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Saints Of The Mafia

Saints Of The Mafia

Autor: MisTOfDesire



Saints Of The Mafia PDF Free Download


The Garden Of Blood Trilogy: Book Three Arden has just died leaving her family in danger of being over throned. She was the last living founding member. Now her sheltered granddaughter Crimson will see just how cruel and twisted the mafia world is supposed to be. For all she knew were the stories her granny told her. But now she will live her own story, praying that she survives it. ************** Phibionites are no ordinary religious group. They come from the writings of heresy hunter, Epiphanius. Although Christians, they have a different unique way of worshiping Christ. A scandalous worship of which involves a sex ritual.
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Chapter 1

Phibionites are no ordinary religious group. They come from the writings of Heresy hunter, Epiphanius.

Although Christians, they have a different and a unique way of worshiping Christ. A scandalous worship of which involves a sex ritual.

The Tale,

There was once a young man who lived in Egypt. One day while he was strolling around the streets of the city, two very attractive Phibionite girls, attempted to seduce him into joining their sect.

Rather than accepting their trade, he objected, rejecting them. Refusing to join them. However, he began to read and familiarize himself with their writings. Intrigued with their traditions and way of living.

Until he eventually started his own religion.

The Phibionite gatherings or 'feast' begins with the males shaking hands with the women. While cautiously tickling the underneath of their palms.

An erotic gesture at its best. For it was common knowledge that certain nerves were connected back to the female organs. For example a female's breast and the female sexual organ. Both are connected in some way.

A hot spot of the sort.

After dinner married couples have intercourse for the first time. The woman never being touched by another man in her life. Before climax, the male must pull out so that his partner can ingest his seed.

Both saying, "This is the body of Christ."

The Phibionites believed that this world is separated from the divine realm by 365 heavens. A heaven for each day in a year. To reach the highest world, a Phibionite redeemed must go through all 365 heavens - twice.

Each heaven is guarded by an Archon. To be granted safe passage, they must call out the secret name of one of the Archons, while doing the sex act.

The sex act would have to be done 750 times in the same manner, before they can enter.


This religion exists even today and is being practiced.

The Sokolov family are the few who still worship their god in this manner. It is more of a tradition for their family. Along with this ritual they possess a few more to go along with it.


Chapter: One

The Afterlife


She coughed a little, still managing to firmly grip my hand. Tears freely flowed down my face like a river flows down a rocky mountain. I have never seen her so helpless before. My heart painfully ached inside my chest at the sight in front of me.

My grandmother was my world. At this very moment, my world was dying and I could neither save her nor help her. She was not sick. Old age was killing her. I knew that I would not have time with her anymore.

The entire family encircled her around the bed. Grandma eventually ordered all of them out. And they listened without hesitation, exiting the room.

"Celine, don't cry. You know that my spirit will always be with you. I promise that I will keep watch over you until you are settled, without me." my Grandma was the only one who called me Celine anymore. She said my mom had named me that but when she died my father changed it to Crimson. So it became my middle name.

I nodded my head, agreeing with her but that did nothing to stop the tears from pooling at my chin. Then my eyebrows crinkled in confusion.

She sees my confusion, and proceeds by saying, "I do not know how long this place will be free of attacks after I'm gone. I can't make anyone a founding member because it has to be done by an original. And they all are dead." My eyes fly wide open with realization at this reality.

From under her pillow, she pulls out a copper dagger. She places it in my hand and moves it towards my chest. "This was a gift from your grandfather to me. It is yours now. You will have to be strong. Take courage off of my stories and remember that my soul is wrapped up with yours once you possess this dagger."

Grandma then proceeds to take off her ring that once belonged to grandpa. It was dark silver with a black skull on it. She placed it on my right middle finger. "Thank you," I mutter swallowing the fear that slowly built itself up in my throat.

Yes, I was scared.

"You're welcome, my child. Once you have these we will always be with you. Looking at you, from the afterlife."

When my mother died she left behind my older brother and I. My grandma Arden took care of us as though we were her own. Meanwhile, my father drowned himself in alcohol and women.

I had many cousins but they were way older than me. So Kisa and Sychar became like sisters to me. We belonged to the younger generation of Vitcenzo.

My brother left us to live his own life. He claimed that this life was not for him and so he left me. It has been three years and I still miss him every day.

Kisa was the last granddaughter of Blue and Darius. And Sychar was the last granddaughter of Phanes and Heaven. Although I always get confused because River is her Granddad as well. But she looks so much like Phanes when he was younger. At least that is what I saw from the family albums.

I believed in the afterlife but it was still painful to think that grandma will be no more very soon.

I woke up the following morning to the place engulfed in excruciating silence. I immediately ran towards grandma's room, barging in.

She laid still on the bed. Everyone's head was bowed and I fell to my knees. My heart breaking with every sob that raked through my shaking body.

Sychar came to me and held me on the ground trying to get me to stop screaming and bawling my eyes out. My father covered her body with the sheet and I knew it as all over.

Then just like that, a warm and calm feeling overtook my entire body. It felt as though someone else was hugging me apart from Kisa and Sychar.

I knew, I just knew by the cozy feeling. I got that it was my grandma keeping her promise to me. She was here looking over me.

Raising up from the ground I wiped my tears, walking up to her lifeless body. Uncovering her face I bend down half way and kiss her on her forehead. A lone tear slid down my cheek, running down a trail on hers.

A hand came and squeezed my shoulder. Turning around I saw that it was my father. "Do. Not. Touch. Me!" I harshly said to him. His hand dropped towards his side.

I exited the room soon after. Kisa was calling after me but I ignored her. I just wanted to be by myself.

When I reached my room, I stuffed my face in a pillow and cried until I got exhausted.

The next day I was putting my grandmother in the ground. I watched as they lowered her golden box into the earth. Her presence evident next to me. I could feel her.

And as I looked towards the ring she gave me, I could feel my grandfather's spirit. And I did not even know him. It was as though they stood on either side of me.

I threw my red rose into the hole on top of her coffin and walked away from the sight. My final goodbye was not a goodbye at all.

For death was never the end. It was always the new start.