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Koreas Most Eligible

Koreas Most Eligible

Autor: The Alpha Writer

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Koreas Most Eligible PDF Free Download


When Jae Hwa is given the opportunity to face her fears, after much thought she takes it and plunges into the harsh world of pretence and deciet in search for who could conquer her heart. With the constant support of her best friend Min Jun, she toughened up to face her enemies but got more than she had bargained for. Through numerous hiccups she had gotten to know more about herself than her actual goals. Would she be able to keep her sanity after knowing the harsh truth? Find out in this thrilling novel KOREA'S MOST ELIGIBLE. Follow me here on novelcat for mass updates ^_^
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Chapter 1

  The streets of G city, Seoul were vibrant and full of life. The food vendors oozed out mixed but distinctive savoury aromas which could awaken the roars of parasites inhibiting rent free, within. The unharmonious yelling to buy wares, filled the streets, produced the desired outcome as individuals who took a quick glance at the sound directions, found themselves enamored with the flashy, yet delicious staples.

  It took a person with high will power or perhaps an empty pocket to resist such delectable treats.

  The neon lights buzzed in many coloured frames, contrasted beautifully with the headlights of moving cars, ultimately highlighting the scene, polishing it into a cyber aesthetic.

  There is nothing more nostalgic than watching people walk the zebra crossing, as the blaring street music played in the background.

  It was about 8:30 in the evening. Those who weren't stuck working overtime for their overbearing bosses were returning from their various workplaces. Some wore smiles, frowns, neutrality or even fatigue to mention a few.

  People of different walks of life, each had a story to tell. Some were excited to see their spouses at home, some couldn't wait to see their pets, some thought of committing sucide to put an end to their pain, who knows, some could have just wanted a good night's rest.

  The moon was out but Jae Hwa didn't think anyone would notice it through all the street lights and hubbub. Her chest heaved up and down as she panted trying to catch her breath, from cardio. Twin peaks were held firmly with a sports bra, were covered in sweat, glistening each time she walked under a street light.

  She checked her fitness watch, this time she had gone a little over five miles in 45 minutes breaking her one month old record. Jae Hwa smiled doing a little celebratory dance as she jogged the way home.

  In about 5 minutes, she was faced with a T shaped modern house. All of its outdoor lights were on, illuminating the surrounding area. Recognising it as hers, Jae Hwa sauntuared to the front porch, as all the adrenaline from running had died down.

  Putting her thumb over the censor, it shone green as the door clacked open letting her in.

  'Welcome home Master Jae Hwa. Congratulations on breaking your month old running record.' The Alexa voice greeted, in her normal robotic tone.

  Jae Hwa was still irked on how efficient Alexa was in monitoring her's and the house affairs. Though it was nice to rely on technology to help on certain things, she didn't think it was necessary to have something constantly keeping tabs on them. Her housemate had insisted on having her around, because quote 'He couldn't keep up with his dates, schedules without it' unquote.

  Though his reasons were silly, after some time of persuasion, she had agreed on it. But now she was having second thoughts if her decision was really a good idea.

  Contrary to how it was illuminated outside was, inside the lush bungalow was pitch black as Jae Hwa had turned off all the lights before going out for a run to reduce the electricity bill. Too lazy to turn on the lights, she headed straight to the freezer.

  She inhaled deeply as the cool air hit her face, hah, there was nothing that smelled as heavenly as the cold air of a newly cleaned fridge. Taking out a tub of chocolate ice cream, she closed the fridge, cutting off the dim white light that once shown in the kitchen.

  Not a bit bothered about being back in the darkness she felt her way to the counter, looking for her favourite shovel shaped ice cream spoon. The light suddenly went on.

  "Kyaaaaa!" Jae Hwa screamed as her pitiful eyes closed tight shut. It had felt as if a knife had sliced through her eyes, it wasn't ready for such bright light.

  She could hear laughter from the corner of the kitchen door. Jae Hwa knew too well who this mocking voice belonged to. Her best friend but also her worst nightmare, Min Jun. The prankster was at it again, she didn't know he was at home because she left the house just after he did.

  "I thought I heard the hamster come in." Min Jun sneered, taunting Jae Hwa.

  "You idiot, you should have warned me before doing that."Jin Hwa snapped, her eyes still undergoing the aftermath of his actions.

  Min Jun gave a mock yawn"Then it wouldn't be any fun, would it?". He crept sneakily to the counter and yanked the ice cream out of her hands.

  "How do you even do it?. You just came back from a run, and you went straight to ice cream, the first of your many late night snacks. It's a mystery as to why you aren't overweight yet, tell me how you do it. I'm willing to buy that information, name your price" He added, taunting her even further.

  "YOU!….. just let me get to you" Jae Hwa scowled in frustration.

  She opened her eyes as it slowly adjusted to the bright light. Her face held a questionable look as she stared at her supposed best friend. Min Jun looked so worn out and tattered with dark lines under his Phoenix eyes, one would think he had just experienced some kind of zombie apocalypse. His hair disheveled as he stood, in a slanting posture looking like he was going to fall at any time.

  "My goodness what happened to you!?" Jae Hwa cried in surprise.

  She moved closer, that's when it hit her, he reeked of alcohol. What could have made him drink so much?, the Min Jun she knows hardly drank alcohol. Jae Hwa was sure if he had another bottle he would surely get drunk.

  "Hamster...he dum...he dumped me!" Min Jun replied stuttering as an avalanche of tears flowed in an unbroken stream.

  A bit surprised by the sudden change in emotion, Jae Hwa pulled Min Jin into a bear hug not minding all the snot his nose let down to her shoulders.

  Stroking his hair, she led him to the couch at the sitting room and sat down with him. Placing his head on her laps as he cried bitterly. Not saying a word she let him cry all he wanted, to let out the pain, patting him gently at the back at regular intervals.

  Seconds passed, closely followed by a minute, the flow force of his cries had significantly reduced as only soft sobs escaped from his lips.

  "Tell me what happened today Min Jun. Everything." Jae Hwa said using the opportunity to ask what exactly went wrong, seeing that he had gotten a bit better.

  Speaking in a much cleaner voice than his last remarks, Min Jun replied," My now ex boyfriend cheated on me and dumped me. I really loved him hamster."

  Min Jun her best friend, was gay. She had seen him walk in and out of numerous relationships, and he had never behaved like this on any occasion instead he was just ready to jump into his next adventure. He had the playboy kind of personality, right now he was the one who got played. Karma really is a bitch.

  "You know, Chin Hae, that smoking hot guy we met at the bar" Min Jun started gradually morphing into his usual sassy tone.

  "You were dating him?. I didn't think he was gay" Jae Hwa replied visibly surprised.

  "Yes he is. Good lord don't tell me you haven't been listening to my vents these past months"

  Jae Hwa smiled a bit, guilt written all over her face. It was true she hadn't been as attentive as she used to be with his rants about his various exploits as she had also been caught up with work doing her best to meet schedule.

  Min Jun raised himself off from her thighs, looked ridiculous as his face had been moisturized with tears and smeared snot. Jae Hwa went through great lengths to avoid laughing at this situation, he didn't need that now.

  Min Jun sighed as he rested his back on the couch.

  "I guess you too were caught up in your own world, we are human after all." Min Jun said he couldn't be a bitch over such a small matter.

  "We have been seeing each other for the past three months and honestly things been pretty great between us,at least the way I saw it," he added looking sullen, "At our date today, he confessed that he slept with another man and he couldn't hide it any longer as the guilt was killing him. Though being very apologetic he stated that I wasn't always available and always seemed distant as work was getting between us. He had even admitted he was jealous at the thought of me seeing another man at the office as I am always surrounded by handsome men."

  "Well that could fuel his insecurities, but it doesn't give him a pass to cheat" She replied honestly.

  "It's kinda my fault though. I didn't make any conscious efforts to make time for us. The day he called me about it I had dismissed it, thinking it wasn't much of a problem. Hurt, he had gone for a few drinks and had a one night stand while drunk. He became distant from then which made me worry, after he while he called me for a date which made me so pumped for tonight, only for him to drop the bombshell. He had proposed a break for the both of us to sort things out and see if we really wanted to continue the relationship" Min Jun concluded with a sniff.

  "It's okay Min Jun, keep your chin up. I think he took a healthy decision, you guys clearly need time apart to figure things out, so as not to hurt each other in the future" Jae Hwa advised.

  "I guess" He replied with a hint of both sadness and regret in his voice.

  "If there is anything I could do to make you feel better, I promise I would do it" Not bearing to see her bestie this hurt, She had blurted out as she brought back the ice cream from the kitchen.

  "I think you need this more than me right now" She added handing over the ice cream and spoon, with a warm smile on her face.

  "Thanks, Hamster." Min Jun replied with teary eyes "If I wasn't gay, I would have married you a long time ago." He added sincerely.

  "I know I'm the best" She sneered.


  "Bully" she countered.

  Looking at Jae Hwa, Min Jun couldn't help but acknowledge how lucky he was to have her as a friend. She had always been there for him especially when he was at his lowest. He resolved in his heart he would never fall out of her favour to the extent of breaking their friendship, he'd rather walk on hot coal than do that for she was a rare gem among billions.

  "Um, why are you looking at me like that" Jae Hwa asked uncomfortably as he had been staring at her for a while now.

  He smiled knowingly."Nothing, just thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life"

  "You haven't taken out the trash today," Jae Hwa spilled out,as she suddenly remembered.

  "I take back what I said"

  "Too late, heard it already. Big brother Min Jun cherishes me a lot" she snickered.

  Min Jun's eyes suddenly lit up and his formal pulp-like body became rigid as he looked like he had received some kind of revelation. Looking at Jae Hwa he smiled wickedly, making her unconsciously take a step back away from him as she wasn't ready for another one of his pranks.

  "Min Jun, what the hell are you thinking about?. Don't come near me. I'm not in the mood for pillow fights." Jae Hwa warned in a serious tone taking two steps back with each word.

  'How could she be thinking of pillow fights at this time?' Min Jun thought, amused at her childish reasoning. He got up, moving straight to the retreating hamster, placing both hands on her shoulder, he spoke into face, so close, Jae He's cold smell the tingly smell of ice cream mixed in liquor.

  "I just thought of a way you could help me reduce my workload down to half and also help me repair my relationship with Chin Hae."

  'Oh boy!' Jae Hwa thought, cringing at what ridiculous things he would ask her to do. She shouldn't have run her mouth, making promises. What the hell is he thinking about right now?.