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Forgetting The Ex

Forgetting The Ex

Autor: Ruvya



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I wince when my bracelet digs into my skin ,forcing a smile, hoping my boredom didn't show in my movements. I inwardly roll my eyes when my father makes introductions. What lame crap. They obviously know each other. Why make intros? I hiss when my sister steps on my foot ,making me look up. I glance at a middle aged couple, freezing when I made eye contact with an all too familiar grinning face, my vision landing next to her ,hoping it was just a bad dream ,my heart stopping and finally turning into an icicle when I stared into eyes of the most unexpected person, the person looking back at me, but not quite acknowledging me. Life,you suck.
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Chapter 1

I wince when my bangles dig into my skin,forcing a smile,hoping my boredom didn't show in my movements.

I inwardly roll my eyes when my father makes introductions.

What lame crap. They obviously know each other. Why make intros?

I hiss when my sister steps on my foot,making me looking up.

I glance at a middle aged couple, freezing when I made eye contact with an all too familiar grinning face, my vision landing next to her,hoping it was just a bad dream,my heart stopping and finally turning into an icicle when I stared into eyes of the most unexpected person,the person looking back at me,but not quite acknowledging me.

Chapter 1

"But...but I really can't make it this weekend Ma",I cross my fingers tightly behind my back, hoping she bought my bullshit.

"And why not?",I could imagine my mother scowling at the phone.

"I...I have a presentation,and...and I also have a night duty."

"Good. Leave on Friday evening. Your Dad will pick you when you reach."


"Shut it Sandy. Stop lying."

"How did you know?",I asked my mother curiously.

"You gave me the exact same excuse the last three times",she chuckled.

"But,please Ma. I'm not up for it."

"Beta, it's just a meeting. It's not like I'm tying your hands and marrying you off. It's just a meeting. You could always just come and meet,and just say 'No'. Your dad's friend suggested the proposal. It's going to sound rude if we keep postponing."

"Why do I have to come all the way there just to say No?"

"Sandy",My mother's voice was sharp,"You will say No if you don't like the guy,not just for the heck of it. Stop being like this."

I frown,staying mum. When I don't say anything for the next few seconds,I knew my mom knew I was miffed,"We miss you a lot dear. You know that right. It's just a chance for you to be home. Don't you want to come home?"

My eyes burn at my mother's tone. I didn't want to come off as ungrateful,and I definitely miss my parents,"Okay. I'll text dad my journey details",I pause,"I love you mom."

"Love you too dear. Take care."

I groan, dropping my body on the bed when my mobile rang again.


"Sandy",Anshu whispered,"Dr. Chander is here. He's asking for you."

"What?",my heart jolts.

"Come quickly",my best friend whispers,hanging up.

I grumble to myself,picking my stethoscope and apron.

Today's just not my day.

I make a run to the wards when I am stopped by a friend,"Hey."

"Hi Sahil. I'm kind of in an urgency right now. Can we talk later?"

"Yeah. Sure. I just wanted give this file to you. Your patient's post operative details are in here."

At that moment,I would have kissed him. Not kidding.

"Anshu tell you that?"


"Thanks a lot dude. See ya later",I whizz past him,panting lightly when I discreetly try to join the rounds.

"Miss Gupta",Professor Chander speaks,"May I know the reason for your tardiness?"

"I had gone to fetch the post operative patient's file,Sir."

He gave me a critical look,taking the file from me when I heard my best friend cough.

I glared at her venomously.

"Alright. But don't make a habit out of this. I expect you to be done with ward work before rounds."

"I am Sorry Sir",I apologise insincerely.

Our team of doctors check upon the patients,the rounds over in a blink of an eye.

"Why were you late?",Anshu asked me as we took seats in the cafeteria.

I give her a blank look,"Mom called."

She laughed,"Same story?"

"Same story", I grimace.

"Any plot twist?",she teased.

I was so going to wring her neck.

"I'm going home this weekend",I blew into my cup,not willing to look at her.

"Finally!",she exclaimed,"It's time."

I struggled to not throw the coffee over her head,my glare interrupted when my hair ruffled.

"Hey Sandy,Hey Anshu."

I give an annoyed look to Avyukth,setting my hair.

I roll my eyes as he takes a seat next to Anshu, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Come on. Don't make me feel like a third wheel",I mumble.

"Don't worry. You won't feel that way longer. You'll be hitched when you return",the idiotic female in front of me guffawed.

"Really? Sandy?",Avyukth gave me a confused look.

"It's nothing."

"I'll tell you",Anshu jumped,"Sandy is going to meet someone",she air quoted someone.

"Wow. How did this happen?"

"I'm leaving this place in five seconds if you don't stop talking about it."

Anshu gave me a studying look, opening her mouth,then quickly closing it.


"Do you want to go to the beach?",she asked me gently.

"No. I'm good."

We drift into lighter conversation, though I somehow knew I was going to have the talk with Anshu.