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Watch As The Moon Rises

Watch As The Moon Rises

Autor: Crescent Moon

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Watch As The Moon Rises PDF Free Download


A young wolf girl runs away from her home. She craves adventure, her name Nightwolf Crescent. Who is this dark mysterious wolf boy she meet? Will she survive? Will she find out the truth about him? Will he know her secrets? Read to find out.
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Chapter 1


Upon a dark, quiet night an Abalonian princess whisked herself away within the calm caress of darkness. Her lavender eyes shone brightly within the darkened time as the crunching of grass was to be the only sound heard. Cries of her past name haunted her as the dark memories gathered in her once optimistic mind.

“NightWolf Crescent!” The screech would alarm. “Come back young one! Your father was just a… play thing that didn’t fight back as much as we’d hope.”

She’d retch at the notion before continuing her quiet escape to find the path of quiet creatures that fueled her hunger for adventure and freedom.

Waking up with the whispers of wind humming through her ears and soft, luscious locks, her pointed ears would prick towards the slight movements of the whispering grass and laughing flowers. Attempting to stand, the startled female stood on quivering legs as all she remembers was passing out in the ink of night after trailing the clan of elves and dwarfs.

Out of the green painted bushes, bright-oceanic blue eyes peeked out from the waving leaves before they softened with a calming gaze.

“Hello, young one.” A voice murmured from behind the girl.

She whips around with doe eyes; her lavender orbs investigating this cloaked being. “It’s alright.” The voice would laugh. “I’m just like you: an… elf of sorts. May I take your name, ma’lady?”

He soon removed his darkened hood, underneath encapsulated in a now summer haze. There he was 6’0ft, an inverted triangle body. Crescent was mesmerized by his abs. His snowy white locks inraptured her sense before she answered his call. She was bewitched by his beauty.

“I’m… Moon… Crescent Moon.”

Crescent says “what might your name be, handsome?”

Midnight says, “M’lady, my name is Wolf…..Midnight Wolf.”

5 years have passed since I ran away. I'm being hunted now. My father wants me back at the castle but I refuse to go. I don’t want to marry a prince. I want to marry Midnight. He’s been nothing but caring and sweet to me since we met. I love him so much. He’s soo hand….

Midnight says “Crescent. Crescent. CRESCENT!”

“Yes?” I say, “I was thinking of something really good before you interrupted.”

“Sorry,” Midnight said, “I wanted to know what we are doing today. We’ve been in the same place for a couple of days.”

“I know,” I said, “We’ll leave soon.”

I have a bounty on my head. My father is trying to get me home no matter what it takes. I'm being hunted by Vulmar Venxina

A.K.A The Royal Killer

He’s been hunting me for months now. I escape before he even knows where I am so by the time he gets there I'm gone. We’re on the move.

The smell of cherry blossoms and roses painted the air as the quiet female hummed with a soft understanding of her surroundings.

I cocked my bow with my eyes covered in a silk cage. Lifting my fingers with a whisper of a movement, I released my arrow as the string snapped its weapon forward. I sighed in quiet appreciation before flopping down within the newly flowering meadow. I lifted my hands to gather a bushel of budding wild flowers into my newly calloused palms.

“It’s been five years…,” I hum aloud. “And I still miss you, father.”

Softly lowering my eyelashes with a fluttering movement, I reclined farther into the flowers and grasses with a last sigh.

‘I guess I’ll have to wait for my story to truly begin…’

As midnight was walking through the meadow he tripped over me

“Crescent,” Midnight said, ” Where are you? M’lady, are yo….”

“Ouch!” I said “ Amore, You stepped on me.”

“Sorry M'lady,” He said “ I was looking for you. M’lady watch out!”

There it was a dagger flying at me. It was gold with a light blue ribbon on the handle. I move my head just as the dagger nicks my ear. I could feel the rush of the cold wind passing my face. I could almost see the ripples in the air.

“I am Vulmar Venxina.” He said'' Nightwolf, I'm here to bring you home.” He looks up. I think he was surprised by my beauty because he turned red and froze.

I never knew what he looked like. I just knew he was hunting me. He looked maybe 6’5ft tall with piercing indigo blue eyes. A muscular but skinny body, dark-hued skin. Short curly fair hair.

“That’s not my name anymore,” I say, “I’m never going home!”

He looked surprised I would be that aggressive. I didn’t want to go back, I won't. He’ll have to drag my dead body back to the castle. I would rather die fighting for my life then go back.

“Crescent runnnn!” Midnight says.

“Not without you Amore.” I says

“Goooooo! Please I beg you, Crescent. Gooooo!”

As I'm running away I turn and look behind me. I see Vulmar hit midnight with a dagger in his leg. I stop and scream” NOOooooooo! MIDNIGHT!”

Midnight sees that I stopped in my tracks looking toward him.


I start running again but I have my head turned looking at what’s happening to Midnight. Vulmar has Midnight by his hair dragging him to a cage. Memories are coming back to when I met a fair skinned, dark eyed, brunette haired with red streak, an hourglass body, beauty, her name was Precious Sunflower, I was in love with her. People didn’t like girls liking girls in that decade. She was bullied for “Not being pretty enough” ,“ for being adopted and “ for liking me. ” It's been 5 years and I still can’t accept what has happened, I'm still angry at myself. I should have known. I should have stopped her. I'm running with my eyes closed. I can feel the crunching of the soft yet hard leaves beneath my feet. I have tears dripping down my face. It felt like I was crying an ocean of tears. They wouldn’t stop dropping like leaves in the fall. As I ran I reached a clearing. I could see it through my tear filled eyes. I stopped and fell to my knees. It started to rain. It’s almost like mother nature knew it was a dreadful day. I could feel the raindrop on my soft, tan skin. I look up into the deep dark grey clouds.

“Why. WHYYYYY! Why me. I had something great. Why did you take him away? MIDNIGHTTTT! I’M SOrry please forgive me.” I screamed until my lungs hurt.

My heart hurt like someone shot an arrow through it. My heart aches for my beloved. I'm overcome with vexation. I had a dragon’s wrath, a flame that ignited in me when I saw Midnight dragged away from me. I don’t know what’s happening to me. I feel something trying to get out. My eyes turn an amber gold. My eyes got bigger. My mouth got wide and longer with sharper teeth.

“What’s happening to me.” I yell in pain.

As every bone in my body is breaking and rearranging. My bones were making crunching, “Pop” “crack” “snap” noises. My memories of a forgotten day are all flooding back to me. Like a flowing river of knowledge. When I was a child, 9 years old, on a full moon after I went through puberty for the first time. I transformed into a were-elf. My mother being a powerful elf witch, along with some of my other family members. Casted a spell to suppress my werewolf part that I had gotten from my father. I could hear my mother in the background chanting.

She was saying,”Ex spiritum in taculum, En terrum incendium, phasmatos salves a distum.”

She was saying it over and over and her family and the other witches started chanting it too.

The pain of losing Midnight must have unlocked my werewolf side. The vengeance my wolf side feels after watching Midnight getting ripped from my life, was unreal. It felt so bloodthirsty. My senses are stronger. I’m quicker. I can hear for miles. I’ve never felt so strong. This whole time I felt like something was missing and now I have it back. No one can stop me from getting midnight back.

I get up eager to go back and fight for Midnight’s freedom. I was thirsty for blood and I wasn't gonna stop until I got it. I wasn’t ready to lose everything again. My heart was beating erratically. My breathing was getting heavy. I start running back to where I last saw Midnight. I could smell his blood from miles away. I could hear his voice whispering my name.

“Crescent, I hope you got away,” Midnight said.