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My Billionaire Daddy And Sassy Mommy

My Billionaire Daddy And Sassy Mommy

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My Billionaire Daddy And Sassy Mommy PDF Free Download


She was framed! Su Qingyan woke up in the arms of a stranger and there were hickeys all over their bodies. While she was trying to figure out what happened, her fiance barged into her room with her bestie. Misfortunes never come singly. Her fiance canceled the engagement. The assets her father left to her were all taken away. Her so-called bestie was nothing but an evil serpent who betrayed her and hooked up with her fiance! Devastated, she went abroad. Five years later, Jin Chengshen bumped into a little boy who looked like a mini version of himself. He was shocked, and the memory of that frenzied night five years ago reappeared in his mind. Would this little boy be the outcome of that night?
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Chapter 1

"It hurts..."

Su Qingyan muttered in a low voice unconsciously. Her whole body was like a helpless duckweed, unable to fall to the ground at all. The only thing in her turbid brain was the instinct to survive, and she subconsciously climbed up to the only thing that could be touched.

The man's body was burning hot, and his firm and soft skin clung to hers, bringing a trace of salvation to Su Qingyan in the intense pain.

She vaguely felt that there was something wrong with her current state, but her movements of refusal were very weak.

The pain faded away, and all that remained was the now out-of-control, submerged tide.


The next day.

The door of the hotel was kicked open, and the woman's ear-piercing scream ruined the peace of the morning. "Qingyan, you..."

Su Qingyan, who was curled up under the thin quilt, shuddered at the sudden scream. Instinctively, she opened her blurry eyes and looked at the door.

Her best friend, Qiao Yaxin, covered her mouth and stared at her in surprise, eyes full of disbelief, and her fiance, Shen Enze, came after her.

Looking at Su Qingyan on the bed, Shen Enze, who was standing at the door, looked as cold as iron. His eyes were full of disgust and anger, and his brows were tightly furrowed.

"Su Qingyan, I really underestimated you. How dare you cheat on me before we get married?" Shen Enze took a few steps forward and pulled off the quilt covering Su Qingyan, his eyes showing clear disdain. "You're so dirty."

Since The door of the room was still open, and Su Qingyan instinctively held the quilt. Only now did she realize that this was not her room. She opened her mouth helplessly, and her pale lips trembled slightly. "I didn't cheat on..."

Before she could finish her words, Su Qingyan was stunned. The previous day...

The strange man, whose appearance was blurred, was in a frenetic tangle in the sheets with her, who had lost her sense of self. The memory exploded in her mind like a clap of thunder.

How could this happen?

This was her fiancee. They were childhood sweethearts and the date of their wedding was approaching. She had to explain the situation clearly!


With a cold face, Shen Anze mercilessly pushed the thin quilt aside, revealing the woman's body, which was only wrapped in a night robe. However, her loose pajamas could not hide the remaining traces of passion on her body. Shen Anze's fingertips were full of contempt and humiliation as he traced Su Qingyan's neck all the way to her chest. "You've been pretending to be a pure and tough woman for so many years. Have you ever thought that someone would catch you in the act one day?"

Su Qingyan anxiously reached out to grab the man's sleeve, and her eyes were full of tears. "Enze, I don't know what's going on either. Please believe me..."

Shen Anze impatiently pushed her hand away. "Believe you? Do you think I'm stupid or blind? Su Qingyan, do you want me to find a few more witnesses to see if you're innocent?"

After that, the man stood up and walked out, as if he really wanted to call someone over.

Su Qingyan got up from the bed in a panic, but as soon as she moved, she felt a tearing pain in her body, and she collapsed on the ground. "Don't..."

At the same time, Qiao Yaxin pulled Shen Enze back and quickly threw him into the room. Then, she quickly grabbed the quilt and wrapped it around Su Qingyan's body. "Qingyan, it's all right."

Qiao Yaxin comforted her in a soft voice and patted Su Qingyan's back gently. Shen Enze suddenly frowned and scolded with a cold expression, "Yaxin, she's being so shameless, so why are you still protecting her?"

"I really don't know what happened. I was here when I woke up. Enze, believe me, okay?" Su Qingyan clutched the corner of her clothes and begged in a low voice. "Yaxin invited me to have dinner with her the previous day. We drank a little, and then..."

After that, she couldn't recall anything else.

How did she leave the restaurant? How did she get here? How did she end up...

She couldn't remember at all.

But the red marks on her body were solid proof.

Shen Anze sneered. "So, it was a drunken mistake? What a good excuse."

"No!" Su Qingyan looked at Qiao Yaxin with a pleading look. "Yaxin, when I drank too much the previous day, how did I end up at the hotel? You..."

"Qingyan, I didn't drink with you the previous day. Although we're good friends, I can't lie for you! After all, a lie can't be hidden forever. It doesn't matter if you did something wrong. Enze loves you so much. If you admit your mistake, he'll definitely forgive you for fooling around!"

Su Qingyan couldn't believe her ears. It was Qiao Yaxin who invited her that day. Why was she saying such a thing now?

At this moment, Qiao Yaxin pursed her lips, and her long dark and soft hair fell down, making her look uncertain. She leaned over and brought her lips close to Su Qingyan's ear, asking in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Su Qingyan, did the man I found that day serve you well?"

"It was you!" The meaning of her words was very clear. Everything that happened that day was staged by Qiao Yaxin! Su Qingyan widened her eyes in shock, and the extreme anger made her couldn't help but raise her hand and slap Qiao Yaxin. "You were the one who brought in that man? You schemed against me? What on earth did I do to you! Why are you doing this to me?"

The Su family and the Qiao family had been friends for generations, so she and Qiao Yaxin had known each other since they were young. Even though the Su family declined later on, Qiao Yaxin did not distance herself from her because of her poor family background. Over the years, they had been as close as sisters. Who would have thought that this best friend of hers, whom she trusted the most, had stabbed her on the back the hardest.

After being slapped, Qiao Yaxin's fair and delicate cheeks instantly became red and swollen. She covered her face with her hands in grievance, and tears came out silently as she looked at Su Qingyan in disbelief, "Qingyan, what are you talking about? Why would I scheme against you? How could you blame me just because I didn't help you lie?"

"That's enough!" Shen Enze strode forward and pulled Qiao Ya into his arms. He stroked the woman's cheek with a distressed look on his face and glared at Su Qingyan fiercely. "Su Qingyan, we're over. If you don't want to make a big deal out of this, you'd better break off the engagement with me."

"Enze, it's really her who schemed against me! She said it herself just now..."

Shen Minze completely ignored Su Qingyan's hoarse explanation, and just gently wiped Qiao Yaxin's tears with his fingertips. "Does it hurt? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

From the caring and worried tone to the intimate and protective gestures, every word was like a steel needle jabbing into Su Qingyan's heart.

All of a sudden, she understood.

No wonder Shen Enze was getting colder and colder to her. No wonder that almost every time they went on a date, Qiao Yaxin would be there as well.

She smiled sadly, feeling like a clown being toyed with by the two people she trusted most. The light in Su Qingyan's eyes gradually extinguished, and her intense emotions were like a flame that slowly went out, until there was only dead silence.

"When did the two of you start seeing each other?"

Shen Enze frowned and protected Qiao Yaxin behind him. "Su Qingyan, you don't have the right to ask me about this."

"I don't have the right, you say?" Su Qingyan took a deep breath and tried her best to stand up. Her legs were still trembling, but her back was straight. "Shen Enze, I'm your fiancee. Do you think I have the right?"

"Not for long."

"I won't break off the engagement!" She couldn't believe that he was going to discard her after scheming against her. How could something like this happen?

"It seems that you're not going to cooperate."

Shen Enze let go of Qiao Yaxin's hand, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and walked to Su Qingyan. He grabbed her hair and forced her to lift her head, revealing suspicious marks on her neck. Then, there was a sound of the shutter.

Realizing what he was going to do, Su Qingyan struggled fiercely, but the more she struggled, the tighter Shen Enze held her hair. Wisps of black hair fell from her shoulder, followed by blood oozing from her scalp.

The bright red color rolled down along with the curve of her forehead, making the beautiful woman look like a ghost.

The pain made her hatred more and more prominent. In the end, Su Qingyan opened her mouth wide and bit on Shen Enze's wrist. No matter how the man scolded her, she would never let go, even if she was in such pain that she didn't even have the strength to breathe.


A fierce slap fell on Su Qingyan's face. She got hit so hard that she couldn't stand still, so she fell onto the wardrobe next to her and soon fainted.

Shen Enze covered his wrist, which was still dripping with blood, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"How obstinate!"