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Don‘t Trust Anyone

Don‘t Trust Anyone

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Don‘t Trust Anyone PDF Free Download


  I am tired of running. But I can't stop. I know he will find me one day and when that day comes I will be punished. I ran because I couldn't take it anymore. I used to be a happy outgoing woman. Now I have no self-esteem and no friends. I prefer to be left alone. Even if I go out to the bar. I go alone and I go home alone. I don't even dance with men when they asked me to. But one day someone might get me to trust them. One day they might break through my walls. But not the wall around my heart. I had to run and leave everyone I cared about behind. I need to build a home for myself. To stop being afraid. I have to build a new life for myself. I just don't know how.
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Chapter 1

I found a town I did not think that he would ever find me. I had been able to hide money from my job from him and had enough to buy a small one—bedroom house. I had enough money in the bank that I didn’t need to find a job for a year if I didn’t want to. I plan on getting a job after my house is finished.

I looked over at the big building and house across the street from me. It had a fence around it. I was in the process of drilling the bars over the downstairs window when I saw a motorcycle ride past my house and stop at the stop sign.

I looked at him and quickly looked away as he looked over at me. I started shaking so bad I had to put the drill down. I looked back under my lids and saw he was riding away. I took a breath and let it out. Kara, I said to myself.

You have to stop shaking every time you see a biker. Just because Larry has some friends that are bikers doesn’t mean the bikers in this town are friends of his. I continued to screw the bars in place. Once that window was finished I started on the next one until all the windows on ground level were completed.

I walked to the garage and carried the latter and laid it against the house. I then carried the bars up and laid them on the roof before slowly climbing up and sitting down to put the bars on that window facing the road.

I heard more bikes coming down the road. I turned and looked down towards the ground and noticed five bikers looking up at the roof. I turned and finished the bars before slowly backing off the roof to the ladder. As I started to climb down I gripped the drill noticing they were still watching me.

I ignored them as I put the drill on the porch and moved the ladder to the side of the house before going back to the porch. I then watched them turn into the property across the street from me. I continued to work on the second—floor windows until I finished them all.

I put the ladder in the garage and walked back to the front of the house. I picked up the drill not realizing that I was being watched. I walked into the house shut and locked the door before going to the kitchen to make me a sandwich and grab a cup of coffee. I then walked into the living room and turned on my TV watching Law and Order while I ate.

After I finished eating, I grabbed the new locks to put on the front door and back door. Once that was finished I felt much safer. I decided to take a shower and drive to Walmart for food, and cleaning supplies. I also grabbed a newspaper before heading home. I parked in my driveway took my food in the house shutting and locking my door then put everything away. By the time I was finished it was 9:00 pm. I decided to watch TV before going to bed.

My name is Beast, I am VP of the Hell Rider MC. I don’t talk much and I don’t have an old lady. I was headed back to the club when I saw her putting bars up on the windows. Why would a woman have to put bars up on her windows? The only reason I can think of is that she is hiding and she is terrified of someone. She is a tiny thing. About 5′3" tall and can’t weigh more than 98 pounds. She is thin, too thin like she doesn’t get enough to eat. I know just about everyone in town. I know I had never seen her before. I didn’t even know that the house was for sale. I turned my head and turned into the driveway leading to the club.