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Filthy Fairytales             A Short Erotic One Shot Series

Filthy Fairytales A Short Erotic One Shot Series

Autor: K.K.S.


Steamy Stories

Filthy Fairytales A Short Erotic One Shot Series PDF Free Download


The Filthy Fairytales Series, is a consolation of several short fairytale themed tales that have alot of dark twists and different takes. Resulting in fairytales with a new flavor. Be warned that these tales are not for the faint of heart. But if you're curious on another version of old favorites or some of the less known stories, this might be the flavor for you Beware of who you think is the villain and who you think is your hero. Sometimes they're one and the same...
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Chapter 1

She was my obsession. A beautiful creature I couldn't stop thinking about.

And when another mermaid told me how I could be with her, I couldn't resist. Captivated by her hypnotic appeal I had no choice but to see if the myth was true.

To see if I truly could have a taste of the forbidden...


01 My Obsession

It was the fourth day in a row that I’d come out here to watch her. After having come across her by accident on my dawn walk three sunrises ago.

She had come here near a grassy edge of the shore to use the long leaves from the trees above as a rag to shine the scales covering her legs and those molding up her sides and shimmering over her bountiful breasts.

Her body is enough for any man to obsess over. He told himself. Staring riveted. Especially as she used the leaves to rub her breasts in a circular motion. The scales climbed around the sides and stretched over the huge breast nearly like a hand covering it. But the creases beneath and aside were visible.

And they made me hungry. I wanted to lick all over her.

I knew it was wrong because she wasn’t human. She’s some kind of an animal. But the indented curve of her waist was nearly too small to imagine. Easily grasped by large hands like mine. Then her hips were deliciously swelled as though designed to take in a man.

But those scales covered everywhere I wanted to be.

Between her legs and deep inside her.

I’d stared hungrily at her. Desperately trying to figure out how a man could mate with such a mesmerizing creature but could fathom no way it’s possible.

Which only made me harder for her. There has to be a way.

She turned her back and peered over her shoulder at me as she had the last two days. Letting the water slip down her bare back. Droplets winding over smooth elegant flesh.

She has the skin of a princess. Not some manner of fish.

I’d never seen a woman so fine of form. With such large breasts and a tiny waist and lush hips but I assumed that since she resided underwater, her body could be shaped different.

Still, I wanted her.

And she wants me…I think. She was blinking at me through hooded eyes as she used the leaves to wash the curves of her smooth hips, lightly dusted with gold scales.

Then she turned and leaned against the bank. Leaving only her tail swishing slowly in the water. Revealing the fin which broke into two pieces seeming entirely contrived of fine winding strands.

Like bits of sea moss stitched together.

She closed her eyes and sighed. Rubbing the leaves low along her belly and writhing as though she were pleasuring herself.

Now. I could catch her now. I shifted where I was crouched. Badly wanting to taste her skin to feel her heat.

I wondered, not for the first time, who’d really come here to see who.


The first morning I’d stumbled across her bathing she hadn’t seemed to notice me, and I’d paused to watch this hypnotic creature in a trancelike state, where I’d seemed unable to move. Staring at her, fascinated.

The second morning I’d rushed out here early to await her. Hoping I might see her again.

As she’d swam in, her gaze had flitted over the bank until landing on me crouched near a rock. She’d maintained eye contact with me as she swam far enough in that the water became shallow enough, she could turn and lean up out of it. Making that pearlescent skin glitter damply in the morning sunlight.

Begging to be touched.

The third day had been nearly the same as the second, but she’d been staring at me as she was now. Washing herself while she looked at me. Lips parted as though she were aroused at the fact that I watched her so intently. Crouched again behind the boulder.

This morning she was even bolder. Laying on the grass and writhing. Grabbing at handfuls of it as though a man were mounted atop her taking her.

She grabbed fistfuls of grass surrounding her like she needed to clutch at something in her throes of passion. Her pale cheeks flushed with arousal and her tail was jerking more roughly as though she were being ridden. She tossed her long waving red hair along the grass. First one way then the other. Then she admitted a primal, female moan that had me aching.

It was enough to make me groan with yearning. Having to shift myself in my breeches.

Damn her.

She was teasing me. I knew it.

She knows it.


02 Hunting My Desire

Still, I was obsessed with her. I could think of nothing else. While having some milk and eggs, I found myself staring into the bottle of creamy milk thinking of how it matched the perfect shade of her skin. Skin I wanted to lick from top to bottom.

I want all of her.

But how?

How does one mate with a mermaid? The question plagued me. Keeping me from eating or drinking.

I tried a glass of sherry after a scant dinner that evening but the dark red shade of the liquid made me think of the shade of her hair, soaked from the sea.

What would it look like dry? All piled around her? It made me tighten low again just wondering such things.

I wanted to feel the woman. I was certain my reaction was not uncommon. I knew the lore of sirens that could lead men to their deaths.

I remembered the moan she’d emitted while she writhed seductively in the grass and I could see how it would drive a man to pursue her into the water until he drowned.

That sound echoed hauntingly in my ears. God, I want her.

I wanted to sink into her heat and plant deep. Then watch her lips part as they had and hear her moan that sound that made me hard just thinking about it. Then I wanted to pour cum into her soft body.

My dreams were haunted of images of me riding her.

Her clawing at me, whimpering and panting with need.

Then writhing beneath me as she had on that grass.

Damn her. I thought as soon as I woke. Having to touch myself to sate the wild need running through me.


It was the fifth morning now and the sun had barely risen when I threw on my clothes and rest into the expansive gold and red corridor of the palace.

“Good Morning, Your Highness.” My Knights nodded in greeting.

“Going out again, My Prince?” The Butler asked me near the door.


To watch my little siren and see how far she goes this morning.

But something was bound to change this morning.

I could feel time was running out. Sensed the little tease would only enjoy torturing me so long. If I want her, I need to figure this out soon.

Before there comes a day, she doesn’t return. It made me hasten my walk out to the grassy bank. Crouching behind the familiar boulder and watching for her coming in.

She started by stopping on a flat boulder a distance from the shore. She slithered out, bouncing along the surface made her bountiful breasts jiggle beneath the scales.

“Mmm.” I growled in my throat.

Once fully atop the rock she rolled onto her back and lightly began stroking her chest and belly as if soothing herself as she soaked in the morning sun. Streamers of long red hair were scattered over the rock and draping into the water.

She’s perfection.


“You wish to mate with her, don’t you?” A rasping voice near me drew my attention.

I glanced sideways and spotted a gray-haired woman peering just above the water. Her eyes were large and nearly red. Though her features were slim and fair there was something ominous about her that unsettled me.

Perhaps the red eyes.

I stared at the woman creature who only blinked those red eyes at me. Her nose and mouth concealed beneath the sloshing water.

She floated eerily along the surface as though one with it. She turned up her face, so her mouth was above the water and her rasping voice rose again.

“Do you want her, Little Prince?”

“I do.” I said quickly. Easing further back from the water. Wanting some distance between myself and this darker mermaid.

If that’s what she is.


“Take her onto the shore…” She rasped. Her eyes large and smiling with some hint of triumph.


“If the sun sets and she is not in the water, her fins will turn to legs. Then you can have her.”

“Human legs?”

“As human as yours…” She nodded. “Her flesh will appear as human. For you to take, if you wish it.”

I looked over at the red-haired seductress sprawled on the rock and imagined myself climbing over her. Making me ache below the belt. “I do. I do wish it.”

“Then take her.” The strange woman gestured to the beauty drying on the rock. “Make her yours…But,” She lifted a finger. “A word of caution. You can’t listen to her. If you hear her voice, you’ll obey her.”

That worried me.

Wasn’t I just thinking how the voices of sirens had driven men to drown? And how I might follow her voice anywhere? I eyed the strange woman a long while.

“Why would you let me have her?”