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Intoxicated Vengeance

Intoxicated Vengeance

Autor: Trashinlove

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Her trembling body backed away watching her predator reaching her, her lips quivered in fear keeping her shaking hand over her bandaged stomach. "P-Please," She whispered letting out a loud gasp when he grabbed her throat roughly jerking her near him, his lips touched hers freezing her shaking body on the spot. "Don't worry il mio veleno, I wouldn't let you die, we will live together like we promised. but the difference is, the once promised heaven would be a hell now!" And he didn't lie, the man who once loved her beyond him hated her with the same intensity. They were poles apart, they were not meant to be but he refused to accept the fate, he refused to let her get away from him, his hate, his vengeance. This time he will hate her with passion the same way he loved her once, but the only thing that will stay same would be. He didn't let her go before, he wouldn't let her go now. She was his venom and he has let her intoxicate him with no escape. THE SPIN OFF SINFULLY YOURS CONTAINING ACE SULLIVAN STORY. IT CAN BE READ AS STAND ALONE NO NEED TO READ SINFULLY YOURS. REMEMBER ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE THERE WILL BE GRAMMATICAL AND SPELLING ERRORS SO PARDON ME.
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Chapter 1

Author's Pov

A cold wind sprinted her hair in a rhythm as she tightened her arms around her body trying to provide her small frame as much warmth as she could, she took feeble steps towards the hotdog stall heaving out a tired sigh. Even after working whole day she knew she couldn't afford to buy something more than this for her dinner. If she did she will waste money which was needed for other matter. Her whole body felt like tons of weight had been thrown over it but the irony she still had to endure it after all she had no other option.

She paid for two packed smoking hot hotdogs before accelerating her speed to reach her little house, finally a sigh of relief decided to erupt her lips as she stepped inside the small apartment which she called as her house. Who could have guessed that once a spoilt princess had to face this unfortunate day when her pride, ego and luxury would be crushed under the cruelty of fate. Well indeed everyone had to face the karma and she was no less than the person who had to live through it even if it was too painful.

Her tired blue eyes roamed all over the living room trying to find one particular man but he was nowhere to be seen. Coming on the conclusion that he hadn't returned yet she placed the packets of hotdogs on the table and decided to make a cup of tea for herself. The day at the cafe was hectic, she had to work twice what she has been assigned for. The manager was taking advantage of her vulnerability and she couldn't even protest. She badly needed this job.

From the time her fate had thrown her from the lengths to sky to the deepest of earth she had learned to endure, her patience has increased twice the way she was in past. The short tempered whining woman was no where left in her. The life had taught her valuable lesson, the more weak you will be, the more people exploit you, and if the situation was hers she couldn't even protest anymore.

Her eyes lit up and small smile of gusto broke on her pale lips finding the man she was waiting for entering the room, he returned her gesture getting rid of the worn out coat before taking a seat on the years old couch. She brought a glass of water for him and with a grateful gesture he took it.

"Dad, I bought this. You must be hungry." She said placing the plate in front of her father who chuckled in sadness after witnessing their almost everyday dinner, but could he complain? It was more than what their condition could ask for.

"I am such a failure, I couldn't even provide you a good meal anymore." The young girl sighed taking a seat beside him placing her cup on the table. She smiled at her father even though it was full of sadness she shook her head.

"I am fine, dad. Right now our main concern should be the debt." Her father nodded his head before grabbing the hotdog and munching on it and the girl mimicked his actions biting the now cold food. It did nothing to fill their growling stomachs but in the end something was still better than nothing.

"I paid the loan sharks today, their debt is off our head now." This news sprung a huge smile over her lips as she took a deep breath of relief, at least they wouldn't be disturbed by few of the loan sharks now.

"That's such a great news!" She exclaimed but her gleeful expressions soon got exchanged with worried one.

"But dad why are you so tensed? Those men were the huge burden on us." The man looked at her nodding his head in affirmation.

"Yes, and I am grateful that we were able to pay off the debt but the bank's debt is still on our heads. And this month's installment has to be paid in two days otherwise they will convict this house as well and we will be left with nothing." Her breath hitched when realization finally started seeping in her.

How can she forget that more than those loan sharks, banks authority can be vicious! They had already gathered half off the installment money but the other half was spend in order to pay the loan sharks. Now she understood her father's worry, this house was the only thing left for them and they couldn't afford to lose it as well.

All these year's earning and reputation of her father has already been tarnished a long time ago and this house was the only thing left for them. If they lost it as well they will be left on the streets and they might not even be able to eat these hotdogs anymore.

Pondering over the matter for a few minutes her mind clicked and even though the thought alone squeezed her heart but she still wanted to do that. After all she had no other choice left apart of that, she couldn't see her father losing the last piece he had bought with his money, even if to save it she had to rip out of her own last happiness away.

"Dad, I have something I can sell." She expressed loudly and instantly the old man knew what she was talking about. He shook his head negatively, there was no way he wanted her to give up only thing she had left of her own.

"No my daughter. Those are yours I can't do that!" He refused her idea but she held his cold hand in her warm ones squeezing it.

"Dad, it's fine. We need this right now and it's not like they are any of my use anymore. They are like decoration pieces that's it." Being adamant her father again refused but she was as stubborn as he was and finally in the end he agreed with a pained heart.

Night wiped away and morning arrived with birds chirping and wind making a soft noise indicating that the weather will be as chilly as it was yesterday. She woke up and got ready before opening the drawer she once named as her treasure. She never thought there will be a day like this when she will have to take this step.

Pulling out a box and the shiny range of gold and silver badges shimmered making her eyes instantly glistened with tears. Those badges were the proof of her being an excellent student, not even a single year was spent without her winning a badge, be it a golden or silver and she once also got a diamond one. It was such a proud moment for her to hold them in her hand but today her pride once again would be crushed. And she knew she deserved it.

She caressed the golden badge she won on the competition of the best pianist, she smiled as the wave of the past memories hit her remembering those beautiful yet regretful days. She chuckled watching her reflection in the shiny material, who will even recognize this girl now? The same once proud and egoistic girl has become a broken helpless one. Hard to believe yet that what fate was.

Once bright blue eyes every girl was envious of, the same beautiful princess who was famous of snatching every men attention. Sadly smiling at her skinny frame and lifeless pale face she closed her eyes. Even her own reflection disgusted her, she wasn't that pathetic yet her karma was cruel than the people who did the same crimes as her.

Taking a deep breath she wiped her tears away not wanting to go back to the memories that will haunt her for the crimes she once committed. Grasping the badges in her hand she put them inside her worn out bag and just when she was about to place the box back something caught her eyes.

A small agitated smile appeared over her dry lips as she folded her palm over a small silver ring. Caressing it like it was the most cherished and treasured thing in the world for her she brought it close to her lips. Light kiss was placed over the material and small whisper once again decided to leave her lips.

"I missed you so much. I wish I could go back to time, I just wish." She stuttered gulping down.

The ring was nothing special in worth, it was simple and quiet cheap in price but the one who gave her this worth more than her life. She still remember how he told her the story of him working his nights off just to buy this for her. She wished she had treasured it the way she did now when he was here.

Once again securely placing the ring in it's usual place she took a deep breath. These badges might not be of much but the diamond one can atleast bring her a little even though it was only one diamond. But atleast she would be able to pay the installment of this month and might save a little for next one.

Her father already left for his work and as usual they both didn't have breakfast. They couldn't afford to eat a lot as they fear the groceries might finish sooner than needed. She walked towards the jeweler and placed her badges there and as expected the old man did try to trick her but she had enough experience now. For the past years she had been tricked like this many times.

After getting a reasonable money and with a heavy heart she glanced at the rewards that were once belonged to her she walked out of the shop. Tears once again stung her eyes but shaking her head she vowed to not cry, she just couldn't. This was her life and she had learn to compromise a long time ago.

She called her father and informed him about the money and fortunately they were able to pay the installment of this month even though at the end her father was left with a heart full of despair feeling like a failure. Finally after getting rid of this worry she ran towards the cafe.

"Aurora!" She hissed hearing a sharp screeching sound of her manager and she knew she was going to get scolded for being late.

She turned around finding the woman in her mid 30s staring at her with disgusted frown, Aurora has no idea why this woman hate her so much but she just always tried to find reason to torture her. She politely bowed her head apologizing right away.

"I am sorry mam, I was caught up in the traffic. I am really so---" The woman held her hand up showing her sharp edgy nails.

"Excuses! How many times I have to tell you I don't want you to be late even for a second and today you came past five minutes of your actual time! Do you think it's a playground?!" Aurora flinched when she raised her voice.

Even after so many years of people walking over her and shouting at her she still wasn't used to loud noises. She again bowed her head apologizing and as expected the woman kept on insulting the young girl to her heart's content and finally asked her to get back to her work.

She always did this. Neither did she fire her nor let her off for even once, sighing tiredly Aurora took a seat on the piano seat and started playing it. The cafe had a unique concept of taking requests from the customers and according to what they want Aurora has to play the piano.

She had two jobs, one in this cafe in the morning and after that she had to play the same instrument in a night club. The club paid her more than what this woman did but again Aurora's profession was something that you couldn't get a proper job with it. Because of the poor financial condition she wasn't even able to complete her graduation and her education wasn't enough for her to get a proper job.

As she was busy playing the piano she got a sudden request from some anonymous customer and the tune he requested brought a lot of memories from the past. Looking around she had no idea who requested it but keeping a heavy stone over her throbbing heart. She played that melancholic melody which ripped her internally once again.

Her smooth fingers pressed the keys letting everyone in the cafe hear the pain behind that beautiful soft melody and a lone tear caressed her cheek as soon she hit the last note. She again raised her head and this time her eyes fell on a broad back of an unfamiliar man.

His body was covered with heavy black coat, hands with gloves and there were a few bodyguards surrounding him as he made his way out of the cafe. Her breath got stuck in her throat when she got a slight glimpse of his side frame through the blurry window. She kept on staring at the way the man disappeared when suddenly her manager scolded her bringing her back to reality.

Meekly apologizing she again resumed her work but that man's familiar side posture didn't leave her mind even after reaching the home. The first thing she did was to grab the ring from the drawer and laid on the bed staring at it with keen interest.

"No, it can't be him. I must be hallucinating him again." She mumbled sighing heavily, for how many times she was going to see his illusion. Each time she feels like he was near her but alas! How could he?

When he was already dead.