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My Bad Boy's Best Friend

My Bad Boy's Best Friend

Autor: Ann's library



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Kyla, a sixteen years old girl who was orphaned from the very young age of eleven. Herself and her little sister, Daisy, were lucky enough to be adopted by a really nice and wealthy couple, Mr and Mrs Francis. Meet Jeremy Wilbert, also called 'J', a seventeen-years-old guy, the leader of the 'BIG FIVE' in Hilton highschool. They are known for bullying students who gets in their way. Violet, a sixteen years old student of Hilton high, Jeremy's best friend. She's secretly in love with Jeremy. Brian, One of the big five of Hilton high, a brainiac and the nicest among them. Mitchell, also one of the big five of Hilton high, a Playboy with a serious girlfriend. Crystal, the last member of the big five, Mitchell's girlfriend, and Violet's Ally. Grace, Kyla's best friend right from the orphanage who loves dressing and fashion. What happens when Kyla gets on the bad side of the big five? What happens when Jeremy refuses to listen to anyone except 'His Best Friend' even when he fell in love with Kyla? An original story, filled with drama, suspense, heartbreak, love and highschool romance.
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Chapter 1


"Hey Kyla." Someone called. I raised my head from the novel in my hand. It was my best friend.

"What's up Grace?" I asked brushing my hair backwards.

"Why do you love staying idle?" She asked and I smiled.

"I'm not idle, I'm reading." I said waving my book at her. She scoffed.

"Oh Kyla." She sighed. "Let's have fun with the guys." She said, pulling me up.

"Not now, Grace." I said.

"Now Kyla, I insist." She said.

"Ok fine." I said and reluctantly stood up to follow her.

"Kyla." Someone called and I turned to see one of the workers here in the orphanage. Yeah, you heard right.

I'm Kyla by name. Myself and my sister are orphans. I'm sixteen years old and Daisy, my little sister, is seven years old. Our house was robbed and it led to the death of my parents. I was only eleven years old while Daisy was just a baby then. We were brought to the orphanage when no one wanted us. My little sister had been my only family since then. Well I also have friends here too, so I wasn't lonely.

"See us later ok?" Grace said and walked away while I walked to the lady.

"Yes ma'am." I said with a smile, she fondled my cheeks lovingly and I was really surprised.

"Someone wants to see you." She said.

"Who?" I asked.

"Just come with me." She said and led me to the directors office. A man and a woman were seated on the sofa, they looked wealthy.

"Kyla." Daisy called and ran to me.

"Daisy? What are you doing here?" I asked her. She just smiled.

"Kyla have a seat." The director said and I slowly sat opposite her, staring at everyone in the room. "Kyla, this is Mr and Mrs Francis.." The director said, pointing to the wealthy man and woman. I nodded after glancing at the couple. ".. They have good news for you." She said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes Kyla, they've agreed to adopt you." She said and my eyes widened. What? Tell me I'm dreaming. How can they want to adopt me? I'm already sixteen, so why do they want to adopt me? God knows I'm not leaving Daisy. I held Daisy's hand tightly.

"Um.. ma'am, I don't think it would be possible. I'm already sixteen and..." I was interrupted.

"Please, can we have a private chat with her?" The Man said.

"Of course." The director said and they left, including Daisy. It was left with just the three of us in the office. They stared at me and I stared right back at them.

"I'm so sorry sir, but you really can't adopt me." I said.


"I know what you're thinking right now, dear. You're thinking that you're too old to be adopted, right? But we're not judging you on that. We really like you a lot." I said.

"Yes Kyla, we actually came to adopt a baby, but when we saw you, everything changed. It's like we've known you for a long time. We really want you as our daughter." My husband said. Kyla sighed.

"Maybe your intentions are pure, but I can't leave my sister here alone. I won't be able to..."

"We're ready to adopt you two, Kyla." I said and she was surprised.

"What? Really?" She asked.

"Yes, Kyla. We really want you girls as our daughters. We promise to take care of you two with whatever you want." My husband said. I saw that she was at the brink of tears. I stood up and went to her.

"Please don't cry, my dear. We truly mean what we said." I said, rubbing her shoulders soothingly. "What do you say, baby?" I asked and she smiled.

"I'll talk to my sister about it." She said and we both smiled and embraced her.


After all the necessary paperworks and tests, we were finally allowed to take the two angels home. They had legally become our children and it gave us so much joy that we could be parents. We had two angels to call our own.

My husband and I waited by the car as they said goodbyes to their friends. It seems Kyla was so much loved here, some of the staff shed tears as she left. Their things were placed at the trunk of the car.

"Are you ready to go home?" My husband asked them.

"Yeah." Daisy jumped up and gave him an high five in excitement while Kyla just smiled. I opened the door of the car for them and they both got in.


I didn't know what to feel, I'm happy that Daisy loved the fact that we were adopted and have a new family now, maybe I'm also happy. I really don't know how I feel. How will I cope over at this new place? It's always been Daisy and I, but now we had two people to call mum and dad. It should be exciting right?

I looked at Daisy who was standing restlessly in the car.

"Daisy have a seat." I whispered to her but she didn't listen so I just ignored her. The car branched off to a luxurious compound. Are they going to make us stay in an hotel?

"Wow." Daisy voiced out. The car stopped.

"Come on kids." Mr Francis said as they got down from the car. I slowly got down.

"Oh my God, where are we?" Daisy asked.

"Home, we're home." Mrs Francis said.

"Really? We're gonna be living here?" Daisy asked me.

"I guess so." I said with uncertainty. We walked in and Daisy kept running around. "Daisy, stop doing that." I cautioned her.

"Leave her alone, Kyla. She's excited, right Daisy?" Mr Francis asked and carried her up.

"Yes, I am. This place is so beautiful." Daisy said. I loved that she's happy though. I looked around the house, it was like a palace, so huge and beautiful.

"These are the housekeepers" Mrs Francis said and I turned to see all of them. They were about ten in number. We were introduced to them. They helped us with our stuff.

"Do you want to see your room?" Mr Francis asked Daisy.

"I have my own room?" She asked in awe.

"Of course you do." He said and they went upstairs.

"Don't you want to go with them?" Mrs Francis asked and I shrugged. We both walked upstairs to Daisy's room. It was really cute and she was already playing with some dolls. She ran to me.

"Kyla check this out, isn't she pretty?" She asked showing me a Barbie doll.

"Yes, she's pretty." I said with a smile. Her bed looked pretty and the big shelf had lots of story books. She pulled me to the bed and showed me her big teddy bear. "Do you like it?" I asked and fondled her cute face and she laughed.

"Yes Kyla, can I keep it?" she asked.

"Of course, baby. Everything in here is yours." Mrs Francis said and Daisy jumped up happily.

"Thank you so much mum and dad." She said and embraced them. Mum and Dad?

"Kyla don't you have a room?" Daisy asked.

"She does Daisy, we're gonna see it right now. Come on, Kyla." Mrs Francis said and we went to another room.

"Oh my God." I blurted out before knowing it. The room was amazing. Beautiful chandelier, purple walls, purple curtains, beautiful cushions, book shelf, and the bed was so big. It has a purple blanket and four pillows. "Is this my room?" I managed to ask.

"Yes, it is. I hope you like it." Mrs Francis said with a bright smile.

"I.. I love it, it's beautiful. Thank you so much." I said.

"You're welcome honey. I'm sorry, we couldn't get you girls clothes because we didn't know your preferences. How about shopping tomorrow?" Mrs Francis asked.

"You mean, we get to go to a mall?" Daisy asked.

"Yes." They chorused.

"Can we go?" Daisy asked me.

"Of course Daisy." I said and she was excited.

"Alright girls, freshen up, so we'll all have dinner." Mrs Francis said. They left the room. I laid on the bed, and oh God, it was f****** comfy. Unlike the beds at the orphanage, I would sleep on this bed alone. At the orphanage, four to six people would have to share a room as big as this. But right now, I'm gonna have my privacy. It felt so good.

I freshened up and wore a blue gown. My phone rang, it was Grace.

"Hey lucky girl." She hailed.

"Grace." I called with a smile.

"I heard your parents are billionaires." She said.

"Yeah, figured that out too. My room is a blast. It's so so beautiful." I told her.

"Really? Oh girl, I do envy you." She said and I laughed.

"Please don't, I'm sure you'll get adopted soon." I said.

"I wish " She said.

"I miss you guys already." I said.

"We all miss you too, how about Daisy?" She asked.

"She's enjoying every bit of this." I said.

"Of course, and you should too." She said.

"I don't know Grace, they seem like really nice people but I'm still getting used to this." I said.

"Sure, I understand. By the way, guess who checked up on you." she said and I furrowed my brows.