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Love Again

Love Again

Autor: Dee Tee

En proceso

Realistic Urban

Love Again PDF Free Download


Impossible...that cannot be him,it was driving me crazy,I wish it was all a dream, a bad dream,that would go away..... Let's divorce,I finally said pushing him away trying so hard not to cry,I'm tired of all this,all I ever did was to love him I'll prove to him that he messed with the wrong person..
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Chapter 1

Zara's POV

“ Kyle”... I mumbled,my voice cracking from crying too long.

The sound of the waters,like that of a rushing wind, starring at the sunset which was beautiful to behold.

My hazel eyes welled up with tears as I started at the sea, saying goodbye to him was way harder than I had imagined.

“Kyle, why did you have to leave me so soon”I mumbled under my breath. I had always blamed myself for being responsible for his death,if only he hadn't jumped into the water to save me,he might have been alive today.

I was carried away and I had almost forgotten I wasn't alone here.

“Zara, we have to be on our way now,else we would arrive at Yaben late, we have been here for hours already” Sophia said.

“I won't be long” I replied,my voice just barely above a whisper.

“ I will be waiting in the car “she said as she walked away.

Kyle was my elder brother,and the oldest of my parents,he had died a long time ago,while trying to save me from drowning, everything was just still clear in my memory,like it happened yesterday.

It has been fifteen years already,and to honor his death,I come to the same place every year,to cry my eyes out.

“ Are you sure you are fine?”Sophia asked bringing me back to reality.

“ You do this every year, always coming to this same place to cry your eyes out, don't you think it's time to let go of the past and move on with your life, besides it isn't your fault,you were way younger then” she said.

“ I am fine,” I replied forcing a smile.

I held my self responsible for his death,if only we hadn't come to the beach on vacation,if only I hadn't gotten into the water..I thought as we drove off.

Sophia was my personal assistant she was always opened to me and that was why I liked her, and took her as my sister.

As happy as I may sound,I still always shivered in fear, thinking of how to face my mother, ever since the death of my brother,she hasn't forgiven me she believed I killed my brother,her eldest son,she has the hatred that I was responsible for the death of her child.

I had always been the odd one out, after my brother passed away,I was bullied constantly in high school for causing my brothers death.

Jasper was my younger brother,whom I loved so much but he was scared of coming close to me,my mum also made it obvious that she loves him more than she loves me,as if that wasn't enough,she wants to make him the next successor of my grandfather's company.

Jaspher wasn't a smart kid,he was constantly being bullied when we were in high school,over the years he had turn into a tall, fair complexioned,young man with a skinny body ,and a blue eyes,round face which was complimented with a small reddish lips, he had a body of a model,and he always made sure he has a clean shave.

“Zara” Sophia's voice brought my attention back to the present.

“Oh-um-” I stuttered, unable to find my words.

“We are here” she said.

It was already dark,I had no clue I was lost in thought for that long.

I came down quietly from the car.

“Goodnight Zara” Sophia said.

I watched as the car zoomed off until I could see it no more.

Looking at the Mansion,my nervousness picked as I walked closer, different thoughts traveled through my mind,I kept wondering how long I was going to continuing living this way.

Quickly composing myself,I walked quietly into the mansion,only to be greeted by my mother's voice.

“ Well,well,look who decided to grace us with her presence” my mother said,her eyes locking onto mine making me feel so uneasy.

“ I see you have gotten quite busier that we don't get to see u often” my dad said standing next to my mum.

I stood there uncomfortably and it felt like I was naked before them.

Jasper who had been there with them observing quickly said..

“ Let her be mum, she's obviously tired” ..

I clenched my fists and walked away,determined not to let them see the fear in my eyes.

Locking myself in my room,I could hear the whispers and how they laughed amongst themselves.

“ I guess this isn't going to end in a long time” I said to myself. Climbing unto my bed which was soft, caressing my skin, i decided to cry myself to sleep.

I was awakened in the early hours of the morning by my grandfather's voice which of course was followed by a loud knock banging on my door.

“Get up Zara, it's daybreak” my grandfather said.

Half awake and half asleep,I checked my time and it was just six in the morning.

“ What kind of a man is this” I mumbled under my breathe “ doesn't he sleep at all? I asked my self.

Tossing to and fro on my King sized mattress, I lazily got up from the bed, standing in front of my giant mirror,I guess I must have cried a lot because my eyes was obviously swollen, smiling to myself I said “it's another day to be strong Zara”. I got into the shower to take my bath…

With the water touching and running down my bare skin, I felt relieved, making me forget my worries temporarily. No

You are going to be fine, I reassured myself…

Coming out of the shower,with water dripping off my skin, I reached for my pink towel and tied it firmly round my chest,I wasn't the busty type of lady so it was easier for me to tie my towel, and after applying my skin care, I searched for what to wear, after going through few of my clothes, I decided to put on a light blue short gown, also remembering to apply my makeup.

Still sitting in front of my dressing mirror…

“ I need to visit the salon soon,” I muttered to myself while packing my favorite ponytail.

Standing from the giant glass I headed to look for what to wear from my shoe rack and my eye caught the red heels I had gotten as a limited edition the previous month,it was quite an expensive one.

Putting the shoe on, it fitted perfectly complimenting my gown,I spinned and smiled, feeling something was missing in my outfit,I remembered I hadn't looked for a bag, looking through various designer bags that I had,I finally reached for my favorite Dior bag.

Seeing I was ready, I opened the door and got out of the room, walking quietly. I was stopped by my grandfather's voice.

“ Are you not going to eat something before leaving?”he asked.

“ I will be late for work,” I replied turning away.

“ We need to talk when you get back”

My grandfather has always believed it was best for us to live together with him in the mansion as a family ever since he lost his wife,who was my grandmother ten years ago.

Leah who was my grandmother,was a very beautiful woman with a lovely and curly hair,a round face complimented by a brownish eyeballs,she always had a warm and bright smile,she was perfect to behold, rumors had it that I took after her,she got married to my grandfather at a young age,she was a very strong and hardworking woman,who gave birth to two sons and a daughter.

My father Jack, who was the second of the three children,was quite handsome and tall,had a brownish skinned complexion and even in his late fifties he was quite agile but left everything, even his family, to be taken care of by my grandfather.

My Aunt Jane,who was my father's younger sister, has been married and divorced twice and was living with us in the mansion. She was a beautiful woman with a lousy character,but I bonded with her the most because she understands me better than my mother ever did.

My grandfather's first son, Uncle Jude left three years after the death of my grandmother after my grandfather decided to get remarried, he was against the idea, so were his siblings. Seeing his children were not in support of him getting remarried he kept her as his mistress.

Grace, my grandfather's mistress, was a woman in her early sixties, looking younger than her age had been with my grandfather for the past seven years.

We all lived under the same roof but not as a family. The only time we came together was during emergencies.

It was a sunny Thursday morning,I had just left the mansion, with my driver and Sophia waiting outside the car for me.

“ Good morning Zara”Sophia greeted.

“Morning Sophia” I replied

“ I guess it's a good morning after all” I said while getting into the car, happy I didn't get to meet my mother that morning.

As we drove off the mansion,I curiously asked Sophia.

“ What do you think my grandfather has to tell me?”

“ Hmm…I really can't say,but I guess he might want to talk to you about Marriage” she replied.

“ What?you must be joking”,I said, almost screaming.

“ Uhm…But you know you should get married,you are twenty nine already “she continued.

“ Who will marry me?,besides I'm not ready for that I have plans of joining the Trillionaires Club before the year ends, you should know better “

“ I know but…”

“ No but’s”, I cut her off even before she could finish talking .

“ It's a beautiful day, let's just enjoy it,what's my schedule like for the day? “I asked as I got out of the car.

“ You have a board meeting with the directors this morning,followed by a seminar. In the afternoon, you have an appointment with with Mr. Hermes, and don't forget the project you are expected to sign today”she replied walking beside me to my office.

“ Do I even have a break?”I mumbled while walking into the office.

“ Good morning ma'am” I was welcomed by my secretary.

“ Morning Stephanie,I hope you had a nice nightrest” I asked her.

“ Yes thank you ma'am, you got a call from one of the clients you met last week and also, Team A submitted their last week report.”

“I'll go get it for you to sign,” she continued.

“ Oh yes, thank you,and you can take your leave” I said to both Sophia and Stephanie, while sitting I brought out my phone.

I was going through the reports Stephanie had brought in earlier, when my phone beeped, I checked and saw a message from my mother, I ignored the message dropping my phone almost immediately and I went to attend the meeting.

It was an hectic day, and I hadn't eaten all day, I called my secretary to prepare a cup of coffee for me, almost done with the day,I picked up my phone to check my mother's message,while taking the coffee.

“ I set you up on a blind date” I read.

“Why does she wants me to get married?” I asked myself

dropping my phone.

Sophia voice interrupted my thoughts.

“The car is here” She said

Getting into the car, occupied with a lot of thoughts while going back to the Mansion.

“ We are here” Sophia said tapping my shoulder.

“ Oh thank you. Goodnight”I answered.

Stepping into the Mansion, a familiar voice stopped me.

“ So, did you go on the blind date that I had set up?”my mother asked.

“ I was busy” I replied walking away almost immediately.

“Oh you are home quite early today” I heard

“ Yes Aunt besides it's past 8 already, is grandpa at home” . I replied

“ Yes, he is in the garden”

I walked into the garden to meet my grandfather.

“ Good evening grandpa, youu wanted to see me?, are you feeling unwell?“i asked curiously.

“ I'm okay Zara, I just wanted to talk to you about you getting married, you know I'm getting older and I can't run around much longer, so I want you to come back to the Head branch as the Chairwoman, you know your Dad is already the Head of Directors.”

“ Grandpa that's too much, don't you think? But I'll think about it” I said turning away.