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The Getaway

The Getaway

Autor: LonWolf27

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The Getaway PDF Free Download


Taylor is not having the best time of her life right now. she's just been humiliated in front of high society, on national television while working for her hot headed boss, well, ex -boss, after she quit and stormed out. Without a job, she finds herself moving to a shared beach house on an island in the middle of nowhere. What she doesn't know is that her new room mate is a died out artist looking for some inspiration. Lucky for Ray Mitchell, Taylor is a breath of fresh hair. Ray has made his money but now, after years of looking for inspiration, he is afraid of getting out there and showing the world his new art. Now with Ray and Taylor living together, their limits are tested when they seem to get in each other's way all the time and on one rainy day when too many drinks were taken, seems they can't stay out of each other's bed.
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Chapter 1

Damn heels, Taylor thought to herself as she shifted from one foot to the other. She smiled at a few guests as they walked past just to make sure they couldn’t tell her very painful discomfort. She’d wanted to wear pumps to the party but her boss had made it very clear that, “You shouldn’t embarrass me Taylor.” Taylor didn’t understand why her boss, an internationally known photographer, would need her assistant at her awards party, other than fetching her champagne. Speak of the devil, Taylor caught the wave of her bosses hand and, as been done the past few hours, brought over a fresh glass of champagne while not forgetting to smile sweetly. Amber Teagan was a beach blonde, ex-model who had parents in the oil industry. Her father had paid for his daughter’s studies where Taylor barely made it every month. Amber wore a navy blue dress that fitted her tall and slim figure right down to the floor with a pair of silver sandaled heels. After handing her boss the glass and being swatted away again, Taylor made her way to the bathroom where she took a look at her own outfit. She took the opportunity to slip out of the red Jimmy Choo’s Amber had almost thrown in the bin and straightened the black smart pants and red blouse.

She touched up on her makeup and nodded in approval before slipping on the death wish back on her feet. She wanted to quit, months ago when Amber had kept her awake for a week straight when her boss had a trip on a boat with some of her rich friends. But she needed this job, Taylor thought as she locked eyes with her boss who called her over. “Ah, Taylor, fetch me something stronger.” Her boss said as she stumbled against Taylor, clearly drunk. “Amber, I think I should take you home, you’ve got a show tomorrow and you need to be awake, early.” She said to the blonde whose eyes turned dark very quickly. “You work for me and I say when I go home, understand me? Now go and fetch me…” She frowned and her body jerked, her nails digging into Taylor’s arms. Taylor looked around to find many pairs of eyes on her and wished Amber would stop making such a scene. She looked back to the blonde who threw up all over Taylor and the Jimmy’s shed just started getting used to. Taylor took in a deep breath , the horrible smell filled her nose and felt her own stomach spin.

She didn’t even have anything to drink but she suddenly felt sick and she let out a laugh before prying the fingers of her boss off her arms. “Well, it’s been real but I’m sorry to tell you this, or wait I’m not, fuck you Amber and I quit.” Taylor said and she turned on her heels that made a sickly sloshing sound on her feet. The room was quiet with everyone’s eyes on her and she took a glass of alcohol from a waitress before downing what she recognised as gin. Irritated with the shoes, she took them off and threw them to Amber who was glaring red from anger. Taylor knew her ex-boss wouldn’t say anything bad to draw attention from the press. She walked out, to the limo her Amber had arrived in and slammed the door shut when she was in. “Take me home please Derek.” She said to the driver who nodded once and pulled away from the beautiful mansion. She found her bag and shoved in all the sweets and chocolates that were packed in the car. Taylor’s eyes caught sight of the bottle of wine and shrugged, what the hell? She was covered in vomit, humiliated in front of many important people and she was officially unemployed. Taylor opened the expensive bottle of red and drank straight from the bottle and even though it wasn’t her cup of tea, she drank it anyways.

Once the bottle was finished and her bag was filled with expensive ‘yummies’, as she’d like to call them, the limo stopped in front of her building and she got out. “Will I be seeing you again Miss Turner?” Derek said as she stood staring at her apartment on the fourth floor thinking how she was going to pay rent now that she quit her very well paying job. Taylor smiled and looked down at Derek. “Unfortunately not.” And she walked up the stairs to buzz herself in. She heard the limo pull away and also felt the way her legs protested after having the whole bottle. She made her way to the elevator and once she was inside her apartment, she peeled off her clothes and went straight for the bathroom. She caught the time and frowned when it revealed it was slightly after three in the morning. No more, she thought to herself and stuffed her clothes in the washing machine she’d squeezed in the bathroom when she moved in three years ago. She turned the tap on and felt the warmth of the water run over her fingers as she adjusted the heat. Once she was happy with the water, Taylor stepped under the special shower head she’d bought that helped with relaxing the muscles.

Not much help her shower head would be now, she thought to herself as she washed pieces of food out of her long brown hair. She’d phone her landlord in the morning and put in her notice. Hopefully she’d get her deposit back and that would be some help. She could phone her parents that were all the way across the country and they’d probably let her stay a while until she found her feet. It was either that or her brother who was having his third baby with his wife. Taylor shrugged off the stress and stepped out of her shower and decided that everything would have to wait until the morning when she could at least think straight. She found a shirt that was loose enough to sleep in and flopped into bed with her hair still dripping wet. Something nudged her arm as she lay face down across her bed and she heard the subtle purr of her beautiful cat. “Hey Gorgeous.” She said and looked up at the grey eyes of Gorgeous. Her bedroom light was off but the light from her bathroom still shone, allowing her to see the black fluff ball she called gorgeous. She could almost see the concern in her cat’s eyes and smiled, letting her cat snuggle into her side.