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Is It A Taboo?

Is It A Taboo?

Autor: beautygrace

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Is It A Taboo? PDF Free Download


Meet Jack a bold, free and cheerful guy with no filter in him. Lorenzo Jack Spencer was a part of Russian Mafia and the best friend of the leader. He had four friends whom he devoted his life for. He had pure brotherly feelings for them when all of a sudden he started seeing his friend Zilv differently. Antonio Zilv Molchalin his best friend, who had loved him all his life makes a mistake and loses Jack. Will they be able to spend their life together. Or will they lose each other. Sequel to His treasure. Spoiler alert.
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Chapter 1

Life was very on going for Jack and Zilv. They were best friends from child hood. They had a lot of memories to share and they shared a lot more. All in all Zilv was unknown about the fact that Jack had felling for him.

12 years ago

''Jack don't run you will fall down.'' A small Zilv was saying running behind an energetic Jack who wanted to buy a candy for a girl in his class. She was really pretty and he liked her alot.

While running he stumbled in a stone and fell down in his front hissing in pain.

''ZILV'' he cried as Zilv ran towards him and looked at his face to find it there was a serious injury or not.

''Hey bud you ok?'' A sad and frightened Zilv asked as he saw blood oozing from Jack's head. Sobbing Jack shook his head as Baby Zilv hugged him and slowly carried him in his back making him whimper out loud.

''Don't worry Jack I will never let anything happened to you.'' Zilv said to himself as he ran towards the place they called home.

''Jack I hope you will eat this candy and get well soon.'' She said as she kissed his cheek making Zilv feel angry. Jack was his FRIEND and he wanted no one to touch him in that way.

''Ok I will eat in and get well soon.'' Jack all but gussed as the girl he liked bought candy for him.

10 years ago.

They didn't know how time passed as they grew up now they were in middle school being called the play boys of the school. Jack , Zilv , Austin and lastly Dominic. They were know as the H4 of the school. HANDSOME HUNK and HOT guys of college. Jack had his first heart break when the gil he liked had proposed Zilv. And Zilv being his friend he rejected her. At that time Jack was not sure weather he was happy that Zilv didn't date her or because Zilv didn't accept her. He started seeing Zilv differently. Yes he had girl friends but they didn't even kiss. It was like he carried on going with them because he didn't want to be left out in the group.

Well as for Zilv he had started going out with this girl named Emma. She was a sweet girl in every bodies eyes but Zilv knew all. He knew she could satisfy him and his anger. Anger of seeing Jack so affectionate and friendly with his girl friends. It looked like Jack was ignoring Zilv as when they had eye contact Jack used to look away and never stay alone with him.

''Jack bud let's have a sleep over at mine.'' Zilv asked as Jack tightened his hold in Emily as she gasped at this sudden change in Jack behaviour.

''HA HA Bud, are you sure it was for me not Emma.'' Jack asked as he was annoyed. Annoyed because Zilv was always with Emily and always used to get lost when Zilv, Jack and Emily were together. He used to return with swollen lips, disveled hair and unmanaged clothes.

''Why are you saying that Jack? I called you so of course it's because I want you not her.'' Zilv said getting extremely close to Jack and tugging his hand in Jack's hair. Looking straight in Jack's eyes he said blankly, ''Never look away or ignore me Lorenzo Jack Spencer.''

Jack blushed as he felt heat forming in the pit of his stomach as Zilv did and said those. It was as if his body had its own mind he nodded not believing in his voice.

''Use words baby.'' Zilv said as Jack gasped looking around to see only them in the cafeteria. Where did every body go? Jack thought to himself as Zilv pulled him more closely their nose touching each other making a new set of butterflies fly in his stomach

''Bell rang and if I was you I would answer me Jack.'' Zilv hissed in anger as he thought Jack was still thinking of his girl friend and ignoring him.


''Ok what?'' Zilv asked his voice suddenly cold deep and angry. He was showing his dominance to Jack and Jack was enjoying it.

''O- Ok Zilv I will not ignore you and I want you too- I mean I will come for a sleep over.'' Jack said coughing a moan which was about to slip past his lips as he saw a satisfied smile in Zilv's face.

''Zilv Action.'' Emma all but screamed making Zilv leave Jack at an instant making him fall down and hurt his hand. A whimper left Jack's mouth as he saw Zilv run towards Emma and take her hands in his leave him there. All alone and sad.

Zilv wanted to end things with Emma as she started getting clingy but it was unexpected when Emma used her safe word. A word used out of bed meaning end of all. After talking he found out the boy Emma like confessed to her and she wanted to be with him. He accepted suddenly remembering he left Jack in the cafeteria all alone.

''Shit'' cursing he went to the cafeteria only to see Emily hugging a sad Jack. They had the sleep over and they talked about Zilv's break up and Emily leaving the town to go to another school.

''WOW so we are single man.'' Zilv said looking at Jack who looked sad and lonely. Lonely? When he was with him.

8 years ago.

It was hard for Jack to see Zilv with others as he found out that he was gay and feeling for Zilv. Duh! It was not like no body knew. Every body knew Jack had some thing for Zilv except Zilv him self. They had a party and in that a completely drunk Zilv kissed a very sober Jack and Jack he loved it.

It felt so perfect. So correct. Kissing deeply Zilv started leaving butterfly kisses down Jack's neck.


Zilv moaned as Jack's body went stone cold. It was as if some one had poured a bucket of cold water down his face. Gaining as his power he pushed Zilv wiping the place he had left kisses.

''Don't you dare do that again Antonio Zilv Molchalin.I hate it.'' Jack screamed as tears streamed down his eyes.

Leaving drunk Zilv alone Jack went off to hit the booze and cool his head and broken heart down. He didn't know that he would do some thing he never thought he would do in his life.

He gave his virginity.

And to some one who wasn't Zilv.

Waking up all he felt was empty, disgusted and lonely.

6 years ago.

Zilv apologised to Jack and after that incident Jack didn't talk to Zilv the he did when they were kids. He felt disgust when ever he saw Zilv. NO, not because Zilv called Emily but because he gave him self to some drunk guy that night all because he was angry. Rage made him do some thing he never thought he would do with some one who wasn't Zilv. The only good thing about that night was that he didn't know who the guy was or where he was from. Jack had planned to come out of closet and find a guy to be with. Zilv didn't sleep around after that night.

Zilv was angry at him self. He even apologised to Jack but not because he kissed him because he called a bitch name when doing so. He had only let Emily kiss him because he saw Jack kissing his girl friend. It was like he was angry seeing Jack and his Girl friend. Why wouldn't he be jealous he loves Jack. With all his heart.

In 27 August Jack came out of closet. Every one was shocked but Zilv he was emotion less. He thought Jack was straight so he went looking for Girl friend. If he knew Jack was gay he would have made him his long ago.

''How did you find out and when?'' Austin asked as Jack hesitated to answer but getting a encouraging smile from Dom he replied in a small voice,

''Um 2 years ago in party-'' Zilv was expecting Jack to say when Zilv kissed him but all he felt was anger when he listened all he said

''I slept with a guy.''

''What the fuck!! When and Who?'' Zilv growled all in anger. Is that why he was rejected? It must be the reason why.

''I-I don't know. I was drunk and and I didn't know what was happening. And you were not of any help either Antonio.'' Jack accused making Zilv take a sharp intake of breath. Anger radiating off him.

''Are you blaming me for being a faggot?'' Zilv spat making Jack gasp in his choice in words. Eyes welling up as he looked at Zilv with hurt, sadness and disappointment in his eyes.

And it was then when Zilv lost him.

He lost the Jack who was happy, lovely and full of joy.

As after that Jack stopped talking to Zilv. Completely stopped talking. He went back to being a complete jock. And this time he went out with boys. Seeing the guys he went out with is was easy to say who actually was a bottom. As for Zilv he tried talking to Jack. Tried an apology, but all in vain.

Zilv regretted those venomous words as soon as it left his mouth. FAGGOT. how could I call him that. I feel disgusting. He thought to himself. He was sad seeing Jack going with all other guys. They were not right for him. Jack must be with him in his arms with him happy and cheer full.

I will make it right.

''Jack talk to me please.'' Zilv pleaded in desperate voice making Jack's heart tug in pain.

''Why so you can shame me all again?'' Jack mumbles lowly making Zilv look at him with no thing but love in his eyes.

''No Jack don't be a fool. That's what you thought there was when you were kids.'' His conscience mocked making him come back to reality.

''Babe let's go I have things to do with you.'' A slutty voice called making both the guys look at the source.

Zilv scoffed looking at Dante the new guy Jack was with. Taking Jack's hand in his Zilv crudely replied, ''You have no shit to do and you Baby Boy, you are going with me.'' taking Jack with him leaving a shocked and dumb folded Dante all alone.

''Where are you taking me Zilv?'' Jack asked desperately trying to yank his hand out of Zilv's gasp.

''Zilv, Zilv reply me dammit.'' Jack shouted at Zilv only to be pushed inside a deserted room.

''Go out with me.''

''W- What are y- you saying?''

''Jack be my boy friend.''


''Because I lov- like you. Always have.'' Zilv said making Jack gasp out loud.

''Are- Are you fucking kidding me. This is not a joke Zilv. If you think you have made me happy by this ridiculous joke then you are mist—

He was cut of by a sudden smack in his lips. Zilv pulled Jack in his arms and kissed him. Kissed him in such a way which showed nothing but his true emotions. Pulling away to breathe. Zilv put his fore head in Jack's panting heavily and whispered again,

''Be my boyfriend jack, I will make up for all those times I led you down. Please.''

''But what if you hurt me again?'' Jack whispered.

''Baby I was angry because you slept with some guy which wasn't me. When you slept with girls I thought you gave your self to them and it was right for me to do so so I did the same but when you went out with boys you hurt me. Hurt me so bad that I broke down.'' Zilv confessed making Jack look at him with shock in his eyes.

''But I slept with that guy because you called me Emily when we kissed.''

''Ok Jack listen to me. You remember when I walked in you with your tongue down your girl friends mouth I let Emily kiss me. Only her. She was the only one I kissed so that night when I was drunk I thought it was her. I made a mistake that day and i apologised but not because I kissed you because I called you by her name.''

''Oh my God, Zilv I'm so sorry.'' Jack sobbed hugging Zilv close to him.

''I like you too. A lot, Since we were I don't what. I was happy when you didn't take a candy from that girl, when you stood up your girl friend to be there with me because I was down, when I broke my ankle because of the fight and mainly when I needed needed you the most. You remember when I got shot in hands because of that back stabbing bitch. the way you save me made me like you even more. I was ready to give my life up for-

He was suddenly cut off by Zilv who kissed him deeply making Jack let out a shocked gasp- like moan.

''Baby don't finish the line. I don't want to give your life up for any one. Even if it's Tzar. Did you understand.'' Zilv asked making Jack nod his head rapidly.

''Ok now you are mine and I'm yours so no going to those skinny little man less boys. Did you understand?'' Zilv growled making Jack yelp at his dominance as he let out a moan when Zilv squeezed his butt making him crash in his chest.

''Have I made my self clear Jack?'' Zilv growled switching his actions form squeezing to moalding making Jack a moaning mess.


''Yes what Jack?'' Zilv asked this time with more dominance.

''Ye-Yes Sir.'' Zilv groaned in approval slightly pusing Jack only to peck his lips.

''Let's go I need the world to know that your mine.'' Zilv gussed making Jack give a big breath taking smile making Zilv heart fill with warmness.

''Let's go Zilv. You are Mine and I need all those girls out there to know that.'' Jack raged out making Zilv chuckle.

Suddenly Jack stopped walking and kissed Zilv taking him off the guard.

''Always smile and laugh for me Tio.'' Jack mumbled making Zilv smile. Like literally smile.

''Always for you love, always.''