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Royal Majesty

Royal Majesty

Autor: Sasha1

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Royal Majesty PDF Free Download


Every vampire heir was supposed to turn naturally at the age of five. He was still human at fifteen. Suddenly home was no longer safe. He could feel them everywhere and they could almost taste his innocent blood at the tip of their fangs. Human! Their eyes glowed. Human! Their senses peeked. Their prince was human. Run Adam Run. He ran. For seven years he hid. They forgot about him. Then a new queen was crowned. The daughter of the traitor that ruined his life. Just when he thought his life could be normal, the hunt began again and he had no idea if it was because he was seen as a threat or because few years back, he might have just rejected her as mate. She was the icy vampire General. Her mere presence screamed power. Her cold eyes discharged fear. Her aura commanded submission. After she was tricked into relinquishing her throne to her sister, she was made to take to take an oath of allegiance, to protect her sister for the rest of her life. But Evangel was no angel. If she couldn't physically hurt her sister then she could hurt the mate. For her revenge, she was ready to play his game of hide and seek.
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Chapter 1

Breathe Adam. Breathe.

My legs wouldn't stop burning. My ribs were threatening to tear out of my skin. My lung burned from lack of oxygen.

Breathe Adam Breathe.

My vision was blurred with tears. My throat was dry and dehydrated. My whole body was covered in sweat

Breathe Adam Breathe.

They were coming. They were behind me. They were naturally faster but I couldn't stop. Even when the angels of death were just behind.

Breathe Adam Breathe.

They were just discovering I was gone. It would only take seconds for them to catch me. Nothing could outrun them.

Hide. Hide. Hide.

I reached for the oil in my sachel and applied it quickly on my body. Holding on to the nearest tree branch, I forced myself up.

Breathe Adam Breathe.

The sudden rush of wind told me they were closeby. Branch by branch, I pushed into the canopy of leaves. I settled at the top, hiding among the leaves. I glanced down. don't breathe. Don't breathe...

They stopped just below me, squinting their eyes to see beyond the night. Ears peaked to pick up to the slightest sound. Skin tamed to feel the slightest displacement of air.

Don't breathe. Don't breathe.

"I can't pick his scent, commander" One spoke. My heart kept pounding a million times harder.

"I know. The scent might be gone but he's still here. Comb the entire forest. He's here somewhere" The Commander's cold voice made every hair on my skin stand.

I know him. I know all of them.

Traitors. Traitors. Traitors.

Gaziah, my father's second-in-command. The others were soldiers. Soldiers who took an oath of loyalty to the kingdom and my father.

You're not one of them. They're all traitors. Traitors.

I glanced down in disdain as more arrived and spread into the forest. I remembered the reason I was running in the first place. The reason I was goin through all these. Tears strolled down my cheeks.

"Commander, you need to return at once" Another voice spoke suddenly. I think he's just arriving. I sighed in relief.

"The palace has been breached. The royal family are under attack" He continued and a gasp escaped my lips.

I quickly forced a hand over my mouth and thankfully they were too distracted by the news to notice. My family is under attack?. My chest tightened.

Breathe Adam Breathe.

"Retreat to the palace at once" Gaziah commanded and tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched them zoom off. A son escaped my lips. It was all my fault. All my fault for being different.

All my fault for being a weak pathetic human!

Tears flowed freely down my cheeks. I remained on the spot, crying my pathetic self out. I did this. I caused it all. My family is going to pay for my mistakes.

Why didn't I turn like every royal blood?.

Why couldn't I be a full blooded vampire like I was supposed to?. Why human? Why human?.

It was too late to change anything. If I had to live then I had to move. It'd be only a matter of time before they find me. I jumped off the tree and resumed running through the dark silent forest.

I kept running without looking back. Then I heard rushing of water and I took an inward sigh. The waterfall was the link between our dark world and the humans' merry earth.

Almost there...just a little more...

I reached the waterfall but before I could think of stopping, a force sent me to the ground. Panic set in immediately. I have been caught! Caught! Caught! Caught!.

Tears pricked my eyes. I'm going to die.

"So delicious" A feminine voice whispered. My breath hitchd as I felt her fangs on my neck. I couldn't tell what she looked like cause she attacked me from behind.

"P..please let go.." My voice cracked as I pleaded. Even though I knew she didn't literally have a functioning heart, a part of me hopef that the metal in her chest could at least melt a little.

"So pleasant..your scent.." she whimpered ignoring my plea. Why didn't I apply more of that oil?. I knew there was no way out.

"Mine... you're mine..." Her possessive voice bellowed and that was when I truly panicked. I reached inside my sachel withou thinking and grabbed the silver blade. Without second thoughts, I thrust the blade into her side.

"No... I don't w..want to be y-yours" I cried, shoving her off and dived into the river. I swam away ignoring her agony.