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Mated To A Hunter

Mated To A Hunter

Autor: Tanner lolly



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All my life I've been a hunter, living it loving it and being it I never saw it coming, that I would be killed by my kind and be mated to one of the monsters I kill or being one of those monsters I open my eyelids slowly but it seems to be heavier than I recall, I try to recall activities of last night but a splitting headache is all I get "You're awake gorgeous." I turn to look on recognition of the voice,I smile it's goofy "What did you do to me and how did I get here, where's snow?" He grins from ear to ear "I'm sorry laura but I had to do this, I turned you" I raise my brow arching them slightly in confusion he's ever wierd but today something seems off "What do you mean by that ?" He moves away from me slowly, as I watch him with more confusion than ever "I turned you into a vampire." I Sprint towards him pushing him down, I jump on him with my elbow to his neck, I stare at him full of rage but one thing rings through my brain, KILL HIM!!!
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Chapter 1


I watch as the rain hits the glass making the tip tapping sound, thunder strikes, my little brother holds me, I jerk his hands off me he looks at me irritated ,. I turn away from him and look back at the window.

We've been travelling for about six hours,I'm beginning to feel suffocated , I won't mind being alone for a whole day but being with my family in a cramped space is nothing I'd be happy about,

Dad got a promotion at work and decided to apply for a transfer, he says he's bored of staying in our hometown and wants to move away, try greener pastures. My mum and brother threw hell of a fit not wanting to relocate but for me, I was full of happiness to the brim .

I'm a hunter or so I was told, it all began when I was 16, I went hiking with my family somehow I got lost in the woods I wandered around aimlessly until I met an injured lady, she had been poked, she was hurting a lot, she pleaded with me to help her pull it out, I was scared, worried but most of all I wanted to help her out I took hold of the edge and drove the stick in her, I killed her, I waited for an emotion , I wanted to be scared, to run, to call for help, to cry but nothing all I felt was content , I moved away from her body wandering further till I was found,

The next day we all went home, away from the hiking grounds. I got home thinking of what I did. I killed someone and I didn't feel remorse, fear or guilt. I turned on the shower facing the mirror to see a tatoo on my arm like a star so little but noticeable I hurried out of the bathroom not knowing how and why I had a tattoo.

A year passed by and I turned 17 and then 18 and now I'd turn 19, by then I had killed a lot, discovered a lot, but I knew nothing of my origin ,the tattoo of a little star had been transformed to a dragon and a Slayer the tattoo had crawled from my shoulder to my hand, no one could see it only I could or so I thought till I met a stranger a week ago I was shopping at the mall for new things to bring along she stopped beside me and said...

"You've got a pretty dragon tatoo dear"

I looked at her unsure of how she sees it , she kept a funny smile around the corner of her mouth,

"I'm sorry ma'am but you can see this?"

"Yes my little hunter , I can come with me"

I doubt in my mind immediately contemplating on either to go with her or just ignore , eventually I give in and follow, she stopped at the corner of a street , I look at her full of doubt is she crazy? Or. An she really tell?

"Stop looking at me like I'm crazy I'm perfectly fine"

I flinched back , can she read minds?

"I can't read minds darling I'm not a vampire"

I'm gazed by her statement, she says words inclining to my thoughts and tells me she can't read minds

"If you can't read my mind, then tell me how did you know what I was thinking about"

She giggles slightly

"That's always what comes to your minds as new hunters"

The more she speaks the more she confuses me ,

"What do you mean by hunter?" I ask her

"You are one crafty child aren't you?, I mean the same thing it generally means, hunters kill preys, predators anything they just hunt , just like you do, you kill"

Hearing her speak and talk about my killing instinctively made me aim for her throat , but with the speed of lightning she avoids it twisting my arm and throwing me down,

"Calm down, I'm not your enemy, if anything I'm your family we share the same bloodline and the same enemy , I can see you don't know much if your origin, take a look"

She removes the sweater and I see it she also has the tattoo just bigger, better, and more pretty than mine , she has the tattoos of three mighty dragons and a Slayer her tattoos are all over her arm, her neck and her back I am amused

"Why do you have the same tattoo as I do?, And if you are like me then you also kill people don't you?"

"Hush my dear, not people we kill monsters , I'm not amazed you can't tell the difference they look exactly like humans , they take up pretense skins but they re not but inner demons vampires, wolves and witches, you must have noticed nothing seems normal about every single one of them you killed something must have been off , I need to go real quick but always know you are a hunter and the only thing that makes you alive is the drive to kill, do not deviate from your purpose the more you kill the stronger you become"

"LAURA!!!!!!! Come on , we are there already"

I was brought out of my fancy world when mom called me

" I'll be behind you mum"

I must have drift into thought again, ever since my encounter with the strange lady, I've been itching to know more about my origin, there's more people like me out there

I get off the car clinging hard to my backpack, I can see my brother smiling from ear to ear, I must say he's too happy for someone who threw a fit when the announcement for relocation was made, mum too beaming with smiles, but they're not to be blamed, dad put in all effort with the house it's beautiful I must confess,

It's a bungalow, with a pool, it has a mini garden and a mimic sauna just perfect for mom and Bruce but then how's my room? He didn't adorn it with flowers did he?

"Come over let's take a picture and stop being too clingy to that backpack of yours"

I grin at mom, she's been too annoying lately , she must be pissed at having to relocate but why has she been taking it all out on me?

I move slowly towards them , dad sets the camera and we take a picture, mom moves into the house

" dad, does anyone think Laura is being spooky lately or am I wrong?"

I gaze at my brother Bruce , he's been a pain in the ass ever since he was born and still is

" Shut it Bruce, no one's paying attention "

"Can you both stop bickering already and unpack with your Mum?"

"Dad im 19 and a proud American,I think Bruce should do those kind of chores all on his own"

" I think you might be forgetting something here sister, you're 18, not yet 19"

I pick up a stone and throw it at Bruce, thanks to my fast reflexes it hits him

"What's your problem bitch" he yells at me

" I'm sorry you said what ?" I tease

"Both of you go in right now!!, And you Laura didn't I tell you not to throw things at your brother"

I curse at Bruce mumbling in low tones

"It ain't my fault he started it and you did nothing about it"

"He didn't do nothing all he did was state the fact that you aren't 19 yet and the best choice you could make was go for violence?, Keep that attitude of yours in your hometown not here, you'd have to begin school afresh"

I could feel my ears popping at the statement,

"School awhat?"

"Afresh darling"

I heard him the first time , I repeated it on purpose just to make him clarify he said it right, I know better than arguing with Dad right now , but did he just trick me, I agreed to move away from my hometown because he told me no school and the minute I get here he's telling me is start school afresh? here ? He's screwing with me and I know he is. I turn to look at Brian with a smug grin I'd love to slap right out of his face, he's 16 but acts 14,

I stump the ground and walk on in , I pass by mum who's busy unpacking

"Your rooms the third by the left upstairs hon"

I walk last her like I didn't hear what she said just now I walk to the third room on the left , I open the door ajar and all my anger fades away, I really do love my dad he's the best,

My room is painted black and blue, he knows what I like, he had spooky posters all around the room already. It still doesn't count as enough price for tricking me into coming over but let's say he paid off the interest

I lock the door to my room and slump into bed

"Finally I get to be alone after a six hour drive"

I throw my backpack on the floor, and remove my sneakers, I lay in bed for a while then I get this feeling. The feeling of my skin crawling , I look to my arm and I see goosebumps.