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Autor: Tema G.M





Flavia— a lost and found baby raised as a vampire slave turns into a wolf on her sixteen birthday which seals her fate of abuse for years. There is nothing she hates more than vampires and it keeps her going until she breaks free yet luck has never been on her side. The young werewolf is caught by royal guards who take her to the Vampire king; the most vile and disgusting creature. She knows nothing but death awaits her there and she is ready to go down swinging. But, what happens when the scarred crown prince claims her as his soul mate. It disgusts her to no end but she will scoop that low. War breaks and they both find themselves sitting on the throne of blood. An uncle wants their heads and crowns while dragons burn their city day and night. It’s hard holding onto life, a crown and love at the same time, especially when your so cold soul mate is not really your soul mate. PLEASE NOTE: This is book 2 of ‘The Royally Screwed’ series but can be read as a stand alone. The book contains sexual content, strong language and violence.
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Chapter 1

Once upon a time….

Well, it was not that long ago, I am just being dramatic.


Twenty- three years ago, a man by the name Ashton found a baby by the road on his way from the market. Now, don’t be fooled by the name, the man was anything but decent. He was a hard worker, I will give him that. He had just had one of the longest days selling desks and chairs in his tiny shop, if we can even call it that.

In his right hand was his bag, heavy with his working tools. In his left hand and over his shoulder was the chair he had been working on since afternoon.

It had not been a good day. Life was hard and harsh in the southern region of Kuala town. The days were long and hot while the nights were short and also hot. Rivers were drying up from the draught that plagued the land. Forget about decent jobs, everyone had a hustle they were pushing to get by but even that could not get them decent food and clothes on their bodies.

Imagine the irritation Ashton felt when he heard that intense wail from the road side, especially because, as he had been working, he had also been taking some liquid courage to bare through his pathetic life.

The man walked through even though it had been obvious that the cry came from a wee baby.

He walked a few feet only to stop.

‘ A baby, maybe I could make some money off it.’

That was the thought that had him stop in his tracks, place all he had been carrying down then track back.

His eyes wrecked through the side road bushes until he saw the beautiful clean baby smelling so good and wearing the best clothes the man had ever seen in his life.

It was obvious the baby came from a well off family and he could not help smelling her over and over again. She had a sickly sweet smell and looking at her red face, he suddenly felt such hunger come over him.

He was a barbarian savage but feeding off a baby, well, that would be a new low for him. Especially because, his wife and he had been trying for a baby for centuries but at some point they gave up.

The baby was the tiniest he had ever seen. After mauling over her sweet smell he took a closer look, looking for any signs of what she could be because she did not smell like a vampire. Tired and irritated, he picked the baby up as he could, having her cry even more from pain but he could care less.

He picked up his things and went on with his walk. The sun did not take kindly to him, pissing him off even more.

He got home and shoved the baby to his old wrinkled wife. They had had a long depressing life.

Selling the baby was the first option but seeing how poor everyone was, no one could careless about a baby. They were left with no other option than to keep the little stinky baby that cried so much they were tempted to kill it.

Five years went by and little Flavia was put to work. She could not just eat, sleep and stay in their house for free. A slave is what she had been turned to. She collected water, cleaned and cooked for the old couple. As the years went by more chores were thrown at her even those her little body couldn’t take.

Life was hard for the little girl. She was not loved and wanted, a life no one was supposed to live through yet there she was.

It can’t get worse, she thought but who was she kidding. Her life was as if lemons were squeezed when she was created, having it sour.

Her sixteen birthday hit and the worst thing that could happen to anyone in a vampire world did.

Her body was hot, feeling like she would explode. She cried and tried to keep it down but at a point it was futile.

Ashton and his wife came rushing to the dirty kitchen floor where Flavia lay at night to rest, her dirty torn clothes turned wet with sweat.

Her throat was as if to tear from her screams but that was just the beginning.

Hours on hours passed with her whimpering until she began shaking.

The two elders were just watching, wanting to go back to sleep but also fascinated to see what was happening to the awful little girl they had raised.

Her body convulsed, ready to throw her out, thinking she was possessed by an evil spirit but if only, if only it was that.

Bones cracked, loud painful cries echoing as if the sky would tear and the world would end. Blood seeped from the girl, her bones rearranging under her skin as it stretched to all sorts of shapes.

As soon as it had began, it stopped, nothing but dangerous silence hanging in the air.

The couple could be heard heaving, their eyes wide and their cold hearts drumming hard, knowing nothing good could come from that.

Now, understand, vampires hated all species, they never played nice. They hated faeries, they despised witches and they could never stand dragons but worst of all….. The worst of all were werewolves, so imagine the chaos when the little girl stood on four paws, her silver wolf with tawny accents making its big debut.