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The Marriage Contract

The Marriage Contract

Autor: Jasyman

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The billionaire CEO who needs someone to marry to save his company meets a woman who needs money for her father's surgery. They both sign a marriage contract and get married. Before the contract ends, the woman gets pregnant and when they are saying their goodbyes, the billionaire proposed to her. Even though the contract has ended, they still live happily together with their baby.
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Chapter 1

Lizia's POV

I need to find a job for my father's surgery. My father's condition is getting worst as day pass by. I don't want to lose my father. I still need him and I want to make him proud of me.

I want to see him happy and being proud of me. I want to give him a happy life without any troubles in his mind. I want to give him and my mother a life with full of luxury. I just need to find a job for now and start my own business afterwards.

I've been interviewed for a lot of companies but I'm not getting hired because of my education. I didn't graduated even in high school because of poverty.

I gave up my school and start working different part time jobs to support my sibling. It's fine for me as long as he graduated from college. It's okay if I am not able graduate from college as long as he lives a good life.

He can support us after he becomes successful. I entered the entrance of ST Company for my interview.

This is my last hope. I think all of the companies interviewed me already. I don't know if I will get hired in this company but let's give it a try. I'll lose nothing if I try but I'll earn something if I got hired.

I heard that this company has a big standards when it comes to their employees. Let's see if I can pass that high standards of them.

"What the fuck?!" a man exclaimed when the cup of coffee he's holding spilled.

"Aishhh!" I said irritatedly because the coffee spilled on my white blouse.

I accidentally bumped into him and he's the one who spilled the coffee to me but he's still the one who's mad right now.

What a jerk!

"Are you blind?" he asked frowning.

"Excuse me? Can't you see that you're the one who spilled your coffee to my blouse?" I said sarcastically.

He look at my blouse before looking at my eyes again.

"You're the one who ran to me," he said.

This man is unbelievable. He's going to blame me, really? 'Till the end? Why can't he just admit that he spilled the coffee to my blouse and say sorry?

"You're blaming me?" I asked.

"Of course? Should I blame myself, then?" he replied sarcastically.

"Hey you, bastard! Is it that hard for you to say sorry? Can't you see the situation? You're the one who's at fault here!" I said.

"Hey, miss. I won't say sorry because I didn't do anything wrong." he said before walking pass by me.

I look at him as he walked and glared at his back even though he can't see me.

That bastard!

How can I go to my interview in this state?

I don't know anymore! I'll just go like this. I can't waste this opportunity.

I walked out of the office with my shoulder and head down. I didn't get hired. I didn't reach their so HIGH STANDARDS.

"Sorry miss but you're not applicable to our company. I'm so sorry." that's what the interviewer said earlier.

When they found out that I didn't graduated from college, they said that I can't be hired right away.

My experience is not enough for them. They want their employees to be a college graduate who have a college degree and has an experience.

What the heck is that standards? They won't get anyone if that's what they want.

"What happened?" my bestfriend, Riza, asked me.

"As usual." I replied with a sad voice and fainted a smile.

I put my palm to my face and start on crying because my father's condition is not getting any better.

He badly need a surgery right now but we don't have enough money for them to start the surgery.

Riza tapped my back and hug me. She's trying to comfort me but I don't know if it can ease the sadness in my heart.

What if I lose my father? What will happen to us? I don't wanna lose him!

"What should I do, Riza? What should I do?" I asked her crying.

"Shhh... Everything will be alright. Just pray." she replied still tapping my back while hugging me.

"Pray? He never listened to my prayer." I said.

I've been praying every night, every day, every single minute that I have, to Him to get my father better but look at what happened. Instead of getting better, my father is getting worst everyday.

Is He even listening to what I'm saying in my prayers? I just want to be with my father? Is that not okay for Him? Is that hard for Him to grant that one wish of mine?

He want me to suffer! I've been a good daughter to Him! I've never done any wrong to Him but He's making us suffer.

"Don't say that. He's listening to your prayers." Riza said.

I pulled out from the hug and faced her.

"He never listened. I prayed for my father to get better. I prayed every night! But look at the answer He gave me! He makes my father worst instead of better!" I shouted at her.

She pulled me to hug me again.

He's giving me the opposite of my prayers.

"Everything has a right time, Lizi. He's just waiting for the perfect time to give you the answer that you want."

"When? When my father is dead already? When is that perfect time?! When!" I shouted sobbing.

I feel mixed emotions right niw. Fear, sadness, sorrow, pain. That's what I feel right at this moment.

I'm scared because my dad might leave us in any minute and any second.

I feel sadness and sorrow because my dad is not getting better even though he's at the hospital and getting treatment from the doctors and nurses.

I feel pain for my dad because he's suffering from his disease and there's no guarantee if he will survive.

"Shhhh... That perfect time will come, just wait. He's just giving you a trial. It's just a trial in life. You just have to he strong and wait for the perfect time that He prepared for you." she said.

"Thank you." I said.

She's the one who gives me hope everytime that I'm feeling so down. She doesn't say anything to make me feel down even more.

She's always there for me, ready to listen to every pain in my chest. She's ready to cover me with her shoulders whenever I need to cry and I don't want to be seen.

She's the only person I can tell my problems to.

She's really my best friend. My one and only best friend.

"Hi, mom!" I greeted joyfully as I entered my dad's hospital room.

As usual my mom is here sitting next beside to my unconcious father.

"Hey, sweetheart. What happened?" she asked.

"As usual, mom. I didn't get hired." I replied and forced a smile.

I took the chair behind my mom and set it aside next to her before I sat down.

"It's okay..." she said why caressing my hair.

I give her a smile and I make it look like it's not a forced one before hug her and starred to my unconcious father.

"I know, mom. I can try again tomorrow. If I need to go to other cities and different provinces, I will do that just to get a job." I said while still looking at my father.

'Dad, wake up.' I said to my head.

"Don't worry, baby. It's okay..." my mother said as she continue to caress my hair.

"He'll be alright, right?" I asked.

"Of course. Your dad is strong just like you."

I'm not strong like you think, mom. I'm weak. I am very fragile and at any moment, I'll break.

I want to tell her that but I can't. I don't want to add to her problems. She's going through a lot already.

I'm just pretending to be strong because I don't want her to worry about me. I can handle everything on myself.

Do I really can?

Well, as long as I can handle things by myself, I'll do it. I'll handle everything on my own without telling them anything even if it hurts.

My dad start to seizures again.

"Dad!!!" I shouted as we stand up and go to his bed.

"Honey!" mom shouted as he hug my father.

Tears started flowing to my face again. This is another sign.


"Call the doctor! Now!" my mother told me.

I hurriedly run out of the room and call a doctor near my father's room.

I saw a doctor standing near my father's room with a nurse.

"Doc!" I shouted and I get their attention.

"My father start seizuring again. Please help!" I said pleading.

They hurriedly run to my father's room and I come with them.

I wish he's just fine.

'Please, dad... Fight for your life. Fight for us...'

They told us to come out first to check my father's condition.

I hug my crying mother as we wait for the doctor.

For the first time again, I prayed.

'Please... Don't take him away from us. We need him. I'm begging You, please... I'm begging You...'

"What's his condition, doc?" my mom asked when the doctor and the nurse come out.

"He needs the surgery as soon as possible. We should perform a surgery to him later or tomorrow. If not, he'll be gone. I'm sorry." the doctor said before leaving.

My mother almost fell on the ground. I held her to my arms and hug her tightly.

I looked up the ceiling as if I can see the sky through it.

'I pray to You for my father! Why do you want to take him away from us?! Why you never listen to me?! Why!' I asked in my head furiously.

Are You even there? Are You listening to what I'm praying? Is that hard for You to let my father live?

You're heartless!