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Autor: Yashima

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Euphonic PDF Free Download


Luca Yashima, an introvert 18-year-old teenage boy who dreamt to be an “IDOL” when he was a child in spite of his social condition. Following his ticket flying through the air, a speeding truck suddenly appears around the corner meeting his demise. By the help of a lesser god who lost a bet from Apollo, he was offered to be reincarnated to a parallel world. A world where music is banned, a world full of chaos and misery. To avoid things going the same way as his past life, he vowed that he will do everything to live his new life, enjoy music & become an idol that he always dreamt in exchange for a wish. A wish that will help him, a wish that will bring rhythm to that world. Only to found himself stuck on a cycle of failures and misfortunes after his revival. On his quest, he meets a carefree commoner who puts a smile on everyone he encounter, a notorious general who have a soft spot for weak and feeble and a crowned solemn indecisive prince who mourns and hates music. This, however, ends up having unexpected consequences and leap to his dream to become famous.
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Chapter 1

Inside his bedroom, the smell of newly brewed coffee, a loud advertisement coming from his TV and the chilly breeze of the AC blows his face, Luca focused his gaze at the clock.

“Today was the day.

- he yelped”

Today is the day where his favorite idol group will have a live stream of their performance.

“Arghhh, they said it’ll start at 12:30PM?”

Agitated, Luca sighed and stand up to grab his phone above the desk.

“I’ll look at the internet to know what’s causing the delay.”

Furiously, Luca madly type “Is the live performance of the Uncanny cancelled ?” at his phone.

While surfing across the internet, he received a text from the fan club.


He quickly open the message and got disapointed by it.

“Hey, Luca I have to deliver you a bad news. The live stream was canceled for today due to technical problems, it will be rescheduled for tomorrow.”


“And for those who avail the paper view for today’s concert, there will be a raffle for...”

He tossed his phone at his bed and shout.


- delivered as one word”

“I’ve got everything ready for this day, canceled by dentist appointment, had a shopping spree yesterday, bought all the merchandise for this and fake my sickness for me not to go to school, the worst part is I have a practical exam!”

While sighing all the things he has done just for this day, he received another notification.


He quickly grab his phone.

“It’s from Uncanny management.”

Luca gasp, cover his mouth and muffled something.

“Is this about the raffle?”

Luca kneeled and prayed before reading the email.

“Hopefully, just hopefully, god I know I’m not your greatest devotee but please just please grant me this wish, you can take everything from me just make this wish happen!”

After praying, he opened the email.





OH MY G...”

Out of excitement, Luca squeal like a little girl and jump on his bed while reading the text message.

“Hi LUCA YASHIMA! CONGRATULATION you’ve WON a VIP ticket for TOMMOROW’S CONCERT! Please claim your ticket at your nearest stadium for more info please call 184-2.....”

Luca shouts “AWESOME”

Disturbed by his reaction, Luca’s neighbor yell.


For the first time in his life, with no care about what’s happening around him. Luca closes his eyes and put his arms on his chest and express his gratitude.

“god I’ll never doubt you again”

He quickly stand up, grab his wallet and coat & Luca called out her mom, while faking his cough.



Her mom Aiko quickly came to his room concerned.

“Oh, dear are you feeling alright already? I heard you shouting a while ago and why are you dress up like that? Where are you going?

- in sweet and calming voice”

Luca acting like he’s sick, faintly reply.

“Mom, one question at a time.

And yes I feel much better today, thank you for the ramen and udon you prepared a while ago, I think it boost my system.

I have to grab some ibuprofen at the pharmacy, we’re out of stuck.”

Half true.

Aiko smiles and walked towards his son to hug him.

“Ever since your dad left, my life become empty, gloom and confusing, but then you always bring light to my loneliest day, keep me warm with your hugs and keep my mind straight whenever you’re near me Luca, you became my life.

Since then, you became independent and always took care of me I love you so much son.”

She refrain from adding

“I wish you could relax from time to time and learn to rely to me, your mom.”

Luca seemed about to speak, but his mother’s emotion eluded him.


Laughingly, Luca replied while wiping her mother’s tears before living their house


What’s with you and your mid-life crisis today?


You know I always got your back Mom. Right?”

Aiko nodded, but it took her a moment to find her voice. She hurriedly grabs her coat to follow Luca on his way out.

“Son, wait for me I’m coming with you”

Luca looked back nervously and smiled at her mom.


- he mumbles”

Aiko clings her arms around her son and looked at him.

“Don’t you want to spend a day with your favorite mother?

- tone weary, but cheerful”

Halk smiled, Luca replied to his mother.

“Of course, I want to!”

Yes, he lied again

Aiko talked so much Luca felt it was like drowning in a verbal Niagara Falls.

The heat of the day was already bad, sapping any energy Luca had to spare, but stepping into the sunlight was far worse. The sun was so intense that he actually looked at his own arm to see if his flesh was crisping under its relentless rays. He can't believe how unclean these streets are here, everything is changing, constantly shifting form. The deafening chaos did somehow kept sustained. One thing he awe about his neighborhood is how it exists despite the rapid growth of information and technology development of out civilizations.

He can’t stop but to ask his mother.

“Mom is our neighborhood always this crazy and dirty?”

Aiko replied to her son smiling.

“Yes, as far as I know, since the day we moved here, this place is always been like this.

Maybe you didn’t notice is because you’re always up early to school and be back at home at night and besides on your free day you’re not leaving your room.

Luca scratch his head and nodded to his mother.

“I know it’s been a while since the two of us go out together, and since the meeting has been canceled, I’ll take this opportunity to spent a day with you son.”

Embarrassed by her mother’s action in a crowd Luca smiled and whisper to her Mom.

“Mom, stop embarrassing me, theirs a lot of people looking at us, can you please just walk like a normal human being?

- voice that could cut glass”

Hearing his mom careful tone, Luca felt the guilt welling up inside of him.

Hurt by her son words all she could only do was to stare at him. While hiding her face with her hankerchief.

“I’m so sorry for embarrassing you son.

- She mumbled while trying to smile”

The awkward silence continues until they reach the pharmacy. Waiting for his son to speak up. Aiko breaks the silence, before walking inside the pharmacy.

“Luca, I’ll fall in line at the counter and buy all the necessary medicine that we need.

Can you please buy some refreshment over there?

- said in a calm and warming voice”

Luca focused his gazed where her mother is pointing and nod.

“Okay, mom

I’ll be quick

- his voice was soft and measured like a guy trying to overcome a stutter”

As soon as her mom enters the pharmacy, Luca quickly hug her mom from behind and run towards the refreshment store.

“I feel shitty for making my mom feel like that, I didn’t mean to hurt her

- he mumbles

I should apologize and be more supportive around her.”

While crossing the road he noticed a big willow tree and that there’s something wrong about the traffic lights.

“Hmmmm, I know I’m no mechanic but there’s something off about that.

Well, it’s a problem for some other person, I have to grab some refreshments and grab my ticket at the stadium quickly”

He quickly ordered some refreshment and sprint out as soon as he received his orders.

He reached the stadium, It thrived as people went about their daily business, some walking, other ordering and eating popcorns. The sound of shrieking children mingled with busy crowd. The slanted morning light from the windows gave everything a cheerful look as it passed through the fresh air.


“Pick up

Hurry up

I have to return at the pharmacy as soon as possible, I need to tell my Mom how much I love and thankful for all the things she had provided me”

After his third call, the fan club answered.

“Hi! It’s Luca Yashima, I’m here at the stadium to claim my ticket. Where should I get it?


*inaudible voice from his phone

Okay, at the from desk right?

Thank you and have good day!”

Running like a hungry cheetah, he scram his way up until he reached the second level of the stadium.

Panting, he talked to the lady in-charge at the front desk who’s talking with her colleague, shyly.




- breathy explosion of words”

But the woman didn’t seemed to notice him.

Gathering up all pf his courage he approached the woman.

“Good morning.

- he said it too fast and too loudly”

The woman faces his direction.

“Hi good morning! How can I help you?

- said in a calm, unhurried voice”

“I won the Uncanny VIP ticket for tomorrow’s concert, my contact said that I can claim it here?”

The woman smiled and browse her emails

Are you Mr. Yashima?

- Cheerful tone

Luca, hearing his voice smiled ear to ear and nodded.

Ma’am here’s the email that I received and my information my detailed information

- he stutters”