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My One True Love

My One True Love

Autor: Aarna

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He stole my first kiss in front of his girlfriend. I opened the door for him with heavy heart to tell him thet the girl he has been waiting for all these days have finally come to meet him but before I could open my mouth he stepped forward and sealed my lips with his kiss.
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Chapter 1

Sarawathi's POV

I opend my eyes with great effort as Kannan was shouting at me like a lunatic "Sarawathi its 8 am the grooms family will be here by 10 am get up and get ready" he tried to wake me up will all his mighty. Kannan and I have been friends from kindergarten and we are 24 now still best friends who have always had each other's back except now.

I told everyone that I didn't want to get married but no one listened including Kannan. Today is the third groom coming to meet me after I successfully pissed the first two.

I don't know how my chances are going to be today as the guy I am meeting today is my dad's new business partner a billionaire. Aravind famous and most eligible bachelor in the country he took over his family business at the age of 23 and made it to top ten in the country within 3 years.

Aravind's dad proposed this wedding after seeing me at my a wedding last week and unfortunately my dad happily accepted them to come and meet me at home today.

I got ready by 9.30 am. "Sweetie your dad will be so happy if this wedding happens, please don't let us down. We only wish the best for you" mom


told me. I nodded my head without saying a word. Just as mom left Kannan came in.

"My dear devil behave yourself I did the background verification and Aravind seems to be the best I want this for you" Kannan said wrapping his hand around my neck.

"Do you really think I can get married after everything I went through?" I asking with tears in my eyes.

He hugged me tightly and said "Sara no one can change the past please put it behind you and move on".

I raised my head to look at him and hoped that he will understand my pain.

"You know that I always wish the best for you right?"

I nodded burying my face on his chest where I always felt a sense of security.

He continued "Then this is the best I wish for you. I want you to take the next step in your life and no matter what I will be there to back you. Just give it a try please." With that he went out from my room.

I just sat on my bed lost on my own thoughts suddenly Kannan rushed in with my cousin Preethi and told me that the grooms family have arrived.

"Sara the groom looks soooooo cool and handsome if you plan to say no to him please refer me as an eligible candidate to be his wife" Preethi said hold my hands.

Kannan gave a long face and said "Don't you dare to steal the groom from my devil."

I giggled as I know that Kannan is not protecting my groom but wants to make sure that his love is not interrupted by the handsome billionaire who is in the living room.

Kannan and Preethi liked each other from high school but has not expressed their love to each other's yet.

Preethi made a funny face at him and left the room to help my mom in the kitchen.

After 10 minutes mom called me to the living room. I held Kannan hand like he wat my last life straw and went to the living room and said hello to everyone.

"My husband said you had only one daughter we didn't know tou had a son." Aravind's mother


said looking at Kannan, me and our intertwined hands.

My dad laughed and introduced Kannan to them "He is Kannan my daughter's best friend from childhood he lives next door we have known his family for more than 20 years and he is like family to us."

I can see that his mom wasn't happy with our relationship anyway I don't care about what she thinks.

"Devil look at the groom you will change your opinion about marriage." Kannan whispered in my ears.

I gave him an eye and then looked at the groom. What the hell all I saw was a picture perfect man not a single flaw in from tip to toe. Tall, handsome and hot guy was sitting right in front of me at my living room.

"Why would he want an arranged marriage?" I thought to myself when Kannan's pinch brought me back to reality.

"Go and talk to each other in private so you can come to a decision" said Aravind's dad



Aravind got from his seat and walked towards me. Kannan took us to my room and mouthed me to behave myself before he left the room.

I was racking my brain to get a proper excuse to reject when he spoke "I am sorry I am not interested in wedding I have someone in my heart and I am waiting for her to come back to me."

I left a sigh of relief "Come back? Does that mean you guys are not together now?" I asked him with confusion.

"Yes we are not together now but that doesn't mean that I can forget her and marry you sorry to inform it to you here my parents didn't give me a chance." He said with regret.

I laughed. "What so funny about it?" he asked coldly.

"You are the third groom who have come to see me I already chased the first two but I was worried about rejecting you as it may affect my dad's business and I am so happy that you rejected me."

"You are the fifth bride I am meeting everyone tried their best to impress me and I had a hard time to reject them. Good to know that at least once I don't have to talk so much to escape from the wedding." He said with a smile.

My heart skipped a beat looking at his smile I pulled my thoughts together soon "What should we say as the reason for rejecting each other?" I asked him as I have ran out of ideas.

"I will tell my parents that you don't like me but didn't want to reject me directly because you didn't want to hurt your parents and asked me to help. You can also use the same reason." he said.

"What if they discussed about the reason with each other we will be caught?"

"Simple we will ask them to keep it a secret from each other so that our business partnership will not get affected." He said casually.

I can see that he have relaxed a lot after knowing that I am not interested in him.

"May I ask why you didn't want this wedding?" He asked me.

"I have a childhood trauma I cannot get married to someone but my family believes that I will be fine after getting married." I told him in a single line without wanting to reveal much about that incident which is still a nightmare to me.

He tapped me on my shoulder as I got lost in my thoughts about my past.

As we were about to walk out of the room some weird thought crossed my mind I pulled him by his wrist into the room and asked "Shall we get married".