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Reversing My Time

Reversing My Time

Autor: PickledPlums

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Reversing My Time PDF Free Download


Jannilyn Rodriguez, the woman proclaimed by society as a vicious and evil girl, sacrificed a lot and offered everything she had just for the sake of getting Chandler Delgado, the man of her dreams. That was until she found out that he was not worthy of those things. Because of him, Jannilyn lost her family, her wealth, and ruined the life of Gio Santiago, the man who is in love with her since their childhood days. When Jannilyn received the antic hourglass from her grandma on her wedding day with Chandler, she was surprised to see herself going back in her twenty-one years old self. Now Jannilyn is given a chance to fix all the things she destroyed and prevent herself from breaking the things she realized late as important. Choosing the man who deserves her love, Jannilyn Rodriguez is determined to show the world how an evil girl loves her loyal and genuine man.
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Chapter 1

"Congratulations on your wedding!"

"I hope you two will become a happy couple for the rest of your lives."

"You two are really a match made in heaven!"

"What a beautiful bride and handsome groom."

"They will surely have a great life in the future."

"The bride is truly blessed by the heavens!"

"Finally! Jannilyn has found her perfect match!"


Today is her wedding day.

Jannilyn should be happy, right? After all, this is what she wanted to happen for a long time. It was Jannilyn's dream to become the lawfully wedded wife of Chandler Delgado, the man she pursued for a very long time. She dreamed a long time ago to walk on an aisle where her soon to be husband is waiting for her at the altar. And today, Jannilyn has finally made that dream come true.

But Jannilyn feels dull, detached and lifeless as she watches the wedding—Her own wedding—happen right in front of her eyes. The smiling faces of their guests make her feel nauseous and dizzy. She feels like running away from this luxurious yet suffocating wedding but the arm wrapped around her waist is like a chain that prevents her from doing all of it.


Turning her head, Jannilyn saw the face of the man she married today. He is wearing a white suit that matches his angelic face. His handsome face carried a happy smile that shows their guest how happy he is to marry her.

But is it really a smile of happiness because of their wedding?

He is faking it.

It took Jannilyn to understand and see it. But the gentle smiles on Chandler's lips are all but pretense and acting. Jannilyn thought if Chandler will marry her, she can put a real happy smile on his lips.

But she is completely wrong.

"We should greet our guests, Jannilyn."

Jannilyn had looked at him a lot of times. She can no longer count how many times she dreamed of seeing his handsome face every morning once she wakes up. But this is the first time that Jannilyn has to look at him with observing eyes.

When Chandler saw Jannilyn looking at him, he gave her a sweet smile. But instead of her usual gazes filled with adoration and love, Jannilyn gave him a disgusted look. The sweet smile on Chandler's face stiffened but he quickly fix it before anyone can see it. Like a considerate husband, Chandler helps Jannilyn to walk in her heavy wedding dress.

They walk towards their guests and Chandler greeted them with a smile that can be translated as a smile of a happy man who finally married his beloved woman. Every guest who is invited to the wedding is raising their champagne glass to toast for them. Chandler even listens to the requests of the elders to kiss his bride.

One guest noticed that Jannilyn's smile is a bit strained. She just made an excuse saying the heels she is wearing today are already killing her feet. That statement made a few guests laugh before they told the groom to let his wife have a rest first. Chandler excused themselves for a bit before bringing Jannilyn to the resting room.

"Do you want me to call mom to accompany you?" Chandler asked with a soft smile on his face.

"...No need. Just lock the door once you leave. I will go out after I change my shoes."

Chandler stares at his wife. He let out a soft sigh before reaching for her hand. Chandler holds it gently as if she is a fragile glass. He is also looking at her with overflowing gentleness in his eyes. If it was before, she will be swept off her feet in an instant.

But Jannilyn is no longer willing to be deceived by him.

So why did she say yes and promised to stay on this man's aide in front of the altar earlier?

Because Jannilyn thinks she has no one on her side anymore.

"Jannilyn, we are now husband and wife. You can always ask me if there is something that troubles you." Chandler said in a doting voice.

"...I know. You should go back now. Our guests are all from important and rich families. They must be bored since no one is entertaining them." Jannilyn said while pulling her hand away from him.

Chandler's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. But he quickly put himself under control. He returns the affectionate look on his face while facing his newly wedded wife.

"Don't speak nonsense now, Jannilyn. You are still more important than our guests today."

Jannilyn no longer opens her mouth to speak. She also lowered her head so Chandler cannot see the expression on his face. She heard him letting out a soft sigh before he walks toward the door.

"You should go back to the reception area after you get a little rest and change your shoes. I will be waiting for you, okay?"

Chandler did not wait for her response and left her alone inside the resting room. The sounds of footsteps are slowly fading into the background until the silence quickly enveloped the room.