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My Clumsy Assignment

My Clumsy Assignment

Autor: Amanda nuga

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My Clumsy Assignment PDF Free Download


"aaaaah, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? AND WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY BEDROOM!" I asked still clutching my towel " xup I'm Michael. your guardian angel" the boy says extending his hands to shake. " What do you mean my guarding angel? is this a prank or something? cause if it is you've got another thing coming chiko" who the hell is this guy? " it's not a prank dork. i really am your guardian angel" " Oh really? Prove it"
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Chapter 1

Kendra's Pov:

He's so freaking hot, it

should be illegal!." My best friend tori said

"Who are you talking about?" I asked

"Ugh William of course and I heard he likes you" tori said wiggling her eyebrows

William has been my crush since middle school he's from England. He's also my lab partner so we only talk in chemistry class. And the occasional waving and smiling in the hallway that's about it.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know Lillian? She's Tony's

girlfriend who happens to be Williams best friend and he told Lillian that William likes His lab partner who happens to be you" she says in one breath

"OK first of all I do NOT believe that and secondly how are you friends with a cheerleader?"

In case it isn't obvious, I'm below the popularity chain and I really like it no drama whatsoever

Tori and I decided to walk to school this morning cause my jerk of a brother left me to pick up his slutty girlfriend Lacey. Even her name sounds like an underwear

" doesn't matter, anyways you should start putting more efforts in the way you dress, if you want willy wonka over there to really notice you " tori eyes my sweats and hoodie. What? It's comfortable. You can't expect me to go to that hellhole called school and still expect me to wear a dress hell no.

" hey I may like the guy but I would like him to like me for me and not for the way I dress" I say sighing

" well you're amazing so you have nothing to wor- KENDRA LOOK OUT!!"

Too late the truck was already too close for me to jump out of the way. I froze there and just waited for the impact in







"Kendra are you okay" tori runs towards me and helps me up

Wait did I fall?


"Yeah I'm good. Uh quick question HOW THE HECK AM I STILL ALIVE?" I ask dusting the dirt on me .

" the truck took a quick turn I guess" she shrugs

"Just be happy you're still alive . come on. We don't wanna be late"

Eastbourne high

Ahh Eastbourne high

Not your typical cliché highschool

No cocky jocks, no bitchy cheerleaders, no scary bad boys and no pitiable nerds just us all schooling in perfect harmony



My school is all round cliché

There's the handsome but dumbbell jocks, the slutty cheerleaders who makes sure everyone knows their social status in the school and there's the bad boys of the school who bullies the nerds and then there's me. What? You thought I was a nerd?. Hell no. I hate maths, physics and chemistry and I'm even failing those classes except chemistry cause my Knight in shining armour William saves me

"Ugh I already want to crawl in a hole and die slowly and it's not even first period yet" I say taking my books from my locker and shutting it.

Have I mentioned I hate school



" don't be so dramatic " tori says rolling her eyes "what's your first class?"

I sigh checking my schedule, maths hmm fun, NOT

" maths my most favorite subject, hey tori I think I might go to maths con this weekend, you know why? Cause I love maths" I state with every ounce of sarcasm in my blood

"Geez I'm starting to take your hatred for school seriously"

" ooh don't forget the entire population"

" right "

" kendra! Hey kendra! " my brother Kendrick practically screams my name running towards me and tori

"What do you want? " I glare at him

" kenz I'm so sorry. Please forgive me , I swear I'll make it up to you " Kendrick pleads.

I sigh blatantly ignoring him "come on tori I believe we have class to get to" tori agrees and we walk away from him

"You aren't really mad at him are you?" She smiles giving me a knowing look

"Nah. I'm just going guilt him into doing my maths and physics homework" I smirk

"I've got so much to learn from you"

"Yeah you do"

Somewhere in the land of linux

Michael's POV

"We have gathered here today to watch the graduating students of Linux high become full fledged angels. We wish them good luck and.."

" ugh this is so booring " my best friend Gabriel expatriates

"Oh hush. It's not that bad" cilia my other best friend scolded

  Man I can't wait to be up there next year. I can finally get my wings and become an angel just like my parents

And no, not the angels in heaven who get to be with God. Those are like the elders, to us our ancestors. We would be like what they call on earth; soldiers fighting wars against evil I guess. And by next year I'll be one of them. Every angel in training is given an assignment, to protect a certain human for  a whole year I mean it couldn't be that hard right?

  Tomorrow we'll be given our very own humans to protect, it's gonna be amazing

   Yuck I sound like a human teenage girl

  Yup I did my research

The next day

"Oh my God! This is so exciting, I can't wait to see who I get" cilia gushed smiling

  "I know right, I hope I get a hot Chic" Gabriel said winking

  "Dude aren't you supposed to be an angel in training?" I asked laughing

"Yeah doesn't mean I'm blind or void of emotions or anything" Gabriel stated rolling his eyes, he turned and looked at cilia " hey why are you quiet? "

  " I don't know just thinking about the the assignment I guess. I don't want to mess this up so I won't go back to elexis you know"

" everything is going to be just fine "  I assured " no one's going back there We're here and we're safe OK?"

" yeah and have you heard from.." Gabriel started but I cut him off "no and I don't want to"


" gather around everyone, it's time for the final assignments that will guarantee your chance of being a full fledged angel. Now as I call your names you shall go into the office and find out about your assignments good luck " the dude from yesterday announced

"Who is that guy?' I asked bouncing my feet in nervousness

" what do you mean who is that guy?" Cilia looked at me wide eyed then whispered "that's one of the angels from Heaven

" whoa that's awesome " Gabriel exclaimed

"Meh" I shrugged

" 55 Cilia" the angel called

" come on cilia you got this" I encouraged

"Wish me luck" she winked and with that she walked into the office

" I am so nervous, you Celia's right, what if we mess this up, what if something happens and we have to go back, what if..." Gabriel rambled

  "Dude! It's gonna be fine I promise. It's only for a year and after that we'll be become what we were born to be" I again assured

" you're right, thanks man I needed that " he said clapping my back. Ow

"No problem"

" 59! Gabriel"

" that's my cue, see you later man"

Wow this is the chance to be finally free

From elexis and actually fight against them.

I don't get why they're so nervous, I mean it's just to take care of one chinzy human for a whole year. what could possibly go wrong?

" 65! Michael"

Welp! I guess it's now or never

" hello Michael " the headmaster greets behind the desk


" I believe you know why you're here?" The headmaster asks

" yes sir" I answer fighting the urge to roll my eyes

" this assignment is your only ticket to being free from elexis , so I'm sure you're smart enough to complete this assignment without difficulties "

" yes sir" can we just get this over with?

" pick the files over there " he says pointing to a glowing file floating on top of  other files. I pick it up and look at the details

Name: kendra Adams

Age: 17

School: Eastbourne high

Favorite color: red

Likes: sleeping, watching TV, and food

Are you for real?

Dislikes: school, human population

Ha! I love this chick

Favorite places : the bed, the couch

Worst place: school, the outside world

Best attribute: still figuring it out

Worst attribute: very clumsy

Well.. She's not thaaat bad

" so who's your assignment?" The headmaster asks

" Uh kendra Adams " I answered still looking at the file

" wow luck is not on your side" he says tutting

" what do you mean? "

" please look at the wall by your right " he points to the Wall

I look at the wall and I see a video of this cute chick bumping into a wall, falling down the stairs, tripping on air, getting her hand stuck in a garbage disposal, falling into a manhole, trapped in a freezer, being picked up  by a garbage truck almost carried by a circus and many absurd ways to die. Oh did I mention almost cutting her finger off!

" how is this chick still alive?!" I ask still watching  in horror

" well she's had other students who are now angels protect her. Many has had to come back another year due to failing. But you do not have that grace. Fail and you're going back to Elexis. Are you up for the challenge?" He asks looking at me through his rimmed glasses

" I don't have Much of a choice do i?" I mutter under my breath

I looked at the video again, oh God, remember when I said nothing can go wrong? Yeah About that

I was super wrong