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The Alpha's Hated Mate

The Alpha's Hated Mate

Autor: Bukky Victoria

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The day she was born something strange happened at silver pack and for this reason, she was tagged a cursed child and the penalty was for her to be killed. Aria a seventeen years old girl has her life already planned out but her joy was cut off and her happiness taken away from her when her parents were killed by some unknown men leaving her at the mercy of Darian the Alpha of Moon Shine pack who has a deep hatred for humans and he is ready to hurt anyone that crossed his path. With the anger of his wolwhichichh is uncontrollable each passing day. He is the most charming yet the most dangerous and the only person that can bring him out of his dark world was his mate but fate gave a stroke of cruel luck to him when he was mated to a human the species he hate the most. ** "I hate humans you people are just too ......." he pauses as he stares into my eyes. "Did you know what I promise to do to any human that crosses its boundaries around me?" He asked his red eyes piercing deep into my blue eyes as I stare at the big man before me. I flinch in fear as he holds me tight on my arm shaking me vigorously his finger digging deep into my skin and I nod my head repeatedly answering his stupid question. "I am going to kill everyone single person that tries to find information about me and my packs. Your kind are betrayers and deserve death" I stiffen my breath I don't understand but his voice sends a cold shiver down my spine now I understand Elsie's warning and his red eyes scare the hell out of me. Enjoy......
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Chapter 1

Extract From The Book

I continue running without turning back passing through many tall tress trapping my legs on the bushes as it creat path for me, the grasses slapping against my skin. I was scared I and I don't know where I was going to but I know I am far away from home. My school bag that my mom gave to me was on my back with my med inside it as I continue running panting heavily. I run like mad, from the mysterious men chasing after me my breath are sharp and frantic, my eyes are filed with tears.

Fear washes over me when I think of the possibility of my life being cut short. The ground blurred before me when sundelly my legs hit a stone on the floor making me to miss some steps as I fall flat on the floor and within few seconds the men are already close to me standing at my front grinning dangerously.

"Please don't kill me" the word came out of my mouth in fear as I stare at the hefty man standing before me.




Will human ever believe that werewolves exist? When they have never seen any before except reading it from fictional stories, it all an imagination of someone thought that was brought to life. Aria is among those that never believe that werewolves exist. But she was forced to believe all this when she saw Darian an Alpha who she thought was a normal being transforming into a wolf before her.

Jet Wolf Gunner is the Alpha of silver pack he lived many years looking for his mate non stop. Most of his age mate find their mate before 17or even 18 but finding his own mate was very difficult for him not until one day when he met her but she was a human and it won't be easy to claim because no human believe that werewolves exist.

He was able to convinced her and they both fall imlove with each other and she started living with him in his pack as the Luna.

Several years later the Alpha and Luna of Silver pack gave birth to their first child a beautiful little girl but she was said to be a cursed child and the penalty is for her to be killed and her body thrown out of the pack.

But the question still remains that was she a caursed child? or there is something behind her birth find out in this interesting story.




"Kill her" he heard the command of the doctor as he stand before the woman that gave birth to him a knife on his hand the only thing that his body reacts to is their command the only thing that he thirst for is blood and he must surely obey his master command.

"I said kill her now" came the bold voice in a command again and without warning he took a slow step closer to the woman who was tied before him.

"No this is not you he is controlling your senses he is controlling your mind" the woman cried in a loud voice still kneeling before him.

His eyes color change from green to yellow then to red as he stand before her without pity and with a blood sucking eyes. He scream in a loud voice as he raise the knife up and he Peirce it directly into her stomach. Immediately the knife was deep inside her he pause as his red eyes stare into her face tears dropping down his face a tears of agony, pity and regret for killing her he can never forgive himself for it even if he was been controlled the fact still remain that he killed her.

Darian woke up with a jerk from his sleep sweating profusely this have been the nightmares that have been hunting him for years a guilty that his heart won't stop feeling a day that changed his life forever changing him into a cold hearted person.

Aria POV

I am Aria and I am 17 years old and will be clocking 18 in the next three months. I lived with my parents and we are one happy family not until one night that very sad night when my perfect beautiful life became upside down the night I lost my parents. The night that starts the journey of my life with so many complicated things and many secret behind my existence in life that night I start my journey of knowing about my past and future, a night that leads to a sweet bitterd life when I met my true mate.



Grayyyyyyyy the loud sound of my alarm woke me up from my beautiful sleep. Gosh I was having a sweet dream which was disturbed by this

annoying alarm, with my eyes still closed I hit my hand on the alarm furiously making it to stop ringing as I cover my head back with my devout I buried myself inside the cloth and rapped my hand around my body to catch up with my sleep again hoping I can continue from where I stopped in my sweet dream.

I haven't slept for long when I started hearing a knock on my door "Not now" I mumbled under my breath knowing who it is. The knock came again but I didn't bother to answer as I turn to the other side turning my back away from the door pretending to be asleep. Can't I have a sweet morning sleep for once.?

Without warning the door to my room flung open as my mum enterered I Know she is definitely the one if my alarm didn't wake me up from my sleep my mum is always my second alarm to wake me.

"Young lady get your ass off that bed else you will be late for school today" my mom voice came making me to hold tight to my body below the blanket not ready to answer her still pretending to be asleep.

I heard her footsteps as she walks towards my window and she raised the curtain up making the ray of light to shine directly into my room as everywhere becomes bright the breeze of nature blowing inside.

"Aria I believe you won't want to be late to Mr Frank class this morning and remember, you have to submit the assignment he gave to you yesterday" she said making me to pull the blanket off my body in a rush jumping down from the bed immediately I am definitely not ready to receive any punishment today from Mr Frank my Math teacher and to make it worst he he gave us an assignment which my mum was able to help me solve yesterday because I hate math so much and am not even ready to learn it.

"Good morning mum" I muttered as I quickly rushed into the bathroom to take my bath and prepare for the new day ahead of me. My mom only smile as she watch me enterered the bathroom in a rush she knows the best way to get me being late to Mr Frank class is the last thing that any student in Springfield Academy will want to do he will not only punish you he will embarrass you also in front of the class.

I quickly brush my teeth and enter the shower allowing the worm water to do wonders to my smooth skin as the dream I had earlier today came rushing through my thought. I saw him and he told me we are Meant to be together forever but there was this word he use "Mate" and it sound strange to me the way he said the word makes it look strong having a lot of unknown meaning to me.

After spending about two minutes in the bathroom I came out with a blue towel tied around my waist then my phone started ringing I rushed towards it as I picked it on my bed.

"Hello Aria where are you?" Alice voice echo from the other side.

"Getting ready for school."

"What!! you are still at home, have you forgotten that are we having Mr Frank lecture this morning?" she yelled making me to roll my eyes.

"I know Alice and am almost done" I muttered using one hand to start massaging cream on my body using my shoulder to hold the phone in position.

"please try to be fast Aria, you know I am waiting for you or should I start going?" She asked but I know she won't leave me we don't go to school separately we are both stuck with each other I knew that was just a mare threat.

"I will be right there" I mumble under my breath.

"And make sure you........" Before she could complete her statement I quickly cut the call not ready to hear her complain again even if she continue nagging from now till tomorrow she will still wait for me until I am done besides, what are we best friends for.

After I was done rubbing cream on my body I search through my wardrobe looking for clothes to wear then my eyes caught my blue baggy treasure and I wore a black hood on it. Well I have a special love for big dress I prefer wearing a baggy clothes instead of a skimming one because I really felt comfortable inside it.

I quickly packed my long dark-brown hair into a ponytail before carrying my blue pack bag. Which is my favorite color I complete my dressing with a black canvas before rushing out of my room closing the door behind me.

I piped through the kitchen door and I saw my mum being busy inside the kitchen making breakfast "Mummy I am off to school" I yelled standing at the entrance of the door.

"Come back here young lady, your med" I heard my mom yelled calling me back before I could even take two steps away.

What did she want now?