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Accidentally On Purpose

Accidentally On Purpose

Autor: dearhearty

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Accidentally On Purpose PDF Free Download


One woman and one man accidentally meet in the most difficult and unusual way. Will that be called destiny? Or maybe just an accident? Arabella needs money and it is not just for her - It is for her son. But the problem is, she is raising him on her own and time had her wrapped around the neck. She needs the money as soon as possible. In this crappy situation, enters Elijah Torres -the most ruthless and cunning man she ever met. Also, her son's Dad. He's rich and he can help her son as quickly as possible. But in exchange, Elijah is going to take care of their son. Arabella has a huge decision to make...
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Chapter 1

"Congratulations to us, we had an amazing team." all of the hotel staff cheered and toast their glasses. They organized this little gathering for me because we just received a high rating from a VIP guest.

I've been working as an assistant hotel manager for a few years now and it has been truly magical for me. It is not easy to get this position that's why I am very grateful that I was given this opportunity.

"Miss Davis seems like St. Dominique Farm and Resort is going to be number one again because of our amazing services." one of the hotel staff said.

I laughed softly. "Let us pray for it."

"That is for sure my friend. What we should be praying for is that our hardworking supervisor will finally have a reason to smile for." my best friend, Marga which is also one of the supervisors in charge of housekeeping playfully bumped her hips on me as she picks up some of the food served on the table.

Everyone seems to agree with her while I shoot her a glare.

"I do have a reason to smile." I shrug her off.

"Yeah right." She mumbled sarcastically. "If you need something more clearer..." Marga puts her plate down and grabs both of my shoulders before saying this in a loud voice. "Get. A. Man."

I slap her hand away and laughed. "I don't need a man, Marga."

"Yes, because you are super independent and a brave woman but that's why someone out there deserves you. Come with me tonight and I will show you some amazing men tonight." She told me. I can't count anymore how many times this woman has invited me to go out and party. But I always come out with one answer.

" No, I can't. You go and have fun." I smiled sweetly at her.

"Bummer." now she rolled her eyes at me as we all proceed to eat. We still have jobs to do so we need to hurry up.

The hotel is part of the San Dominique Farm and Resort, this is actually a very huge place. There are hotels, tons of pools, orchards, restaurants, there are lakes for fishing, and many more. It is like a recreational resort that everyone can enjoy. Landing a job here is a miracle.

After the small celebration, we head back to our works as I waited for my shift to end for the day.

I live in one of the cottages here provided for the staff of the resort. It is just a perfect house for two, not too small and not too big. Plus, it is near the lake so the view is magnificent. Arriving at my house, a rich and innocent laugh filled my ears immediately to wash away all the worry and tiredness in my whole system.

"I'm home," I announced as I put down my bag on the countertop.

"Mom!" My six-year-old son came running to welcome me at the entrance, giving me a hug as well.

"Hey big guy, you sounded so happy," I told him and gave him a quick kiss on the head.

Seb is my six-year-old son and I've been raising him alone ever since he was just a month-long in me. He's a pain in the ass sometimes but I love him more than anything. There is nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for this little bundle of joy.

Tsk, Marga said to find a reason to smile...I do have one right here in my arms. And that is my son. He is the only one I need to make me smile and nothing more. As long as he is safe and happy...also healthy.

I watch how my son catches his breath and every time I see him like this scares me.

Seb has been diagnosed with Restrictive cardiomyopathy or RCM as they call it. It is a rare disorder in children that is characterized by restrictive filling and reduced diastolic volume of one or both ventricles with normal or near-normal systolic function and wall thickness.

We undergo medications and treatments already and I'm drowning in debts because of it. I really don't know how long we should wait because my son needs a heart transplant as soon as possible. We are still waiting for a donor and I'm working my ass off for it. But the hospital said it might take a few more years to wait for my turn.

"How are you feeling today?" I crouch down to his level.

"I'm okay, Mom. Don't worry about me. I can handle this." He gave me a huge grin then runs back to the living room and watch his favorite cartoon, our 2-year-old German Shepherd, Max next to him. My sitter usually stays longer but I got a call earlier that she needs to leave early due to some personal reasons.

Seb already undergoes lots of medication, still, he needs that transplant. I don't have that much money yet but that's why I always ended up thinking...

That I should start finding his Dad.

Well, technically not found because I know where he is. He has friends that are still my friends so knowing where he is easy.

But talking to him is the hard part.

I don't know if I can see his lying face again after he cheated on me 6 years ago.

Elijah Torres, he and I had a very long history that shall never be brought back again. When I left him, I promised myself that I will never ask for his help ever again but this is not about me.

His son needs his help.

And we are running out of time.

I was thinking all night about how shall I meet Elijah again or the things I should tell him despite my anger. We never treated each other the best but I still loved that man so much that my world only revolves around him. My first love and we were very young.

I met him once at a college party. He was known to be the hottest guy on the whole campus, women and men worship the ground he steps on and I thought I was the luckiest woman when he noticed me. An average girl who doesn't even know how to drink.

Jeez, that was like already a decade ago but I can still feel how those hot smoldering blue eyes still linger on me.

How can I ever forget him? My son looks exactly like him, even the attitude. He's an exact carbon copy of his father.

"Mom." one night, my son comes to my room while I sort out some bills.

"Yes, sweetie? Is something wrong?" I asked a little frightened that maybe he is not feeling right.

"My tooth came out!" he excitedly announces with a very happy smile.

A sigh of relief came out of me. "That's good, Seb. Put the tooth under your pillows before going to sleep, okay?"

Seb nods and started to run to give me a hug. "Good night, Mom!" then he left my room to go to his. Such an energetic kid.

Right now, as I check the bills I should pay, I noticed that I still don't have enough money to pay for the hospital bills again. My salary is not enough at how huge amount of money he needs his medication and I'm really running out of options.

Inhaling deeply, I try to steady and think clearly on how to deal with this. Jeez God helps me and what shall I do?

The next morning, I prepared some breakfast and I walk Seb to the gate of the resort where the school bus stops to pick him up. Then after his meal, I handed him the pills he needed to take and we went on ahead. I need to be at work today at 8 am so I also head on to get ready.

"Mom, I really can't join baseball today?" He asks me looking down to his feet as we wait for his school bus. I can sense how sad he is about this.

"We talked about this, sweetie. It will just exhaust you, remember? You heard the doctor." I told him, softly while squeezing his hand. "You know what will happen."

Seb nods but sadness is still evident on his face. I know, baby. I know. It is hard for me too how much I want you to do how other boys your age play as well but we can't risk it. Seb is not allowed to be exhausted too much, and even just a small fright is bad. It all can cause problems to his heart.

"There it is!" I cheered him up as I put his backpack on and I kissed him on his forehead. "Have a nice day at school! I love you!" I shout at him as he gets up the stairs of the bus.

He turned to me and gave me a smile and a wave before the school bus drives off.

Now, I have to go to work. I greeted some guests as I walk past them before I even arrive at the hotel to do my work. The hotel manager barely stays here but he comes often to check on us but while he's away, I make sure the hotel is always functioning well.

It was lunchtime when I hang out with my Marga today at the restaurant of hotel. "I don't know what to do anymore, Marga. I am still in short on the hospital bills."

"You know, I'm really willing to let you borrow some money, Ara. I still have some extra." Marga told me.

I shake my head. "Marga, I still haven't paid the one I borrowed from you. And besides, you need it too."

"Well, we have no choice. You can always marry your manager," she added with a laugh.

I snorted. Well, she is not lying. The hotel manager has a thing for me for a long time that's why I even had this job position. Half of me doesn't want it but the salary is what I was just considering. But still, it is not enough. One time, he offered me to marry him and he will give me all the money I need but he doesn't know that I have a son.

Still, he's 57 and he is old enough to be my father. I CAN'T DO THAT!

"How about..." Marga started off.

I was still sipping my hot coffee as I hummed "What?"

Marga gave me serious look. "You have to tell his Dad."

She knows the story behind and it is always an option to ask for his help. But the stubborn inner me is still rejecting the idea. I am running out of options and I have to think really fast or else, it will be too late.

Seb still needs more medication in the future and I'm drowning in debt.

Well, I can still consider marrying the manager...but gross.

One more sign, give me one more sign and I will really go and find Elijah to help us.

That's all I need.

I was about to finish my tuna salad when my phone starts to ring.

It's the principal of Seb's school.

"Hello?" I immediately picked it up.

"Miss Davis, Seb had a heart attack in school, we are now on our way to the hospital."

And that just made my blood rush and I immediately went to action.

To be continued...