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My Revenge Goddess

My Revenge Goddess

Autor: Blazerema

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My Revenge Goddess PDF Free Download


Heartbroken, as Scott leaves her to be with Samantha, Charm loses herself and becomes depressed. Her best friend Trisha introduces her to Her Revenge Goddess. As everything turns out and goes out smoothly for her. Charm Finds out after some secrets are in veiled that her Goddess could be the cause of her happiness or sadness. Now she's faced with a hard choice to hurt or To be hurt.
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Chapter 1

Despite the rain that night, Charm could hear the heavy breathing of Scott against her own. She wondered why he was so angry with her, She had only asked for took her a while to realize that he had become tired of her....

She moved towards him, Holding his right cold arm, wondering if his heart was as cold as this, She looked at his brown eyes, the eyes that held her once spell bond to him, the eyes that lured her..Those beautiful eyes remained beautiful even that night, She slowly realized what she would lose "Scott.." He glared at her, taking his hands off her. "Don't call my name..." Tears welled in "I Love you.. Scott.." He gave a short mocking laugh" oh really now?...I said don't call my name!" Charm hugged him forcefully and tightly like her life depended on it.."I lost Myself..I am are my all...Scott, this is something you know...I mean you should" She said them crying at the same time..."We are Forever Scott...we.."Scott pulled her off.."I think you had better leave...." He showed no emotion as he took her to the door...She tried to speak up.."Charm .. Don't you get it!..Our forever ends here!"

That was one week ago..Now Trisha her best friend visited her once in awhile...Charm was the definition of Depression..she locked herself indoors.

"How can a Forever end.. Trish" she asked her best friend who sat on the edge of her bed comforting her.."I would have known the answer to that question 3million times ago when you asked me...but guess what I don't" Trish frowned "I hate Scott for doing this to you....How could he Be So inconsiderate" Charm buried her face in her pillow." Trish slapped her back a little"would you get up and behave like a human being already? Am tired of you looking like the former shadow of yourself, c'mon let's go outside, the sun hasn't seen you in awhile"

"I don't need to" charm replied coldly

"Well Charming....The summer is almost over and am not gonna let my daughter ruin her life over some boy that became a temporary part of her life" Charm and Trish turned to where the voice was and saw Charm's mum walking in with snacks in a tray ."Mum do you seriously have to baby sit me?...ain't you supposed to be at work?" Charm scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Well I went online and saw something about teenage depression and all that...I didn't want you to do those things those kids horribly did to themselves"

Charm sighed " you are being over dramatic mentally and physically"

Trish laughed " Thanks Mrs Wilson for being caring...but I think this is the job for a best friend"

Charm looked at both of them and sighed, when Mrs Smith was gone, Trish smiled mischievously..."give me your phone?" She moved and dragged Charm's phone, from the table.

"What do you need it for?"

"I am getting you a revenge Goddess"


"You will need me"

"I told you I don't believe in those kind of magic stuffs....they ain't real...Trish"

Trish laughed" And yet you are best friends with a magic lover and weirdo"

Charm gave up and laid down

"All you have to do is" Trish showed"tap this button on your phone, write your name and your Goddess will appear"

Charm looked at her with no emotion" Am still wondering why am not a mad person just hanging out with you".

That night she stared at the revenge Goddess icon and laughed. She didn't Click on it and she forgot all about it. The Next day.


"What is the beauty of beginning

If their forever has no ending"


That Monday morning, When classes had resumed, Charm got herself together and prepared for school, getting everything ready she felt prepared but alittle unprepared to meet Scott. "Good morning Mr Freeman" she greeted the security guard who looked quite unhappy that morning"miss Smith, it is just me or does this summer for some reason seem to have been shorter than usual" Charm gave a little smile "The feeling is mutual Mr Freeman, she swung her backpack on her right shoulder and moved in, For some reason she smiled When she saw the class hall, moving to her locker she picked out her history book. "Am not gonna look defeated especially in front of you Scott"..She muttered to herself .on entering the classroom she met a few other classmates of hers, who seemed surprised to see her but she ignored their expressions and sat behind her desk. Freda was the first to make a move, Charm hadn't seen her approaching because her eyes was on Scott's desk which was a sit role behind hers but close to the window which was far from hers which was close to the wall.

"Hi baby girl.." Freda greeted while sitting on Trisha's desk which was in front of Charm's. Charm replied looking at her" what's up?"

Freda smiled"well alot..."She was about to keep talking but Trisha came in at the last minute and cut her short "Freda, this is the first day for the term and you are already unleashing your bad habits on my poor friend" Freda scoffed" I just wanted to ask a question...."Trisha gave a short mocking laugh"it sure, looked like a question, Now if you wouldn't mind get of my desk"

Freda stood up and moved out angrily, muttering.

"What was that?" Charm asked Freda. Trish tried to intervene"No Trish she seemed eager to tell or ask me let her"

Freda smiled and turned around"I thought you and Scott were in a relationship?" Charm swallowed hard and tried to look as normal as possible" ended things this summer" Freda acted shocked but ofcourse it was very easy to identify that most of her emotions were mainly to criticize or mock ."That soon...he really Moved on quickly.." Charm became confused "Moved on?, What do you mean" Trish finally got Mad and stood up "Freda....You have Overstayed your welcome can you please leave now!" Freda frowned "Fine...I don't know what makes you so irritable all the time"

Trish replied "A lot of things babe, but you sure are on the list."

When Freda left. Charm looked at Trisha Quizzically"Trish start talking..." Trish sighed" Scott's dating someone else"

Charm stared at her in astonishment, "He's dating..." The door to the entrance of the classroom got opened before she could continue, Everyone turned their eyes to the door as Scott moved in Holding hands with Samantha, Everything went still and for a moment Charm felt like she couldn't breathe, She had to leave the class, she couldn't stand it. Trisha Followed suit as she raced to the females bathroom.

"How could he do this to me!"

Trish tried consoling her...."Charm am sorry, you had to see that.."

Charm began to cry, she felt so sad, the burden was Soo heavy, that she started to breath awkwardly. Trisha helped her wash her face and after awhile they moved back to the class.

It was David's one of Charm's classmates, house party that Friday night. Trish somehow managed to Make Charm join her.

Everywhere seemed pretty lit and Fun, but Charm could only find solace in the wine, She felt the need to step outside and grab some air, so she told Trish and moved, Somewhere around the corner close to some trees stood Scott, He seemed to be alone, He was leaning on one of the trees and staring at the Moon, Charm tried to Go to him but stopped when she saw Samantha Move close to him with drinks in her hand. Being Close enough to hear their discussion, Charm could hear Scott Calling Samantha Names that he Never called Her.

"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me Sam..."She heard him say and immediately she fumed and rushed to where he was "You Bastard!" She grabbed his shirt Pushing Samantha away.

"You are Nothing but a user!, I HATE YOU!" Scott looking surprised tried to push her away from him."Charm?" He mentioned her name like an acquaintance would "Are you drunk?"

It took awhile before Charm's little drama caught the attention of others at the party and Trish rushed to intervene "Charm!, What is wrong with you?"

Samantha seemingly out of breath shouted "You should probably cage her or something...You friend doesn't understand the concept of Moving on" Charm stared at Scott, She wasn't hurt at all at the things Samantha said to her, She was hurt that Scott couldn't defend her.

She watched as Samantha and Scott Moved away, Trish took Her Home and when the pulled up in front of her house she looked down and began to cry"What came over you?"Trish asked concerned.

Charm sobbed "Trish....Has anyone ever made you hate yourself...For no reason...Has anyone Ever Left Such a wound inside you that seemed so hard to heal, I wanna just wake up one morning and stop feeling hopeless, I wanna quit feeling miserable but it hurts!" She shouted hitting the car

Dashboard "It hurts so bad... Why Trish? Why?...Doesn't he feel this could he move on so soon?"

Trish felt Soo sorry for Her, she just didn't know what to tell Charm, it took awhile before she could take her to her room, Charm's parents were not around. So Trish wanted to sleep over, but on Charm's refusal she went home.