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My Abductor Is The Mafia King

My Abductor Is The Mafia King

Autor: Krizane

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My Abductor Is The Mafia King PDF Free Download


Love enters in to our life without any warning and turns our life upside down... Even sometimes it also can throw our life in greive danger.. And we stand strong to fight with all the dangers for our loved once... And this is called the beauty of love... Weylyn McGowan a twenty three years old famous online novel writer... After getting cheated by her own boyfriend and childhood best friend, she decided to start the life from the beginning and in the new way... Where it will be only her and her wishes.. She will not let anyone come and dominate her life again.. With the thinking and new dreams she fly for the Spain for few months vacation... At the night club in Spain she met an extremely hot and sexy man Alessandro Romero, the Mafia king himself.. Unaware of his identity, at one glance she felt attracted towards him and which eventually led them into the bed, naked.. And she left at the next morning without any kind of turning backs.. For her it was only an one night stand and the enjoyment... But the question is, did Alessandro think the same way as Weylyn? Or, this one night stand graved in his heart the way that he would do anything to found her again? However, being seen by this Mafia King Weylyn became the target of his enemies!! Which made Alessandro bound to save her by abducting her... What will Weylyn do when she will find herself attracted towards him more and imagining him in her wildest dreams!? Or, worst falling for him!? Will she open her close heart again and took the risk by accepting all the grave dangerous she could face for him!? Or, she will burry her emotions!? Let's find out what happens after getting abducted by the Mafia King himself...
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Chapter 1

  Author's note:

  ** This story contains mature scenes, languages and some disturbing contents.. If you are not comfortable with it you can skip those parts.. So, read at your own risk..

  It is from my own imaginations.. There is no real people or stories involve in this.. Only the Country names, city names are real.. If you found any similarities between the characters or stories or movies related to it then it's a complete coincidence... Hope you will love the story and appreciate it.. **

  Let's get into the story...

  "Weylyn, baby are you sure you are going there? I mean you could start your new life here right?" Came Weylyn's mother's concerned voice from behind her..

  She stopped packing and turned to look at her "mom, I can understand your concern.. But trust me, I will be fine.. Okay? Moreover, I am just going for half a month! It will pass just in a blink of an eye.." With that she again started packing her bags..

  "Baby, for you it's just only six months.. But for me and your father it's equal as six life times!! Is it really important going there!?" There was restlessness in her voice...

  Weylyn again stopped and this time she went towards her.. She hold her hands in her's "mommy, please don't stop me.. I promise you after refreshing my mind I will be back.. It's suffocating here after what happened.. Please mommy, don't stop.. Otherwise,  how can I be in good condition in there, hmm?" She tried to convince her emotionally...

  And finally she agreed.. She sighed "Finehh.. Go.. But in one condition.. You will talk to me in vedio call at least ten times a day.." She said..

  Weylyn "....."

  "Mom, isn't it too much? I mean can you reduce the number?" She asked..

  She frowned and give it a good think and then finally agreed "okay, then do it five times.. I am not going to agree in less than that!!" Her mother said stubbornly...

  "Okay, okay.. I will call you five times a day.. Now happy, my sweet mommy?" While said while pinching her cheeks..

  She gave the sweetest smile she could give and kissed my forehead... "And don't forget to have fun with some sexy Spanish guy!!" She winked at her daughter playfully...

  "Mom!!" Weylyn said while narrowing her eyes at her mother.. Somehow controlling her threatening to come out smile..

  "What!? I am just giving you a suggestion.. Aren't you going to have fun there!? Moreover, Spanish guys are hot and sexy!!" She said... Her mother has a weakness towards Spanish guys.. She found them sexy... Weylyn doesn't know why!? However, She fall in love with a Scottish guy, means Weylyn's father...

  She arched her brow "does dad knows about it!?" Weylyn asked with a tinge of playfulness in her eyes...

  "Don't you dare!! He won't let me get out of bed then!!" She replied while panicking..

  Weylyn laughed... Jer mother glared at her "shut up!! Don't you have to pack up!? Let me help you!!" With that she quickly changed the topic and started helping her.. Weylyn shook her head while smiling and joined her...

  Well, let's get introduced with Weylyn McGowan first...

  Weylyn McGowan.. A twenty three years old and by profession she is an online novelist.. World knows her as Lyn. Gowan ...

  She is well known through her novels and earn a very good amount of money.. Only her parents and some close members knows that she is the famous Lyn. Gowan ..

  It's not that she is too much of an introvert girl.. She just doesn't like to known by too much people... Moreover, she enjoys this hidden identity.. sometimes, people talks about her in front of her and she can know their thoughts about her... And tried to improve herself and her writing skills.. She basically rights romance, erotic romance and fantasises...

  She lives in Glasgow, Scotland.. with her parents and younger sister.. Her father, Alastair McGowan is the professor of physics in one of the famous colleges in Glasgow...

  Her mother, Eileen McGowan is a Doctor.. She is a cancer specialist.. And her younger and only sister, Elsie McGowan is a student.. She is eighteen years old..

  Weylyn is an elder daughter of her family... They are a happy and healthy family with no conflicts.. They are very free with each other.. Hope you already came to know about it from her and her mother's conversations...

  Weylyn is a graduate.. She has completed my double MBA in International Business and in Literature... Well, she is a bright student.. So, it wasn't anything tough for her.. And now she has chosen writing as her career.. She just love doing it.. She was writing since she was student but that was part time but now she made it her profession...

  She is also a fourth dan or fourth degree black belt in Taykowando... She was practicing Taykowando since she was three years old.. And she want to go further.. She was practicing too but suddenly the things happened with her friend and ex boyfriend which turned her life upside down... But, she started again now..

  Basically, she is going to Spain with the dream of new beginning.. Because her childhood best friend Kylie and her boyfriend Ewan, with whom she was in relationship for five constant years betrayed her!!

  Weylyn caught them red handed while fucking each other at Kylie's apartment... It totally broke her and she went in depression.. It's her family who helped her all the while to get over from this Worstest memory of her life... It took her more than five months to start regaining herself...

  And now she want a new start.. The new beginning of Weylyn McGowan... Without any back holds... That's why she chose to move in Spain for at least half a year and enjoy my life with new place and new people..

  Spain because since childhood she always wanted to visit Spain.. Moreover, as per her mother, Spanish guys are so hot!! So, the first country came in her mind was Spain and she chose it without thinking too much...

  Her family is in full support.. Though her mother wasn't much happy at first.. But, after thinking about her daughter's happiness she finally agreed to let her go...

  This time Weylyn won't let anyone to get close to her heart and play with her emotions.. Now, shw will enjoy her life only and do whatever her wish is.. Shw want to focus in ber writings more without looking back...

  Her father always says that true love will come without any warnings.. And without realising you will fall in love for who you can do anything!! Though she has some doubts on that.. But, she really never protested him.. Maybe he is right, who knows.. Yet, for her.. She is doing well alone and want to enjoy her single life now...

  Well, that's Weylyn and her introduction... And you will know other things in the further story...


  After packing things up both mother and daughter went to make prepare their dinners.. Alastair and Elsie will come back home at anytime.. Eileen's chamber was off today.. Before she go to Spain they all want to have a goodbye dinner...