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Vampires Blood Pet

Vampires Blood Pet

Autor: HaileyMarie

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Vampires Blood Pet PDF Free Download


The world was completely turned upside down the day Vampires came out of thier coffins. The human race was rounded up like cattle and put into categories. Servant or Blood Slave. It's hard to decide which titles worse. They are both dangerous. I was taken from my family at the age of 9 and thrown into classes and a cage at the local pet shop. I guess I was one of the unlucky ones that was picked to become a Blood Slave.
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Chapter 1

Since the vampires emerged from the shadows, or their tombs more accurately, the state of the world has deteriorated to the point where it is now unrecognizable. We humans were quaking in our homes because everything we had ever seen or heard about vampires was suddenly coming true, and it was a horrifying experience.

The announcement was made on national television by the leader of the vampire king of the United States, who appeared on the broadcast. He stated that vampires meant us humans absolutely no harm, and that all they need was for humans to consent to giving blood to vampires. If everyone of us gave blood, then they would no longer require nourishment from the original source.

The humans refused and were certain that they did not want to be used as a source of blood for the vampires, and I found myself inclined to agree with them. The vampires began to construct enormous mansions outside of each city, and each of these mansions was large enough to house at least thirty vampires.

Every city had a leader, and that leader was responsible for meting out punishment if an infraction of a rule was committed by a resident of that leader's city. In all honesty, it couldn't have been easier; they followed their own set of guidelines.

One of those rules is that you are not allowed to transform humans. That was the only rule until they saw that humans would not obey the blood donation freely.

After that, they changed it.

They herded us all together like livestock and separated us into several categories, which is a sad reflection on the fact that we are outnumbered by the vampires.

The elderly and other people of advanced age would hold positions of responsibility inside the household, such as those of housekeepers and butlers, for example.

The younger children were forced to attend classes designed to teach them how to become blood slaves and were sent away. However, they did not necessarily keep to the catagrories; some of the children went on to become house workers.

To tell you the truth, I believe it is a matter of appearance. Vampires are incredibly vain creatures, and the ones with the most alluring appearances are selected to serve as blood pets or slaves as I like to call it.

They threatened their families and forced the human male guards to watch over them while the vampires slept to ensure their safety. This was another perk of having human guards. The young boys who are selected for that important role are whisked away to a place they call Guard Camp after they are given the honor.

As long as the guards do their duty properly, the vampires will not bother the families of the guards. In my opinion, that is the best position you could possibly take.

There are certain vampires that have no interest in following their own rules; these vampires continue to hunt humans regardless of what their kings have to say about the matter.

Although the vast majority of vampires seek peace, there are a few that would be perfectly content to wage war against humans and wipe out the majority of our species.

They are unable to destroy all of their own sources of sustenance.

They are not that stupid.

The human race will perish if they put up a fight when the vampires come to take them away to serve their sentence.

This is exactly what happened to my parents. Although I was only nine years old at the time, my father refused to hand me up to the vampires, and one female vampire said that I would make a lovely blood pet for one of the higher-ranking vampires.

That made my father angry, so he took out one of his shotguns and aimed it at the vampires who had broken into our house.

He then fired the shotgun.

Even now, as she was looking over my father, I can clearly hear that woman's malicious laugh. Even though he appeared to be terrified, he kept the rifle pointed in their direction while it was tightly clutched in his quivering hands.

One minute both of my parents were alive and the next they were both dead, blood flowing out of their necks as they lay on the floor.

While I tried to hide under the kitchen table, I watched in horror as the vampires fed on my parents. I was so terrified that I couldn't even shed a tear during the ordeal. I can remember praying to the Lord that he would make me invisible to the vampires so that they would leave me alone.

That did not happen.

They pulled me away from the protection of the table, which is a sad reflection on the fact that my prayers were not fulfilled. They bound my hands and feet and carried me out of the house where I had spent my childhood, all the while I pleaded for my parents, who were already dead, to come back and save me.

Evil bloodsuckers.

They placed me in a home for human children, where I remained until I reached thirteen years old. That was a terrible establishment, and the vampires, both male and female, who were in charge there ought to be staked.

They hit us if we did not do everything that they said, and if even one of us cried, they would hit us and then lock us in our rooms without food. If we did not do everything that they said, they would beat us. They went so far as to make us use the bathroom in a bucket that was placed in the corner of our rooms.

It was ridiculous.

It was the worst thing imaginable.

After many years, I have finally accepted my new existence and am at peace with it. There is literally nothing else for us humans to do besides die in order to defeat the vampires.

As soon as I reached thirteen, I had a feeling that I was destined to become a vampire's pet at some point in the future. On the day of my birthday, I was transferred to another facility, but this time it was for educational purposes.

We were required to attend Vampire classes rather than the traditional English and math classes that we are accustomed to having at school.

You went to the class corresponding to the category for which you were chosen to participate. Nonetheless, they all began in the same manner. The first year was devoted to the history of vampires. It would appear that vampires have been active for hundreds of years.

Some are considerably older than that; for example, the Vampire King of the United Kingdom is close to two thousand years old, and the King for the United States recently turned one thousand years old.

It is beyond my comprehension how they could have been hunting among us and none of us ever suspected anything. Even though we were all told stories about vampires growing up and some of us even dressed up as vampires for Halloween, humans have a hard time accepting that other kinds of life may exist in the world.

Werewolves is whose existence we are going to find out next.

Now all I need to do is wait for them to make the announcement.

I really should have known that vampire lady was speaking the tru, but I did not believe it because I really did not want to believe it and I did not. If it were up to me, I would have been content working in a house service. It is definitely better than what I was chosen for. Over the course of the previous few years, I had heard on numerous occasions that I would make an attractive blood pet.

As soon as I turned sixteen, I was transported to yet another facility, this one reserved exclusively for Vampire Blood Pets. I spent the next two years here. That is not a joke; that is the genuine name of the educational institution.

You would think that after living for hundreds of years, they would be able to think up something a little bit better than that.

Everything that was expected of me by my future master was demonstrated to me. I was shown the areas of my body that will eventually be bitten by him or her. It was explained to me that the venom that will enter my bloodstream as a result of the bite will have a pleasant effect on me.

When I heard that, it took me by surprise.

How in the world could something so awful be pleasurable?

That was something that my mind simply could not fathom.

When I found out that, it made me very happy to know that the Vampires had a law prohibiting sexual interactions between Vampires and humans.

Vampires are not permitted to have sexual relations with their pets, despite the fact that they are able to feed off of them and force them to perform tasks.

They are not permitted to be in a relationship, and if a vampire were to mate with a human, it would result in the human's death.

A few years ago, I was watching the news when I came across a story about a man and a woman who were both sentenced to death for mating. The male vampire turned a female human.

His own sister betrayed him to the authorities. I can still see her face as it appeared on the television screen; she was appalled and screamed that he had brought disgrace to their family name.

I could not believe that she had betrayed her own brother; for a split second, I even felt sorry for the bloodsucker. I could not believe that she had done that.

After I finished my training at the pet school a few months ago, I was taken back to the neighborhood pet store and placed inside a cramped cage there.

They lock us up here all day, and the only time we are allowed to leave is to use the restroom; heaven help us if any of us has an accident while we are locked up here. They are going to drag us out of the room by our hair, and then the Pet Master is going to order her employees to whip us.

She is a wicked woman who, if you asked me, would be considered utterly insane. Bread and water are the only things she gives us to eat, and I swear to god that we are nothing but bones and blood because of it.

There are a number of young women incarcerated in the cages that are aligned against the wall. Even though I am at the far end of the left side, I can see everyone. One young girl with brown hair cries at all hours of the day and night.

A few of weeks ago, she was brought here and shoved inside a cage. It was said that her family was hiding away in the woods, but they were discovered. I can empathize with her suffering. I was there when those animals sank their teeth into my parents' throats and drank their blood until they were both no longer alive.

It is something that will never leave my mind, no matter how hard I try.

I went through the motions of grieving for my parents many years ago, and while I am aware that it may come across as callous, I have not shed a tear for them in many years. Obviously, I missed them, but crying my eyes out and getting in trouble isn't something that's worth it.

My back is already covered with marks because there are times when I don't think about the implications of what I say and just blurt it out.

Even when we are unwell, the pet master does not care at all about us pets. One unfortunate young lady has caught covid, and despite my repeated pleadings, she did not take the young girl to the doctor; rather, she stood by and smiled as the girl passed away over time.

I can't stand that evil woman. I would glady stake her ass if I was able.

We are not permitted to communicate with one another, yet late at night, when the shop was closed and the building was quiet, we would whisper to one another. We introduced ourselves to one another, shared our identities, and discussed the events leading up to our confinement in these cages.

Eden was a native of the state of South Dakota. Her mother and father are both house slaves for one of the leaders there. Immediately following the conclusion of her studies, the pet master participated in an auction and bought her.

Like she did me.

I recalled that a slave woman had entered my chamber and assisted me in getting dressed. The lace dress that I wore was a vibrant shade of red, and it went all the way down to my legs and ended in a small train behind me. It was a good complement to my auburn hair.

Pet masters purchase us at a low cost, then discipline us and sell us for three times as much as we were originally worth.

This is how they make their profit.

We are nothing more than livestock.

If we continue to argue with her, she will take us into a closed room, where she will beat us until we beg her to stop. Because of my outspoken nature, I get into a lot of trouble. We are not allowed to speak unless someone addresses us directly first.

I suppose that I could be a rebel and refuse, but that will only result in my death, and right now I'd much prefer not die. I have not been able to discover the identities of the vampires that murdered my parents.

Until then, I will do everything in my power to be the model of a good little pet, but also for the simple fact that I do not wish to die just yet.