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Tainted Memories

Tainted Memories

Autor: Honesty577

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Tainted Memories PDF Free Download


Mesi, Destiny and Samantha each owned their own set of worries, passions and dreams, the only thing connecting them being their need to be loved by another. What happens when fate pulls them together in the most surprising way possible? What happens when they love twice?
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Chapter 1


Tainted Memories




This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination.



All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the written permission of the author except for use of quotations in a book review. If you want this book to be placed on your platform please see contact information on the author page.



This book is dedicated to my many loyal readers, my creator and my ancestors.



I would like to thank my loyal readers for their continuous love and support, I would also like to express my gratitude to my ancestors and creator for blessing me with the strength to complete this novel.




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"It's you" She announced softly

"So I did do something?" I asked thinking back, trying to figure out what exactly.

"You're doing everything right" She confessed leaving realization to stand in my mind.

"And that scares you?" I asked but it sounded more like a statement, nonetheless, she still gave me a small nod to confirm my words.

"What's your fear when it comes to us?" I asked softly.

"That you'll hurt me, lie, cheat, change" She replied her voice small and I could tell each word she said held a memory.

"I won't, and I know that's hard for you to believe because of past experiences but I'll prove it, we can move at whatever pace you want to,"



"How would that even work?" She asked looking at him.

"I belong to you both and you both belong me," Jason replied his eyes not being able to leave hers, I smiled knowing the feeling.

"Like a three way relationship?" She asked and he nodded.

"But wouldn't that bring about jealously?" She asked and he shook his head, she bit her lip before kissing him, a moan leaving her and he pulled her closer. The scene turning me on, my nipples hardening under my clothes begging for attention. It was amazing the confidence and dominance she obtained whenever she was aroused, she became a completely different person.

He groaned and I squeezed my thighs together, the sound having a greater effect than it should.

"Are you feeling jealous?" She asked pulling away to look at me.
