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I Regret Marrying You

I Regret Marrying You

Autor: ponyang



I Regret Marrying You PDF Free Download


In the modern day where fixed marriages seem trivial, Gianna Emilia never thought she'd be in that situation. She never plan of getting married at the age of 25, but fate has its own way of playing her life that one morning and she woke up married. It was fine to her since it was her dad's wish and she never say no to his wishes. She was that kind of daughter, she would always obey and follow. But for the first time in her whole existence, she regret agreeing to that marriage. She regret marrying the arrogant and cold-hearted Maverick Jaxon De Chavez. The guy who made her feel more unwanted and irrelevant.
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Chapter 1

  "Are you really sure about this?" Sandro asked her from the side.

  He's her best friend and he's been worrying about the deal she had agreed on; as if they can do something against it.

  "I'm really sure about this, Sands. I told you, you don't have to worry anymore, okay?" she assures her friend.

  She was sitting in front of a lightened vanity mirror as a stylist style her hair beautifully; putting her veil neatly.

  "What the hell, Alessandro! I'm the one getting married here but why you seem nervous than I am?" she asked when she saw her friend taking deep breaths from its reflection in the mirror. Alessandro shook his head. "You can't blame me, Gian! I'm your best friend and it was a fucking news to me!" it said angrily. "Besides, this isn't the wedding you had dreamed of having," it added.

  She could see sadness in his eyes, he was sad for her. But she just shrugged it out.

  "I have never dreamed of any wedding, Sands. I knew from that start that this is my fate" she answered honestly. "I don't have time fantasizing things that I know I could never have," she added.

  "You know you're going to get married to someone you don't like?" her best friend asked, shaking its head again.

  She nodded. "I had been told about this since childhood. This is why I was even kept despite of me being an illegitimate child," she answered.

  Sad but that's the truth.

  She was her father's child from a woman he met at the bar and had a night of infidelity. And it wasn't kept from her—for every day since childhood—her step-mother reminds her of that; telling her that she was her father's biggest mistake.

  That was honestly too much to take in for a 7-year-old child but she had no choice but to accept that together with all the maltreatment she's getting from her father's wife.

  Who is she to complain about, anyway?

  No one, of course. She's just someone whose existence was never wanted; the child who's forcing herself to be loved by her father. But fate has still some mercy for her. Her father never had a child with his wife, her evil stop-mother, reason why her father kept custody of her.

  She was kept for she will be needed for their business in the future, her dad told her blatantly.

  "And you accepted that just like that? Without even trying to tell them what you really want?" his friend asked, annoyed for her revelation.

  She rolled her eyes. "I told you, I do not dream of something I knew is impossible for me to have. I will not let myself hope for something I know can’t have and will only make me sad in the end," she answered.

  Though it was painful, she embraced that fate of her. If that's the only way for her father to love her, why not? She'll be more than willing to do everything; she will obey and follow everything he'll ask her to do without inhibitions. She will be a good daughter saying yes to her father all the time. That's what she had sworn to herself.

  And that future her dad was telling years back has come, the day where her existence was being prioritized for the first time in twenty-five years of her living. It was the day of her marriage to a stranger her Dad asked her to marry.

  The guy was not even introduced to her personally, she was only shown a picture of a young man in suit who looks snobbishly. Her dad said he's one of his business partners.

  "What if you will marry an old man? You haven't even seen it once but you still agreed to get married," Sandro said.

  "If that's what you worry about then, stop it, Sandro. He's not what you think he is! God. He's young, about two years older than us and he is fucking hot," she replied.

  "How can you say so? Did you meet him?" Sandro asked, raising an eyebrow.

  She shook her head. "No," she answered. "But I saw him in pictures. Dude, he's yummy!" she added.

  "Give me the name?" Sandro asked immediately.

  "Oh, why? You’ll search him on the internet?" she asked calmly.

  "Yes, hurry up! Tell me," it answered. But she didn’t move nor say something, she just watched him until it gets irritated at her. "What now, Gianna Emilia! Tell me!" again.

  “Okay, okay. You’re such in a hurry,” she said, laughing a bit towards her friend’s eagerness. "Maverick Jaxon De Chavez," she added, saying her future husband's full name with a wide grin.

  The ceremony started as soon as she stepped out of her bridal car. Her wedding was simple and only a few important people were invited. It wasn't a big deal to her; she didn't want to get married in the first place.

  "Here comes the bride!" one of the organizers announced. Everyone immediately arranged in their proper place and in a few moments, he would walk to the altar.

  "Is that he?" she asked her dad who's walking her down the aisle, as they look at that guy standing at the altar, waiting for her. Her dad nodded.

  "Yes, Emilia. He will be your husband," her dad replied.

  "He looks snob," she commented. Her dad laughed because of that. "He's a good man, Emilia. You'll be in good hands with him," it said.

  She just nodded as she looks straight to her future husband. It was also looking at her, bad void of emotion. Its forehead was creased and it looks rugged because of its facial feature but nonetheless, he still looks attractive.

  Maverick Jaxon De Chavez is a very handsome man. He has that prominent jaw, pointed nose, attractive thick brows and captivating eyes. And his lips, she felt suddenly thirsty by just looking at him there.

  Calm down Emilia, you can marry that! She chastised herself. Fuck! She never craved for any guy like how she's craving for this gorgeous guy in front of her. It will surely hurt not tasting him, gladly, he'll be hers after this ceremony.