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My Demonic Summoning Book

My Demonic Summoning Book

Autor: kentaro12100

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My Demonic Summoning Book PDF Free Download


Penny, an 18-year-old girl tired of her monotonous life and overwhelmed by her family’s debts, decided to find a solution to her problems. Fortunately for her, at a garage sale, she found a book of dark magic that contained information on summoning magical creatures. So she decided to perform the ritual. She went to an old abandoned canning factory where she decided to perform the ritual included in the book. However, something would go wrong and her life would change forever because the dark side of the world becomes visible to her also she gets a demon husband.
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Chapter 1

In the city of Pebble, a large number of people could be seen working hard for the arrival of the new year.

The city government was preparing everything necessary to hold a big party because not only would the new year be celebrated, but it was also the 150th anniversary of the founding of the city.

While most people were making the necessary preparations to be able to hold the big party in the city, in a small house in the suburbs, things were different.

Penny, an 18-year-old girl, was sitting on her bed while she listened to her parents’ argument. Although it wasn’t the first time it had happened, she didn’t like to hear her family fight.

‘All our problems are because of that damn loan my father used to invest in his friend’s business, but who knew the bastard ran off with my father’s money.

I told my father it was a bad idea, but he never listened to me. Now we are thousands of dollars in debt…’

Penny interrupted her thoughts when she could hear her father leaving the house so angrily, she could only take a deep breath before going to bed so she could sleep.

Because she just didn’t want to leave her room for fear of seeing her mother’s gaunt face.

The next day, she got up as usual and had a quick bath. When she came out of her room, she looked at the table and noticed there was a sandwich and some cold coffee.

This made her feel a great deal of helplessness, as the debts incurred by her family had directly affected the simple lifestyle they had been leading.

Before the debts, they could be considered a conventional middle class family. However, after the loss of the money, her situation became quite desperate.

Sitting at the table, she took the sandwich with her hands and ate in silence because her parents were working hard to try to pay the high interest on the loan.

When she finished breakfast, she washed her plate, and she left her house because just being in her house made her feel quite depressed.

On her way out, she looked at the herbs in her garden and shook her head before starting to walk towards the nearby park where she liked to spend time.

As she walked through the pleasant neighborhood, he had the urge to turn her head. It was as if something had unconsciously caught her attention.

It was at that precise moment that she could see a mobile home parked in an abandoned lot in which there was supposed to be nothing.

With some curiosity, she noticed that there was a sign that said open. This completely surprised her because she never imagined that someone could sell things in that abandoned land.

Knowing that she had nothing better to do, she decided to walk over to the trailer, as she was curious to see what they would sell.

After crossing the street and walking a bit, she was able to get to the front of the mobile home where she could see that the door was open, inviting him to enter.

With nothing to lose, she entered the mobile home and was surprised to see many objects, which seemed to be arranged in a rather curious way.

She was also surprised to see how a small mobile home had been converted into a store with a somewhat dark theme.

Looking curiously around, she could see on a shelf a small black leather book which caught her attention.

As she stretched out her hand and took the book with her hand, she felt a kind of electric shock run through his body, but it wasn’t something that bothered her.

So she took it in her hand and stared at it.

“I see that the book of invocations caught your attention, miss. Without a doubt, you have quite curious taste since not everyone dares to take a book of magic without having any knowledge of the paranormal.

I can tell you that you were lucky this time, however since you took it and the book I accept you. I can sell it to you for $1.”

Penny looked at the book in her hand and with some curiosity she looked at the woman who was sitting in a small chair. The woman had beautiful dark skin and black hair.

But what caught her attention the most were the blue eyes she had and the clothes that seemed to be from the last century.

“This book is magical?”

The woman nodded and gave Penny a smile. “Magic is more complex than you may think, however if we analyze things in a simpler way it is correct to say that the book you have in your hand is magical.

In his book that belonged to one of the most powerful witches of antiquity, due to the age in which it was written, he developed a small conscience so that the book can choose its owner.

It can be said that this time you have been lucky or maybe it is your destiny, in any case I am only a humble seller of magical objects.

Although I know that these words cannot convince you of anything, you should know that ignorance is a blessing.

But since you came into contact with that book you must be prepared because you will definitely enter the realm of the unknown.

This is not a threat, it is a warning, because once you see the abyss, the abyss will also look at you.”

Penny, who heard this felt somewhat uncomfortable, but her curiosity was greater than her fear, so she opened her bag and took out a dollar bill, which she handed to the woman.

The woman receiving the note showed a satisfied face. “Since I can see that you are a strong woman I will give you some friendly advice.

You must hurry to perform the summoning ritual in your book because you may end up calling the attention of strange creatures, since you have natural magic.

Also, remember to perform the ritual in a remote area because you can cause an accident, although you can also do it at home.

In the end, the decision is in your hands. I hope that when we meet again, you are still alive.”

Penny swallowed hard and got ready to leave that place because she was afraid of staying longer in that place.