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The Promise

The Promise

Autor: Sherry Pearl



The Promise PDF Free Download


True love was all she ever dreams of. Just like the type of Love she always sees in movies. But that seems to be just a dream as she thought what she found was the true profound love she had always wanted. Helena a typical dreamy teenager and the normal not so popular girl meets Olive Thompson, a troublesome new guy who places the world at her feet. Or so she thought until her world came crumbling down in a matter of minutes. She was only left with a painful memory. What really happened? What shattered the true profound love? Keep following to find out. The Promise by Sherry Love Pearl.
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Chapter 1

  Helena rushed out of the house to meet with her friends Suzy and Lisa waiting impatiently for her. They're already late for school and she seems not to be bothered by that.

  Helena is a beautiful brown haired girl with pretty green eyes and an average height.

  They always know her to be the dreamer and the sweetest person amongst them. Helena could give one of her eyes to a mere stranger out of sympathy and kindness. Suzy and Lisa are not so nice like she is but they love her.

  "Do you always have to be late Helena?." Suzy asked rolling her eyes.

  "I was so tired from the house chores yesterday that I couldn't lift a finger. I'm sorry girls but I woke up late." Helena replied with a sweet convincing smile.

  "Your house chores aren't that much. Tell me its not what I'm thinking." Lisa said.

  Helena shrugged. "Maybe it is what you're thinking."

  "Helena!." they both called.

  She raised her hand in surrender.

  "Come on I was just trying to help. Mrs Roberts is such a nice lady. Her daughters went on a trip since a month ago, they're going to be back today and she wanted some help in cleaning the house."

  "So being the nice girl you are, you worked yourself out knowing you are going to school today. Now look out worn out you look." Lisa shakes her head.

  Helena smiled as she thought they'd never understand her nature of helping others. Its all she lives for. She feels like not helping others with their problems is a disability.

  No matter how rude people are to her she will always be nice. They passed by a couple getting in their car and her dreamy self came to life again. She wondered how nice it will be to have her true love next to her.

  When is it gonna be anyway? She always thought.

  They got to school and all went for their different classes. They're friends but in totally different departments. Helena is a science student, Lisa a business student and Suzy and art student. But what they have in common is their strong bond of friendship which most people don't have. Making them the envy of others.

  Helena entered her class all smiles, it did drop though when she saw the unexpected.

  A new face.

  A very good looking demi god.

  On her seat.

  She was so lost for a moment. They were the only ones in the class yet. She cleared her throat and moved closer to him.

  "Excuse me but that's my seat. Can you please move over to another one?." She asked politely.

  He moved his ash brown eyes from the window and they landed on her. He looked at the pretty yet bold girl standing in front of him. He stroked his golden blonde hair backwards and sighed.

  "When I came to this school, I was told to seat anywhere I wanted. I didn't see any name pasted here so I sat. Now you want me to get up? That's so not nice." He said in his calm but deep voice.

  Helena stared at him mute and unable to utter a word. What is he talking about? She asked him nicely. She is a nice person and no one has ever told her she isn't nice before.

  "I asked you nicely. I'm sorry if you've been misled but that's the way things are in this school. You have to comply to avoid trouble. I don't want trouble because I'm not troublesome." she replied still trying to be nice.

  He chuckled and stopped with a hard stare.

  "Well miss, trouble got me here in the first place. I wouldn't mind trouble getting me out of here again."

  "Oh... I see." was all she could say.

  He stood up from her seat and moved close to her speeding up the rate of her heartbeat. Her feet went numb and her lungs dried up. She seriously needed to drink water.

  "You're very cute and nice. I'm considering that fact and I'm leaving your seat. Don't worry, you can breathe cos I'm not gonna hurt you." He said and walked to another seat on the third row behind her.

  She breathe in and out and sat on her seat. For a moment there she thought she would have to deal with his trouble over a seat. He's not as bad as he says he is.

  She brought out her bottle of water and drank from it. She looked back at him and he was on his phone. She sighed and faced front. People started coming in the class, most girls were drooling immediately they saw him. No matter how dreamy she is, she's not gonna flirt with a guy until her dream man comes to her.


  Lunch break came and she ran out of class to meet up with her friends at the cafeteria. She met them already sitting with her lunch ready. She smiled as she sat down ready to feast on her lunch.

  "Tell me Helena. I heard there's a new hottie in your class today, have you seen him?." Lisa asked.

  Helena rolled her eyes. No wonder they got her lunch.

  "Seriously girls. Why don't you check him out in my class?." She asked.

  "You don't have to be so..." Suzy was cut off by the entrance of the new hottie as they called him.

  "Wow... He's really hot."

  Helena turned to look at him and they're eyes made contact. He didn't look away so she surrendered and looked away. She felt somehow strange as he looked at her. She's had crushes on guys but for the first time her body is reacting strangely to this particular person.

  "Hi girls."

  A familiar voice jolted her out of her thoughts.

  She looked up to find him staring down at her somehow with a smile which her idiot friends are helping her to return.

  "Do you mind? I'd like to seat with you and... talk to her. I hope I'm welcome." He asked politely which sounded strange to Helena.

  "Hmm... There's no-"

  "You're welcome to have a seat. We were just about to go get something from the lab. Catch you later handsome." Suzy said.

  "The lab? What..."

  Helena tried to talk but they stopped her.

  "Yes Suzy. I almost forgot. I'm Lisa, Nice to meet you." She brought out her hand for a handshake which he took.

  "Olive. You're pretty. And you're Suzy." He turned to Suzy and placed a kiss on her hand.

  Helena shook her head and palmed her face. Her friends are really idiots at times.

  "So we'll catch you later Helena. Be good."

  They left her with him. She's the only science student and she knows the lab was just an excuse to leave her with him.

  He sat down and faced her. She became a little nervous, most eyes were on her. Maybe because most guys see her as a saint so they're afraid to go ask her out. She has a lot of admirers but none dared to sit beside her at the cafeteria.

  "Helena. Your name's as pretty as you." He said.

  "What can I do for you please?." She managed to ask.

  "Friendship. That's all I want. To be your friend."

  "You didn't have to excuse my friends to do that." She replied with a straight face.

  He chuckled for the second time today.

  "I only want you to be my friend. I heard you're very nice. I hope you're not gonna say no."

  "Well... there's nothing wrong with friendship if that's what you really want. Friends it is then." She smiled.

  She didn't want to decline and look bad in front of him. She hates it when people think she's bad or rude and proud. He shook her hand unexpectedly and there was a strong connection.

  "I'd let you have your lunch in peace but give me your number first." He brought out his phone.

  She hesitated at first but then gave him.

  "Catch you later Helena." he said and left her table.

  She couldn't help but watch him leave. A guy was just bold enough to walk up to her like that? Isn't that her first definition of her dream man? Could he be the one?