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Will It Ever Be Me?

Will It Ever Be Me?

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Will It Ever Be Me? PDF Free Download


Through the crack of the door, I saw my husband and another woman entangled naked. I touched my pregnant belly and quickly took pictures of them bare. We had married for several years. He has always been the image of a perfect husband. But now, he cheated on me, slept with a woman we both known. I wanted to divorced, but no one supported my decision except myself. "What the hell do you want from me! "I screamed. "For our baby, I'll never divorced." Just when I was in despair, another tall and handsome man appeared in front of me. "I am the father of your unborn baby."he said
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Chapter 1

My brother came to borrow a camera from me that afternoon.

I rummaged through the study and found the SLR camera, which belonged to my husband. While checking the battery, I found a few nudes of a woman.

The photos didn't show the woman's face, but her poses were sexy. Besides, all her private parts could be seen.

I was stunned, and I felt something on my chest, crushing me.

Did my husband cheat on me?

But I quickly denied the possibility.

My husband would never do this to me.

My husband was Su Yichuan, and he was three years older than me. He just hit 30 years old this year, and he was the founder of a photography studio.

We grew up together. He was handsome, creative, and a hopeless romantic. The day we finished our college entrance examination, he confessed to me, and we started going out.

The year we graduated from college, we got married.

Everyone said that men were different after marriage, but Su Yichuan treated me even better.

No matter how busy he was, he would go on trips with me annually. Whenever I was on my period, he would be sure to wake up early in the morning to make desserts for me.

Three months ago, I found out that I was pregnant. I remembered the day I went to my first ultrasound, and he hugged me in excitement, saying that he had more of us to love.

I had a blissful marriage, so how could I suspect my husband is cheating based on a few nudes?

"Sis, have you found it? My friends are waiting for me! Xia Jun urged me from outside the study.

I smiled, removed the memory card, and replaced it with a blank new card.

I video called Su Yichuan that afternoon to remind him to take his meals on time during his business trip.

Before I hung up, I hesitated for a while and decided to tell him about the camera.

"Dear, Xia Jun came over this morning to borrow a camera. I gave him the one that's unused in the study."

I pretended to be casual, but I couldn't stop myself from wanting to see the look on his face.

Su Yichuan looked calm. He asked, "Did you remove the memory card? Chen Jun borrowed that SLR before, and I forgot to return the memory card to him."

Chen Jun was Su Yichuan's business partner and a photographer at the studio.

I breathed a sigh of relief as my worries were dispelled.

"I put the memory card on the desk in the study."

After dinner, I watched TV for a while and went to bed.

While I was sleeping, I heard someone opening the door.

"Who is it?"

I got up and shouted. No one answered, and the sound of the door opening disappeared.

Frightened, I called Su Yichuan.

But his phone was turned off.

He would always leave his phone on when on a business trip to keep in touch with me.

I didn't sleep well that night.

The next day, I went to the management to report what had happened. The staff and I checked the surveillance footage from the lift. We confirmed that it was just an upstairs neighbor who mistook my apartment for his because he was too drunk.

I was lost in thoughts as I looked at the surveillance footage.

It was because the footage showed a man and a woman.

From the moment they entered the elevator, the man pinned the woman and kissed her. They stood in the blind spot of the surveillance camera, so the camera did not capture their faces. I saw only the woman's long chestnut-colored hair and the man's broad back.

I found the man's back to be very familiar.

His jacket was the same as Su Yichuan's when he left for the business trip.