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His Forever

His Forever

Autor: RoseliaStone_CW



His Forever PDF Free Download


#Romance # Anna Watson is a funny, sensitive, innocent 18-year-old teenager living her life happily. She doesn't believe in destiny simply believes in the present. After being accepted in a university she formed many friends, but when asked about the love she is clueless or ...just ignores What if a handsome young man suddenly takes interest in her? Will he be able to get her attention. .? And did I mention he is also cold-hearted and she hates men? The destiny of her love is fixed but she doesn't yet know with whom. The very first man she felt attracted towards, ended up stealing her heart
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Chapter 1

"So .....did you ever imagine our teachers naked ?"

What the fuck ???

The hell???

What is she a pervert ?

"Ummm.....peach ...i think you should go and get some help ..."


"Picturing your teacher naked is disgusting "

"Hey ! I never pictured them naked !! Just saying ...i am like if the teacher is hot ..everybody does that .."

"Ya ya " i rolled my eyes .

Peach is my best friend who shares every class with me ..

She has beautiful brownish raven hair , hazel eyes , sun kissed skin.We study in this university and will complete it in 2 yearsThe girl who asked to picture my professor naked wasn't like that before .

She was shy , quite ..

But seems like i change people a lot .A guy who was once too confined is now flirting with girls because i used to sit with him during library. Funny.Everyone just thinks my happiness and craziness is just contagious. And my friends like it

We entered the class and sat down on our seats .

"Did i mentioned i like you ?" She said .

There she goes again...

We just talk nonsense but it's fun .

"No "

"oh." She responded and i chuckled

That's when the door swung open and walked in our teacher

The person beside me is my class mate ..her name is Mary ..

She is always helping us in prank .

She is a smart girl but sometimes irritates me a lot .

"So ...class what did we do yesterday ?"

"Swallowed up the shit you wrote on board " i wispered .

Peach chuckled .

The teacher started doing what she always did ..

Bored us .

I tore up a small portion of my last page ...

Crumbled it and threw it at Shawn

Bulls eye .

It hit's his face .

I and peach chuckled and stopped suddenly as the teacher turned around.

I look back at my crazy friend to see him eyeing me .Half of the lecture went in me , peach and the guy behind her Drake , throwing paper balls on Shawn and him glaring us .

The lecture was finally over and we stood up .

I grabbed my bag and looked at Shawn .

He was glaring at me .

"What the hell was that ?" he yelled

I chuckled and winked .

He sighted .

Shawn is my friend. .very close one

He is an idiot but we all like him anyways .

"You wanna watch that game with me ? " Drake asked and i hummed thinking.

"Nahh ..i gotta go , but reach the level 20 and then show me " i challenged him and he smirk waving a good bye .

Drake was just another friend. But he was dame good in physics .

I opened up my locker and took the books i need .

"Which one is next ?" Peach asked .

"English lit' " I say and she huffs

"Yo bitch's "

There we go again .

"Hail to the goddess of sarcasm " i say .

She hugs me and peach .

This is one of our BFFTLEWE

What is that ?

Best Friends For Totally Like Ever Without Exceptions .

I saw this in the movie Radio Rebel and i love it .

"Hows life ?" She asked .

"Like a dumpster " peach wined .

"Heyyyy!!!" Sara and Natalie joined us .

We girls are a team .

We also have promise rings which we wear since last 2 years .

Sara is the typical nerd ,

Natalie is the always clueless and never understanding the jokes one .

Amber 'the goddess of sarcasm' is the most sarcastic person ever .

And Peach .......ohh what do say about her ...

She is the "every time excited person "

We talked for a bit and decided to directly meet at lunch .

The lectures went boring.

Me and Peach decided many pranks for taking revenge on people who made fun of us .

Oh ya ....we don't let them go so easily.

We were walking through the hall ways ...

Thats when i froze .

I saw him ....descending down the stairs.

I felt numb ....the world froze for a second,everytime i look at my Ex boyfriend i feel a heavyness on my chest ..the one I can't ignore


I suddenly turned my gaze to Peach .

"What the hell ?? Didn't i tell you to forget about it ?"

She figured it out .

"Okay fruit " i said

"Hey !! Don't call me a fruit! !" she yelled and i hiss at the loudness

"Well ...thats exactly what you are ?"

I chuckled .

"Ok ...nemooo" I sighted .

"Don't call me that !!" She giggled

They call me nemo ...

Why ?

Because they think i look like that fish in finding nemo...

Seriously thought ?

What am i compared to ? A fish !!???

"Hurry up......nemo "

I darted towards her but she ran in the cafeteria.

We were sitting on our usual round table when a hand slammed on the table .

We look up to see the one and only Kelly .

Kelly here is a typical fashion forward queen bee ..i swear half of her top show her stomach and pop her boobs out .I can see the beauty in a girl with glasses and many spots on her face ..hell i know every girl no matter what size or face is beautiful ..but Kelly , i just don't see that beauty or that sweet aura around her

She has is this stupid blue brown hair with stupid fake blue eyes ...

contacts of course

And stupid way to dressing .

Her every freaken dress hand low cut from front and bows at the back or backless .

Sometimes the top she wears is a total disaster.

"Hello.....kelly " i say .

"Hi ...who was it ?"

"Who was what?" Sara aaked .

"Who the fuck !!! Poured pink colour in my bag !!"

"Bitch ..i ain't interrupting but let me tell you brought it on yourself ...ain't no one told you to shit with my friend " Amber spoke .


"But i said sorry " she stated

Oh oh really ..??

Peach stood up ..took a pencil from my bag .

And held it for her to take it .

"Take this "

She took it .

"Break it "

She raised an eyebrow but i smirked

She broke it into two .

"Now say sorry ..."

"Wha- ..why would i ...ok sorry ..."

She said .

"Did that go back to normal ?" She pointed at the pencil .

"No ? ....exactly "

Kelly's face was burning with anger .

She slammed the broken two piece pencil on our table and walked away

"Ummm....what just happened? "

One of our friend Jason came and sat on the chair .

"You remember when Kelly took Anna's picture and forward it to 3 guys ?"

I still don't why she did that , i mean , what does she gain by doing shit like that .

He nodded .

"Well we got our revenge ."

He chuckled brushing his hair.

"I love youuu.." i hug Peach .

"I love my self too " she smirked and i rolled my eyes .

I do back answer but my speech never is that affective on people nor do i have the strength to speak up

But my kight in shining crop top here helps me .

"Lets go guys ."i said and we got back to our class .

"So ...who's next ?" Peach asked .

"Hmmm......maybe...Andrew? "

"Oh my god ..awesome !!! He deserves to be pranked "

Andrew was a total flirt .I once got in fight with him but ,i did shut him up but he never stopped .

"What are we gonna do ?"

I smirked .

"Let me handle this , this time "

She smirked.

Even though my talk couldn't shut people up or my nature seemed very innocent. ....Only peach knows ...

When i think of something definitely is a good one .

Next Day

"Hurrryyyy uppp !!" Peach was shouting from outside .

I rolled my eyes .

When i was done ...

I got out with a smirk plastered on my face .

"Make sure the camera is ready "

She jumped in excitement and clapped her hands .

"Lets go "

"Its time " Peach said .

We made our way out the cafeteria with all the girls following us .

"There we go "

I saw Andrew stepping in the gym room .

We waited for 2 minutes untill there was a bad scream.

"Motherfucker !!!"

Andrew came out .....

The whole corridor burst out laughing

He had garbage on his head ...he was stinking, covered in mud ...

And ....his face was covered in red .

I failed miserably to hold my laugh.

The best part of these pranks were ...

Nobody ever knew it was me .

Because i take my revenge when they least expect it .

"Today was total fun....." Peach exclaimed

"I know " I reply

"Alright see ya tomorrow "she waves at me and i smiled

"Bye bitches ....and ...Anna ... you are officially my favourite human being " Amber said

I laughed .

"Ok bye bye ..."Natalie said .

We hugged as separated towards our way .

While walking i felt a uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach ..

Must be my periods ...

I feel like someone is watching me .

I must be paranoid.

I made it home and was greeted my my mom and dad .

Mom stopped cutting the fruits and smiled .

"Think of the devil ...and here she is "

I pouted .

"Mummy !!" I hugged and kissed her cheek .

I went to my dad and gave him a kiss on his cheek before sitting on the sofa .

Am i forgetting some thing ?


Shirt .

Shoes .

Comb .


Cell phone .

Wattpad .


I jumped from the sofa and ran in the kitchen.

"Whats the matter ?" Mom asked

I opened up my cabinet of snacks expecting yummy gummy bears and Nutella. ...

But all i got was my bag of chips .


"Hush ...calm down .." Dad said

"No dad ..oh my god ..please dont tell me that good for nothing snacks stealer stole them "

Mom and dad looked at each other .

"I am home ...oh shit " The thief arrive.

I kept my hands on my hips and gave him a nasty glare .

Mom and dad sighted and both made their way out to the living room .

As soon as they were out i started .

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU !!!??? , how times have i told you not's .chocolate. you understand how much we suffer through? A girl needs her chocolate at the end of the day ....i-" i was cut off by him ....raising his hands .

Heaven. ..thats all i though when i saw the thing in his hands .

No diamonds nor gold is compared to it ...

CUP CAKES !!!!!!

It hit me like a alarm.

I jumped looking at those 6 cupcakes .

3 were red velvet and 3 were dark chocolate.

"Oh my godd......i love you bro ."

He sighted ...

"Ya ...after lecturing me "

I kissed him on the cheek and opened up the box only to be greeted by the amazing smell of chocolate.

"Aaron sweeti are late "mom said .

"Don't blame me ....i had to go and buy something for Anna so that she doesn't irritate me "

I rolled my eyes and wiped the chocolate off my mouth .

"Ok i am going to my room gotta do so home work "

I kept the box in my cabinet and went upstairs.

I was was now done with my study ....

I look at the clock to see it was almost 8 .

My phone vibrated making me jump .

I had received a text from ............ ."the fruit "

'Yo ! ....i'll pick you up tomorrow be ready by 7:45 "

I send a reply saying .

"Thank youuuuuu.....see ya "

After somewhat cleaning my room i finally get into bed ...

Time for my beauty sleep .