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Mr. Yellow & Ms. Pink

Mr. Yellow & Ms. Pink

Autor: xxxUniqueWriterxxx

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Mr. Yellow & Ms. Pink PDF Free Download


He wore a loose black silk shirt with leather cuffs and trousers.However, he got better the more I looked. His rich chocolate hair that had tousled griminess which promised finesse. He had strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick, it could be illegal.And then his eyes- they were deep and catastrophic, a vivid baby blue as a great body of water that softly melted into a milky green. This close, I could see the flecks of silver in his eyes. He had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, his pale skin made him look devilishly handsome. "You've got yourself a challenge, Mr. Yellow" I declared, tilting my head sideways. He stopped, gave me a once over and what burst from his lips was a chortle, he clearly was amused. ----------Cut Cut Cut!---------- Blunt and bold... two very precise words for Ms. Aria Pink Gorger. New and handsome... two very precise words for Mr. Leo Yellow Williams.
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Chapter 1

  ᗯelcome to the movie of my life. Yeah a movie. Perfect couple for parents, a whining 16 year old sister, the perfect set of shades over the bridge of my nose and a handsome cup of StarBucks in my hands on every morning on the way to school.

  Umm... cut the part which says the heroine in the movie is so pretty you start hating the foundation on your face, the colour of the lipstick on your lips and as well go down to the tip of your everyday foot wear which seemed to now look even shinier and prettier than you.

  Well, to start with I'm pretty, in a hideous way. My bestfriend call's me a PGB, short for pink grizzly bear. Grizzly bear, because I'm a lump of fat that starts to sweat like a pig and huff like a tired dog after climbing barely a few stairs. The word pink, because I'm a pink colour freak. Seriously, I've got all shades of pink from the hair on my head to tip of my slightly heeled converse.

     "Morning PGB" a firm arm went round on my shoulder, as the male figure next to my locker dumped his stuff inside the locker number 26.

  Hold right there, no. no and no. Get out of your thoughts about me having a classy and loving boyfriend. I never had one from as far as I remember. Valentines and all other cursed love-dripping-days were spent with the only love of my life... food.

    "Hey Patrick Nose" I nudged my head slightly his way with smile as usual.

  So here... meet Cooper Ashton. My guy and only best friend in between these pests-on-two-legs filled High-School. The poor dude was named after Patrick Nose as nick because, well lets face it, he has a Waldimot's nose. Just the two holes instead of a structured one. I think it was due to that hit he got when he was smash into the wall face first by Ash Meaner when we were back in kindergarten, but who knows.

     "So, what have you got on your schedule today?" He asked as I grabbed my notes book and a thick book of Calculus from the locker before shutting it close.

     "Death first, followed by a proper funeral ceremony. Make sure you're there when they lay my coffin into the grave" I huffed waving the two ton book his way.

  "Oh, then get my grave dug right next to you. Mrs. Roles is definitely twisting my neck today" he sighed, removing his arm from around my shoulders and looking through the pages of his 'Drama' notebook.

  "Consider it done" I patted on his shoulder and thumbed up.

  "See ya, Pink" he winked at me and walked to the left of the corridor and with a short wave I took my steps to the right.

  So.. you all got to know what is between the two of us. It was once in past, that I actually found myself liking him. To start with, he's a private guy, so you can't tell much. He's got that brown skin adonis look going on, dark eyes that made me weak at the knees. He has the heart of a lion and the soul of an angel. He's a fair few inches taller than me, which I actually like even now. He's slim, muscular, with an almost perfectly symmetrical face. He has an African heritage that shows in his features and body type. But to be specific, I never wanted to make anything complicated between us, or as best didn't wanted to destroy the amazing bond between the two of us. I feel like, we won't be this close if we were to be into girlfriend/boyfriend relationship.

  Pushing the door to FC34, I entered and passed a small greeting to Mrs. Hillary as she gave me a stiff node.

  I really don't know what's up with her and her stiff nodes. Oh wait... I'm precisely...

  "-accurately, to be exact, 10 minutes late. I'll mark that in your attendance Ms. Aria Gorger" she stormed, as I casually took a seat next to 'The Nerd' Kaila Fillin.

  "Please have the honours to do so" I softly mumbled to which Laila snickered.

  "Excuse me, Ms. Gorger?" She narrowed her eyes at me and if stares could kill, I would be in Lord Hades world right now.

  "I said, I'm sorry Ma'am. Will not repeat this again" I mocked and shock my head.

  Like seriously woman? Have you got corks in your ears or something?

  "Good" she said, as she looked away and folded her arms over her chest and addressed the rest of the class.

  "Alright everyone, today I would like to introduce a new student to you all, who has been transferred from all the way to NYC to here in Canada. Some of you already met him..." I heard a cough and a few high-fives from the row of seats behind me.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw 'The Shame' Jorgea Olari fanning her face and her side-kicks feeling too proud of themselves.

  Hmm... so the poor him met these pests the first thing to a new school. May The Lord bless his now


stained soul.

    "...With no further ado, welcome Mr. Leo Williams" she said as she opened the door.

  Woah! Is the guy prince of England or something? I were never given this special protocol on my first day. My parents simply kicked me out of the car and a short 'keep this hideous looking cockroach inside and make sure she doesn't leave' stare from my Mom to the well know Mrs. Hudge, was all I was given on my special day.

  My eyes on there own, went wide as the figure stepped in through the open door.

  The boy wore a casual blue shirt with his sleeves folded up till his elbows and black jeans. However, he got better the more I looked. His rich chocolate hair that had tousled griminess which promised finesse. He had strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick, it could be illegal. And then his eyes- they were deep and catastrophic, a vivid baby blue as a great body of water that softly melted into a milky green. He had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw, his pale skin made him look devilishly handsome.

  O... M... G...

  "Hello mates, I'm Leo Yellow Williams" as he spoke, his dulcet tone embraced the air like the evening perfume of night flowers.

  'Oh baby when you talk like that'

  'You make a woman go mad'

  'So be wise and keep on'

  'Reading the signs of my body'

  'And I'm on tonight'

  'You know my hips don't lie'

  'And I am starting to feel you boy'

  'Come on lets go, real slow'

  'Don't you see baby asi es perfecto'

  Hell no! Snap out of it, brain-cells...

  I shook my head and looked away to prevent myself from further embarrassment.

  "Umm... you can take a seat on the other side of Ms. Fillin, as that seems to be the only space vacant" Mrs. Hudge pointed out and 'The hottie' nodded.

  "Yup... he just earned himself a nick name" my brain cells high-fived each other.