lady on her wrinkled face

"I don't know what to do with you Marsha... but let this be your last warning if anything like this happens again... you'll never step your foot In this restaurant again. Now leave!"

Not waiting any longer she walked out of the office grabbing her bag

After all it is closing hours. Feeling like a jink she wore her headphone listening to music as she walked back home

"I can't offered to lose this's my only source of income and I wont let any son of a bîtch touch me... unless he doesn't want to live ." She muttered walking down the ally

"Let me go bàstard!!..I said let me go!!" she heard someone struggling. Peeing a little she saw a lady about her age struggling with some thug

Maybe he wants to rape her??

"I'll teach you a lesson pompous bîtch" he snarled giving her a slap...she fell roughly on the floor and he advanced towards her.

Tapping lightly on his shoulder Marsha smiled boardly

"She said let her go...what part don't you understand ?"she said cheekily

"Hey .... "she hit him with her elbow on his face and then kicked him In the mid section

"C'mon girl let's go" she becocked to Nadia and helped her up

Marsha grabbed her arm running towards her house

"Thanks so much for saving me back there" Nadia said beaming with smiles

"It's nothing...I just hate men taking advantage of disgusting" she replied placing her cup of tea on the table

" what's your name??"Nadia asked

"Marsha Crystal..and you?"

"Nadia Carlos"


"Who the hell is that ??"Blake grumbled walking to open the door

"What is it Nadia??" he asked his younger sister

"Get your ass downstairs...mum and dad is waiting for you" she glared at him

"Sure..sure I'll be downstairs"

"Hey what's that smell?"

"None of your business"

"You had sèx again with another harlôt again last night didn't you?"

she peeded into his room quickly and saw a lady fast asleep

"Yeah and what's your business??"

"Nothing...just remember AIDs is real"she drawled walking aways

"Annoying little brat" he muttered under his breath closing the door.

He glanced at the lady fast asleep on his bed and he entered the bathroom

Minutes later he came back and found the lady absent

"I like her...she knows her work"

Bringing out a well taliored white suit he smiled a bit before wearing it

"Good morning beautiful people "he greeted everyone present in the dinning room

"Morning was your night?" his mum asked

"Was nice momma... morning dad"

"I heard you the first time... Blake if you get any girl me you're getting married to her" his father said sternly

"That's if..he hasn't get a disease before than" Nadia chipped in earning a mean look from her brother

"Your dad's right son... you're getting out of hand"

"Not now mum... you guys just made me loose my appetite am off" he got to the garage and drove off

His steps we're well calculated as he walked into the company

His secretary Lily accidentally bumped into him making the files she held scattering everywhere. Her excessive red lipstick also stained his suit

"Are you blind,draft or just plain stupid !?"he barked pulling the shirt off

" sorry sir" she apologized quickly

"Sorry for your sorry self..gosh!! .. can't believe this bîtch stained me with her cheap lipstick "


"Just keep quite.".he threw it on her face

"Your punishment...trek to the mall and get me a new suit...I give you 15 minutes "he stated coldy walking away