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The Devil's Lare

The Devil's Lare

Autor: Extraordinary Bards



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“Natalie Williams, it's my pleasure finally meeting you in person." "Who are you? My husband is not awake currently and this is an opportunity for you to leave immediately. If you don't leave this instant, I'll..." "Shhhh" as a finger is pressed on my lips. . Natalie, a Twenty-one year lady, is torn between options of letting her mother die or get married to the paralysed son of the reputable 'Oscars'. Will she find love in this journey of hers? Or get tormented by the stranger from a one night stand?
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Chapter 1

"Do you have second thoughts?" warm manly breath fans my skin, soft lips grazing my ears. My body tremors, my cheeks bearing crimson red as warmth settles into my being. I yearn for his touch...

Pictures of my sick mother in the hospital suddenly flashed into mind. I clench my fists, shutting off my emotions, "No... No, I’m good." I gulp, as his retreating steps resounded in the room.

I turn to look at the bedside, where the bundle of money lay. I didn’t take time to see the man’s appearance, before sighing deeply. Everything had been so quick and blurry. It’s all for mom…

I pick the money shakily, not giving a second thought to the pains between my legs. I wore my clothes hastily, leaving the room.

Mom, I have the money now…You will be fine. You will be hale and hearty again.

"Hello Nurse, can I speak with the doctor?" I say hurriedly, trying to calm my breath. I had shuffled in between buses to arrive at the hospital this quickly. She lifts her face from the computer, staring at me blankly.

Suddenly she snaps her fingers, "Oh, I remember now. It’s you, Miss Natalie. I’ll let the doctor know right away that you are here.”

“Please do.” I nod sheepishly, hugging my shoulders I had to do it. No one knows… Mom, will be fine. We will be happy again.

"Yes sir, Miss Natalie is here... Certainly sir, I will bring her right away." The nurse says to the receiver on the other end. Fleetly, she ends the call, standing up to her feet she says, “Come with me.”

"Okay." I whisper, following steadily after her. She arrives at the doctor’s office and knocks the door. “Here she is, doctor.”

"Thanks Lisa, let her come in." He says from within.

I took in a deep breath, "Good morning, Doctor.” I say entering into the office.

“Good day, Miss Natalie. How are you?”

“I’m fine sir. I came to say that, now I have the money for my mother’s surgery. Please let the surgery be carried out immediately... Please save my mother." I say, as my tear glands let loose.

"Certainly Miss, the surgery will be conducted as soon as the payment is made. Please be strong…"The doctor says, extending a tissue to me.

"Okay. So, how do I make the payment?" I say, receiving the tissue with shaky hands.

"Kindly meet Nurse Lisa, she will guide you on how to go about it."

"Thank you, doctor."

Two hours later, the door to the operating room, opened. The doctor and his team steps out.

"Doctor, how was the operation? How is my mother? Is she okay?" I ask, rushing to meet him.

He sighs deeply "Miss Natalie, your mother's surgery was successful, but I am afraid to say that… there is bad news."

"Bad news?" A squeaky sound seeps from my throat. I cleaned the sweat off my palms, hardly.

"We found a tumor in her brain… and the truth is, we dare not operate on it carelessly. A decision needs to be made from my team and I."

"Oh heavens!” I exclaim sorrowfully, “Will my mother be okay? That's another surgery, right? How much will the surgery cost?" I ask, pushing back the tears that threatens to spill.

"I can't really say, but to estimate… surgery pertaining to tumor, and a follow-up treatment will cost a million dollars." The doctor says

Oh no, I can't lose her. I can’t lose my mother. She is all I have left…

"Doctor, please give me a few days to sort things out. I'll come up with the money, but please don’t let my mother die." I plead

"As Doctors, we can only try our best. I will advise you to get the money as soon as possible. Delay will be catastrophic… now her means of survival is sixty percent, any more delay will cause it to go lower."

"I understand, doctor." I nod, wiping my tears. He pats my back comfortingly before leaving, with the rest team of specialists. I crouch to the floor, sobbing.

What do I do? Who do I ask for help? How do I get a million dollars? Who do I call?

A name comes into view as I scrolled through my contact list: Mr Williams.

I take in a deep breath, fighting every resentment I have towards my so-called father. I clicked on the number, dialling it.

"Hello Natalie!" His voice comes into the phone speaker.

I closed my eyes briefly, urging myself to say the word. "Dad…” I slowly say, “Dad, can I ask you for a million dollars? I need it to pay for mom's hospital bills. She is seriously sick." I say

There was a low tapping of a pen, then a chuckle "Really? Well, that’s quite timing and interesting, sweetheart. Where are you? I’ve got a little proposal for you.” He says

"I am at the hospital, where Mom is being admitted. Will you help me with the money?" I say slowly

"Of course, just send me the address of the hospital. I will be there in no time." He smiles, making a sudden chill to surge through my nerves.

“Okay sir.” I say, ending the call. We hadn’t spoken or seen in years; I didn’t know how to come to terms with meeting him this soon. “Just for you, mom...” I whisper, sending him the address of the hospital.

Seconds turn into minutes, he finally arrives, but not alone. He came with his wife and daughter. I gulp hardly, standing up to greet them.

Why did he come with them??

"Good day, Mrs Olivia and Annabelle, " I say with a forced smile. What was he thinking?! Wasn’t it enough that he abandoned us, without a care in the world and now this??

I turn to face him with a small smile, "Dad, did you come with the money?"

"Oh Natalie, how casual of you to say. Don't you want to hear my proposal, first? There are conditions attached to the money, Sweetheart." He smirks wickedly.

“What are the conditions, Dad?” I found myself asking.