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Autor: Prince Charles

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Hazel Molly is a typical normal girl who have always dreamed of working in J&R Corp because of their delicious salary. She finally got her dream job to work as a secretary to Dave Williams but what never crossed her mind was for her to be attracted to him and also for his brother Clark to be on her tail. Torn between attentions from the two step brothers, Hazel found it hard to make a choice and decided to follow her heart. But she know not of what was install for her in choosing one and the secret between the brothers, in which she ended up finding out in a matter of life and death.
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Chapter 1


My name is Hazel Molly, I'm twenty four and kind of like the caretaker of my family. My first job doesn't pay well and I have always had this impossible dream of working in J&R Corp, why? Their pay is awesome. Three months working there is definitely going to change my life and that of my family. I never go to bed at night without putting it in my prayers and hardly start a new day without putting it in prayers too.

One day, my prayer was answered, I saw an online application for a secretary, whose secretary? It didn't say but I don't care, I just want to work there.

So I applied and attended the interview just like more than a hundred others who to my disappointment happened to be better than me did. I almost gave up though, but in the end, I got the job but what I didn't know was that, that day will be the start of my worst nightmare which didn't only stop as a nightmare, but also led to my death.

No, no no, don't be scared, you will actually enjoy this story if you have patient with it and I'm going to humor you by starting from the very beginning, the very day that I attended the interview.

The very day that was supposed to be my happiest day.

The very day that my life didn't belong to me again.

The day I started losing my heart.

If I had known it would be like this, if I had known that working in J&R Corp would be the death of me, I would never had applied for that post, I would never have gone to that interview, I would never have wished nor prayed to work there, no matter how attractive their salary might be. I would have stuck to my current job and live my life like I see it.

But no, I didn't know, nobody told me, nobody warned me of what was install for me, nobody gave me a heads-up.

If I have been told, if I have known, maybe I would have avoided it, maybe I would have taken the next available route to escape.

Then in that process, I wouldn't have met Him...rather, I wouldn't have met them.

The two men, who made my life meaningful, filled it with all the passion, attention, love and most erotic moments of my life. One of them wouldn't have made me His Obsession and the other wouldn't have wanted to own me, come what may.

Maybe I would have been alive, living as happy as my family made me.

Why did I die? It's because I couldn't leave without one of them, but the one I want, didn't really want me as much and it killed me, it took away my very soul.

I will stop scaring you now so that you will be patient enough to read this story, my story.

So please, stay around because I will want you to tell me in the end if I was wrong or right.


"Hazel," his deep voice caressed my name, sending a wave of electricity all over my body, making me shudder involuntarily, I look up at him, into his deep brown eyes that has turned dark because of the desire I sense in him. His fingers trailed down my spine, causing Goosebumps to rise on my skin. I marveled at the way he happened to arouse my hidden desires, with him I always seem to torn wanton.

I'm not a sleep around, I have only slept with my boyfriend Van, but when I'm with him, he hardly makes me ache for him, he hardly gets me wet which led to series of fight between us because I'm always tired when he wants to touch me or be intimate with me. At that time, I thought I'm not made for sex since it's hardly an emotion for me.

But ever since I met him, ever since I have tasted his lips, his caresses on my skin, an unquenchable fire had aroused in me, a fire only him can quench.

But do I want him to quench this fire? I don't know, sometimes I know I shouldn't be this close to him, he is my boss and the company strictly forbids relationship in the company ground, not like that would matter to him, he is the boss, he could always change that stupid rule.

But sometimes I want him to take me, right in his office, on the desk or in the bedroom in his office, sometimes like now as his tongue trailed on my neck, caressing and sucking.

A soft moan escaped my lips and I shuddered, a little bit reasoning popped up in my mind and I decided to listen to it for listening sake, "sir, shouldn't doing this," I said in between moans as his big hand squeezed my ass.

"Is that so?" His voice sounded in my ear, his breathing tickling my neck, "but you don't sound like you want me to stop." I could swear he was smirking, he love having me at his mercy and I love being at his mercy.

"But sir, this...this is the company's ground, you..."

"I'm the boss Hazel, I do what I want and right now I want to do you. What says you my darling?"

I bit my lip to swallow my moan, just what is he doing to me? How could he know my body more than I do? I woke up from my thought when I felt his hand sip under my skirt, his hand burned my thigh and I squirmed, wanting him somewhere but not daring to ask him.

"I'm waiting Hazel. What do you want? You have to tell me baby," he whispered, his long fingers now shifting my panties to the side as one traced my folds. I wanted to close my legs, to trap his finger there but I didn't expect the assault he was planning next as he softly bit my earlobe, sucking it softly which derived a moan from me and my legs involuntarily opened wider for him. He took advantage of it immediately and traced my clitoris with his finger, letting out a low growl on my neck, "you are ready for me Hazel, so freaking ready. Come on my darling, I won't do anything unless you say it. Say what you want, listen to your body Hazel, say what it wants you to say, I won't mind."

He slowly made me bend, my hands now gripping tightly onto the desk to keep me from falling, although I trust him to catch me but I'm not taking the chances.

His finger traced from my clitoris to my entrance, before entering my pussy, he dipped and removed it, causing a wave of shudder to wash all over me. I swear, if he continues like this, I'm going to cum. What the hell did I just get myself into?

His other hand was now unbuttoning my shirt, he sipped it through the little opening and fondled my breast, he squeezed it a little too hard causing me to yelp before succumbing to the pleasure his hand is bringing me in my most treasured part.

He seemed not to talk to me again, waiting for me to finally give in, not that I haven't anyway, he bit my earlobe again before sucking it, his finger in my pussy, his hand fondling my breast, his lips now trailing wet kisses on my neck.

I was on fire, my body was throbbing and I was getting close, real close, if he continues like this, I will definitely cum on his hand. Just when I have surrendered myself to the expertise of his hand, he suddenly let go of me.

I couldn't believe this, I was so fucking close!

I turned to glare at him, almost wanting to plead with him to please continue but he only smiled mischievously and brought his finger that have my juice on it to his mouth, he slowly licked it clean while I watched, wishing I could snatch that finger from him and put it back inside me.

"Don't look me at like that, I waited patiently for you to tell me what you want but you didn't. Which only means one thing, you don't want anything, right Hazel?" He smirked.

If eyes were lasers, I swear he would have been dead by the look I gave him. He only chuckled and walked into the bedroom, emerging back later with a paper towel as he dabbed his wet hand. I was still standing in the way he left me and he only chuckled once more when he saw my devastated state, "come now Hazel, I don't tolerate improper dressing in my office. Hurry up and arrange yourself while you go get me a cup of coffee. Play time is over," he walked over to his desk and slumped on his chair, crumbling the paper towel into a ball and tossing into the trashcan effortlessly, his eyes never meeting my face again as he picked a document and started going through it.

I wanted to kill him but I can't do that so I arranged my dressing, while still fighting my unsatisfied orgasm as I picked up the file I had come to collect before he grabbed me, "the coffee will be ready soon sir," I said before walking to the door, I could feel his eyes on me and I know he is smirking right now, but there is nothing I could do but opening the door and slamming it after me.

You see? That's only a little of the things I go through everyday but it's okay. You will understand better soon.